#!/usr/bin/perl # ~/.w3m/urimethodmap # e: file:/cgi-bin/goodict.cgi?%s Englich-Japanese # w: file:/cgi-bin/goodict.cgi?%s Japanese-English # j: file:/cgi-bin/goodict.cgi?%s Japanese # a: file:/cgi-bin/goodict.cgi?%s All # # e:0:word start with word # e:1:word perfect match # e:2:word end with word # e:3:word search body text # e:6:word search title # e:word perfect match use Encode; use Encode::Guess qw/euc-jp utf8/; $url = "http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp"; $_ = $ENV{"QUERY_STRING"}; if (/^e:/) { $kind = 'ej'; } elsif (/^w:/) { $kind = 'je'; } elsif (/^j:/) { $kind = 'jn'; } elsif (/^a:/) { $kind = 'all' } s@^[ewja]:@@ && s@^//@@ && s@/$@@; if (/^([01236]):/) { $mode=$1; s/^[01236]://; }else{ $mode="1"; } if ($_) { s/\+/ /g; s/%([\da-f][\da-f])/pack('C', hex($1))/egi; $_ = encode("utf8", decode("Guess", $_)); s/[\000-\040\+:#?&%<>"\177-\377]/sprintf('%%%02X', unpack('C', $&))/eg; $url .= "/srch/$kind/$_/m$mode"."u/"; } else { $input = "w3m-control: GOTO_LINK"; } print <