AxesMapping apply(const IPosition &shape) const
Apply the specification to a shape.
The default constructor keeps all axes.
bool keep() const
Are we keeping all degenerate axes ?
AxesSpecifier(const IPosition &keepAxes, const IPosition &axisPath)
The argument keepAxes tells which degenerate axes have to be kept.
AxesSpecifier(bool keepDegenerate)
Tell if no or all degenerate axes have to be removed.
AxesSpecifier(bool keepDegenerate, const IPosition &axisPath)
Tell if no or all degenerate axes have to be removed.
AxesSpecifier(const IPosition &keepAxes)
Tell which (degenerate) axes have to be kept.
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
TableExprNode shape(const TableExprNode &array)
Function operating on any scalar or array resulting in a Double array containing the shape.