Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include "Array.h"
6 #include <istream>
7 #include <ostream>
9 namespace casacore {
11 // Write out an ascii representation of an array of any dimensionality.
12 // Arrays of dimensionality 3 or greater are written out vector by vector,
13 // preceeded by the position of the start of the vector. If the origin of
14 // the array isn't zero it is printed. The shape of the array is always
15 // printed.
16 template<typename T, typename Alloc>
17 std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &, const Array<T, Alloc> &);
19 // Read an ascii representation of an array. All types with an <src><<</src>
20 // operator can be handled. The basic format of the input should be:
21 // <srcblock>
22 // [element element element ....]
23 // </srcblock>
24 // Elements are separated by whitespace, or a comma, optionally surrounded
25 // by white space. <br>
26 // <note role=warning> Some input routines read fields between blank spaces. This
27 // is (at the moment) especially true for Quantities and Strings.
28 // In those cases
29 // the separator should be blank (or a comma following a blank), and the
30 // end ']' should have a blank in front.
31 // A crude fix for String arrays having separators <src>,</src> and <src>]</src>
32 // without blanks preceding has been made; but slows routines down </note>
33 // The default input is a vector of unspecified length. The input shape
34 // can be changed by pre-pending the input with:
35 // <srcblock>
36 // {[shape]}
37 // </srcblock>
38 // where shape is an unsigned integer vector. The shape will be used to check
39 // the input length; and, depending on the possibility, to resize/reshape the
40 // result. However, reshaping of e.g. a Vector to a Matrix cannot be done, and
41 // the result will stay in the form asked.<br>
42 // Input order is row major, however by preceding the input with:
43 // <srcblock>
44 // {T[shape]}
45 // </srcblock>
46 // the order will be reversed.<br>
47 // Reshaping of the Array provided will depend on the type of Array and its
48 // state. If a general Array, the shape will be
49 // as defined by user. If fixed Array (e.g. Matrix, Vector, Cube) the number
50 // of dimesnsions will be kept. If the user specified more dimensions
51 // then supported (e.g. 3 for Matrix), the last dimesions will be collapsed.
52 // If less dimensions are specified, the missing ones will be set to 1.
53 // will be kept.<br>
54 // The read() version can be used to force a shape (ip), or an input
55 // transpose (it) (which can be undone by the user specifying transpose).
56 //
57 // <group>
58 template<typename T, typename Alloc>
59 std::istream &operator>> (std::istream &s, Array<T, Alloc> &x);
61 template<typename T, typename Alloc>
62 bool read(std::istream &s, Array<T, Alloc> &x,
63  const IPosition *ip=0, bool it=false);
64 // </group>
66 // General read support function for matrices.
67 // In principle these functions will not be
68 // used by general user, but could be. They can be used by Array type
69 // classes (like Slice, Lattice) to do the work of comparable input
70 // functions as the one for Arrays.
71 // In these functions p is the shape
72 // of the returned Block x. This shape is either deduced from the user
73 // specification; made equal to (1, nelements) if no user shape is
74 // given; is set to ip if specified. The function will return false (and
75 // p = (0)) in the case of an invalid input element; a number of elements
76 // input not equal to ip (if specified); the shape given by user as input
77 // does not conform to ip (if given) or the number of elements input.<br>
78 // trans will be true if transpose asked by user; or if forced by it.
79 template<typename T, typename Alloc> bool readArrayBlock(std::istream &s, bool &trans,
80  IPosition &p,
81  std::vector<T, Alloc> &x,
82  const IPosition *ip=0, bool it=false);
84 // <summary>
85 // Global functions for Matrix/Vector input/output using ASCII format.
86 // </summary>
88 // <use visibility=export>
90 // <prerequisite>
91 // <li> <linkto class=Matrix>Matrix</linkto>
92 // <li> <linkto class=Vector>Vector</linkto>
93 // </prerequisite>
95 // <synopsis>
96 // These global functions support file I/O between ASCII files and
97 // Matrices or Vectors.
98 // </synopsis>
100 // <example>
101 // <srcblock>
102 // Matrix<float> picture(256, 256); picture = 0.0;
103 // String fileName="";
104 //
105 // // operations to populate picture
106 // // ...
107 //
108 // writeAsciiMatrix (picture, fileName);
109 // </srcblock>
110 // </example>
112 // <linkfrom anchor="Array Ascii IO" classes="Vector Matrix">
113 // <here>Array Ascii IO</here> -- Simple Ascii input/output for Arrays.
114 // </linkfrom>
116 // <group name=Array Ascii IO>
118 // These routines read and write a Matrix of data. The first line of
119 // input will be examined to determine the number of columns in the matrix.
120 // The maximum number of columns provided for is 100. Each item may be up
121 // to 50 characters long.
122 //
123 // Each item must be separated from others by one (or more) blank column.
124 // The "line" may be up to 1024 characters long. Each subsequent line must
125 // contain the SAME number of items as the first line but may be any length
126 // (up to 1024 characters).
127 //
128 // The matrix need NOT be square.
129 //
130 // The matrix should be declared but NOT dimensioned in the calling program.
132 // <group>
133 template <typename T, typename Alloc>
134 void readAsciiMatrix (Matrix<T, Alloc>& mat, const char* fileName);
136 template <typename T, typename Alloc>
137 void writeAsciiMatrix (const Matrix<T, Alloc>& mat, const char* fileName);
138 // </group>
140 template<typename T, typename Alloc>
141 std::string to_string(const Array<T, Alloc> array);
143 }
145 #include "ArrayStr.tcc"
147 #endif
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28
TableExprNode array(const TableExprNode &values, const TableExprNodeSet &shape)
Create an array of the given shape and fill it with the values.
Definition: ExprNode.h:1929
std::string to_string(const IPosition &ip)
ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, const IComplex &)
Show on ostream.
AipsIO & operator>>(AipsIO &os, Record &rec)
Definition: Record.h:465