// seleziona e deseleziona un gruppo di checkbox function setCheckboxes(form_name, do_check) { var numberOf_elements = document.forms[form_name].elements.length; for (var i = 0; i < numberOf_elements; i++) { var this_element = document.forms[form_name].elements[i]; if (this_element.type == "checkbox") this_element.checked = do_check; } return true; } // visualizza l'anteprima di una icona function icon_preview(preview_element, icon_path, select_name) { //alert(select_name.value); //alert(document.getElementById(preview_element).src); //alert(document.getElementById(preview_element).style.visibility); if (select_name.value!='') { document.getElementById(preview_element).style.visibility='visible'; document.getElementById(preview_element).style.position='relative'; document.getElementById(preview_element).src = icon_path + select_name.value; } else { document.getElementById(preview_element).style.visibility='hidden'; document.getElementById(preview_element).style.position='absolute'; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HasClassName // // Description : returns boolean indicating whether the object has the class name // built with the understanding that there may be multiple classes // // Arguments: // objElement - element to manipulate // strClass - class name to add // function HasClassName(objElement, strClass) { // if there is a class if (objElement.className) { // the classes are just a space separated list, so first get the list var arrList = objElement.className.split(' '); // get uppercase class for comparison purposes var strClassUpper = strClass.toUpperCase(); // find all instances and remove them for (var i = 0; i < arrList.length; i++) { // if class found if (arrList[i].toUpperCase() == strClassUpper) { // we found it return true; } } } // if we got here then the class name is not there return false; } // // HasClassName // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AddClassName // // Description : adds a class to the class attribute of a DOM element // built with the understanding that there may be multiple classes // // Arguments: // objElement - element to manipulate // strClass - class name to add // function AddClassName(objElement, strClass, blnMayAlreadyExist) { // if there is a class if (objElement.className) { // the classes are just a space separated list, so first get the list var arrList = objElement.className.split(' '); // if the new class name may already exist in list if (blnMayAlreadyExist) { // get uppercase class for comparison purposes var strClassUpper = strClass.toUpperCase(); // find all instances and remove them for (var i = 0; i < arrList.length; i++) { // if class found if (arrList[i].toUpperCase() == strClassUpper) { // remove array item arrList.splice(i, 1); // decrement loop counter as we have adjusted the array's contents i--; } } } // add the new class to end of list arrList[arrList.length] = strClass; // add the new class to beginning of list //arrList.splice(0, 0, strClass); // assign modified class name attribute objElement.className = arrList.join(' '); } // if there was no class else { // assign modified class name attribute objElement.className = strClass; } } // // AddClassName // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RemoveClassName // // Description : removes a class from the class attribute of a DOM element // built with the understanding that there may be multiple classes // // Arguments: // objElement - element to manipulate // strClass - class name to remove // function RemoveClassName(objElement, strClass) { // if there is a class if (objElement.className) { // the classes are just a space separated list, so first get the list var arrList = objElement.className.split(' '); // get uppercase class for comparison purposes var strClassUpper = strClass.toUpperCase(); // find all instances and remove them for (var i = 0; i < arrList.length; i++) { // if class found if (arrList[i].toUpperCase() == strClassUpper) { // remove array item arrList.splice(i, 1); // decrement loop counter as we have adjusted the array's contents i--; } } // assign modified class name attribute objElement.className = arrList.join(' '); } // if there was no class // there is nothing to remove } // // RemoveClassName // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // visualizza o nascondi un oggetto function show_hide(object_id, icon_element, icon_path){ div = document.getElementById(object_id); if (icon_element != '') { image = document.getElementById(icon_element); } /*alert(HasClassName(div, 'hidden')); alert('Prima: ' + div.className);*/ if (HasClassName(div, 'hidden') == true) { /*AddClassName(div, 'show', true);*/ RemoveClassName(div, 'hidden'); if (icon_element != '') { //image.src = icon_path + "view_right.gif"; image.src = icon_path + "view_down.gif"; } } else { AddClassName(div, 'hidden', true); /*RemoveClassName(div, 'show');*/ if (icon_element != '') { //image.src = icon_path + "view_down.gif"; image.src = icon_path + "view_right.gif"; } } /*alert('Dopo: ' + div.className);*/ } // limita i caratteri presenti in una textarea o in un textbox function limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limitField.value.length > limitNum) { limitField.value = limitField.value.substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount.value = limitNum - limitField.value.length; } } function dynamicSelect(id1, id2) { // Browser and feature tests to see if there is enough W3C DOM support var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_ie = ((agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (agt.indexOf("opera") == -1)); var is_mac = (agt.indexOf("mac") != -1); if (!(is_ie && is_mac) && document.getElementById && document.getElementsByTagName) { // Obtain references to both select boxes var sel1 = document.getElementById(id1); var sel2 = document.getElementById(id2); // Clone the dynamic select box var clone = sel2.cloneNode(true); // Obtain references to all cloned options var clonedOptions = clone.getElementsByTagName("option"); // Onload init: call a generic function to display the related options in the dynamic select box refreshDynamicSelectOptions(sel1, sel2, clonedOptions); // Onchange of the main select box: call a generic function to display the related options in the dynamic select box sel1.onchange = function() { refreshDynamicSelectOptions(sel1, sel2, clonedOptions); }; } } function refreshDynamicSelectOptions(sel1, sel2, clonedOptions) { // Delete all options of the dynamic select box while (sel2.options.length) { sel2.remove(0); } // Create regular expression objects for "select" and the value of the selected option of the main select box as class names var pattern1 = /( |^)(select)( |$)/; var pattern2 = new RegExp("( |^)(" + sel1.options[sel1.selectedIndex].value + ")( |$)"); // Iterate through all cloned options for (var i = 0; i < clonedOptions.length; i++) { // If the classname of a cloned option either equals "select" or equals the value of the selected option of the main select box if (clonedOptions[i].className.match(pattern1) || clonedOptions[i].className.match(pattern2)) { // Clone the option from the hidden option pool and append it to the dynamic select box sel2.appendChild(clonedOptions[i].cloneNode(true)); } } } // sostituto di target="_blank" function externalLinks() { if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return; var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i=0; i min_size) var new_font_size = String ( ( parseFloat ( current_size ) - size_unit ) ) + "%"; else { var new_font_size = current_size; } // imposto la nuova dimensione dei font //alert(new_font_size); body.style.fontSize = new_font_size; // salvo la nuova dimensione dei font nel cookie if (action == "increase" || action == "decrease" || readCookie('dg_font_size') == null) createCookie('dg_font_size', escape ( body.style.fontSize ), 365); } // carica le funzioni che devono essere caricate onload window.onload = function() { setFontSize('read'); externalLinks(); } // casella che si cancella al click del mouse function delDefaultValue(elem) { elemChange = document.getElementById(elem); if (elemChange.value == elemChange.defaultValue) { elemChange.value=''; } elemChange.style.color = '#000'; } function checkEmptyValue(elem) { elemChange = document.getElementById(elem); if (elemChange.value == '') { elemChange.style.color = '#bbb'; elemChange.value = elemChange.defaultValue; } }