AlbumTypes Plugin

The albumtypes plugin adds the ability to format and output album types, such as “Album”, “EP”, “Single”, etc. For the list of available album types, see the MusicBrainz documentation.

To use the albumtypes plugin, enable it in your configuration (see Using Plugins). The plugin defines a new field $atypes, which you can use in your path formats or elsewhere.


To configure the plugin, make a albumtypes: section in your configuration file. The available options are:

  • types: An ordered list of album type to format mappings. The order of the mappings determines their order in the output. If a mapping is missing or blank, it will not be in the output.

  • ignore_va: A list of types that should not be output for Various Artists albums. Useful for not adding redundant information - various artist albums are often compilations.

  • bracket: Defines the brackets to enclose each album type in the output.

The default configuration looks like this:

        - ep: 'EP'
        - single: 'Single'
        - soundtrack: 'OST'
        - live: 'Live'
        - compilation: 'Anthology'
        - remix: 'Remix'
    ignore_va: compilation
    bracket: '[]'


With path formats configured like:

    default: $albumartist/[$year]$atypes $album/...
    albumtype:soundtrack Various Artists/$album [$year]$atypes/...
    comp: Various Artists/$album [$year]$atypes/...

The default plugin configuration generates paths that look like this, for example:

Aphex Twin/[1993][EP][Remix] On Remixes
Pink Floyd/[1995][Live] p·u·l·s·e
Various Artists/20th Century Lullabies [1999]
Various Artists/Ocean's Eleven [2001][OST]