Examples: -------- Imaging a device to a single output file with generation of md5 and sha1 hashes of the device: $ ./dc3dd if=/dev/sda of=suspect.img hash=md5 hash=sha1 log=suspect.txt Imaging a device to a set of CD-sized output files with generation of md5 and and sha1 hashes of the device: $ ./dc3dd if=/dev/sda ofs=suspect.img.000 ofsz=650M hash=md5 hash=sha1 log=suspect.txt Imaging a device to both a single output file and to a set of CD-sized output files with generation of md5 and sha1 hashes of the device: $ ./dc3dd if=/dev/sda of=suspect.img of=suspect.img ofs=suspect.img.000 ofsz=650M hash=md5 hash=sha1 log=suspect.txt Imaging a device to both a single output file and to a set of CD-sized output files with generation of md5 and sha1 hashes of the device and md5 and sha1 hashes of the outputs: $ ./dc3dd if=/dev/sda of=suspect.img hof=suspect.img hofs=suspect.img.000 ofsz=650M hash=md5 hash=sha1 log=suspect.txt Restoring a set of image files to a device with verification hashes of only the bytes dc3dd writes to the device: $ ./dc3dd ifs=suspect.img.000 hof=/dev/sdb hash=md5 hash=sha1 log=suspect-restore.txt Restoring a set of image files to a device with verification hashes of both the bytes dc3dd writes to the device and the entire device: $ ./dc3dd ifs=suspect.img.000 fhod=/dev/sdb hash=md5 hash=sha1 log=suspect-restore.txt Wiping a drive: $ ./dc3dd wipe=/dev/sdb log=wipe.txt Wiping a drive with verification: $ ./dc3dd hwipe=/dev/sdb hash=md5 hash=sha1 log=wipe.txt