Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //# Copyright (C) 2000,2001
2 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
3 //#
4 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
5 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
6 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
7 //# option) any later version.
8 //#
9 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
12 //# License for more details.
13 //#
14 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
15 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
16 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
17 //#
18 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
19 //# Internet email:
20 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
21 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
22 //# 520 Edgemont Road
23 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
24 //#
29 #include <casacore/scimath/StatsFramework/StatisticsAlgorithmQuantileComputer.h>
31 #include <casacore/scimath/StatsFramework/StatisticsUtilities.h>
33 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
35 #include <map>
36 #include <set>
37 #include <utility>
38 #include <vector>
40 namespace casacore {
42 // This class is used internally by ClassicalStatistics objects. It should never
43 // be explicitly instantiated by an API developer. See the documentation of
44 // StatisticsAlgorithm for details regarding QuantileComputer classes.
46 template <
47  class AccumType, class DataIterator, class MaskIterator=const Bool*,
48  class WeightsIterator=DataIterator
50  : public StatisticsAlgorithmQuantileComputer<CASA_STATP> {
52  using LimitPair = std::pair<AccumType, AccumType>;
53  using LimitPairVectorIter = typename std::vector<LimitPair>::const_iterator;
54  using IndexValueMap = typename std::map<uInt64, AccumType>;
55  using IndexSet = std::set<uInt64>;
57 public:
63  // copy semantics
68  // copy semantics
70  const ClassicalQuantileComputer& other
71  );
73  // clone this object by returning a pointer to a copy
76  // Caller is responsible for passing correct values of mynpts, mymin, and
77  // mymax; no checking is done for correctness in this method.
78  virtual AccumType getMedian(
79  uInt64 mynpts, AccumType mymin, AccumType mymax,
80  uInt binningThreshholdSizeBytes, Bool persistSortedArray, uInt nBins
81  );
83  // get the median of the absolute deviation about the median of the data.
84  virtual AccumType getMedianAbsDevMed(
85  uInt64 mynpts, AccumType mymin, AccumType mymax,
86  uInt binningThreshholdSizeBytes, Bool persistSortedArray, uInt nBins
87  );
89  // If one needs to compute both the median and QuantileComputer values, it
90  // is better to call getMedianAndQuantiles() rather than getMedian() and
91  // getQuantiles() separately, as the first will scan large data sets fewer
92  // times than calling the separate methods. The return value is the median;
93  // the quantiles are returned in the <src>quantiles</src> map. Values in the
94  // <src>fractions</src> set represent the locations in the CDF and should be
95  // between 0 and 1, exclusive.
96  virtual AccumType getMedianAndQuantiles(
97  std::map<Double, AccumType>& quantiles,
98  const std::set<Double>& fractions, uInt64 mynpts, AccumType mymin,
99  AccumType mymax, uInt binningThreshholdSizeBytes,
100  Bool persistSortedArray, uInt nBins
101  );
103  // Get the specified Quantiles. <src>fractions</src> must be between 0 and
104  // 1, noninclusive.
105  virtual std::map<Double, AccumType> getQuantiles(
106  const std::set<Double>& fractions, uInt64 mynpts, AccumType mymin,
107  AccumType mymax, uInt binningThreshholdSizeBytes,
108  Bool persistSortedArray, uInt nBins
109  );
111  // reset the private fields
112  virtual void reset();
114 protected:
116  // <group>
117  // Get the counts of data within the specified histogram bins. The number of
118  // arrays within binCounts will be equal to the number of histograms in
119  // <src>hist</src>. Each array within <src>binCounts</src> will have the
120  // same number of elements as the number of bins in its corresponding
121  // histogram in <src>hist</src>.
122  virtual void _findBins(
123  std::vector<std::vector<uInt64> >& binCounts,
124  std::vector<CountedPtr<AccumType> >& sameVal,
125  std::vector<Bool>& allSame, const DataIterator& dataBegin, uInt64 nr,
126  uInt dataStride, const std::vector<StatsHistogram<AccumType> >& hist,
127  const std::vector<AccumType>& maxLimit
128  ) const;
130  virtual void _findBins(
131  std::vector<std::vector<uInt64> >& binCounts,
132  std::vector<CountedPtr<AccumType> >& sameVal,
133  std::vector<Bool>& allSame, const DataIterator& dataBegin, uInt64 nr,
134  uInt dataStride, const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude,
135  const std::vector<StatsHistogram<AccumType> >& hist,
136  const std::vector<AccumType>& maxLimit
137  ) const;
139  virtual void _findBins(
140  std::vector<std::vector<uInt64> >& binCounts,
141  std::vector<CountedPtr<AccumType> >& sameVal,
142  std::vector<Bool>& allSame, const DataIterator& dataBegin, uInt64 nr,
143  uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator& maskBegin, uInt maskStride,
144  const std::vector<StatsHistogram<AccumType> >& hist,
145  const std::vector<AccumType>& maxLimit
146  ) const;
148  virtual void _findBins(
149  std::vector<std::vector<uInt64> >& binCounts,
150  std::vector<CountedPtr<AccumType> >& sameVal,
151  std::vector<Bool>& allSame, const DataIterator& dataBegin, uInt64 nr,
152  uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator& maskBegin, uInt maskStride,
153  const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude,
154  const std::vector<StatsHistogram<AccumType> >& hist,
155  const std::vector<AccumType>& maxLimit
156  ) const;
158  virtual void _findBins(
159  std::vector<std::vector<uInt64> >& binCounts,
160  std::vector<CountedPtr<AccumType> >& sameVal,
161  std::vector<Bool>& allSame, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
162  const WeightsIterator& weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
163  const std::vector<StatsHistogram<AccumType> >& hist,
164  const std::vector<AccumType>& maxLimit
165  ) const ;
167  virtual void _findBins(
168  std::vector<std::vector<uInt64> >& binCounts,
169  std::vector<CountedPtr<AccumType> >& sameVal,
170  std::vector<Bool>& allSame, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
171  const WeightsIterator& weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
172  const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude,
173  const std::vector<StatsHistogram<AccumType> >& hist,
174  const std::vector<AccumType>& maxLimit
175  ) const;
177  virtual void _findBins(
178  std::vector<std::vector<uInt64> >& binCounts,
179  std::vector<CountedPtr<AccumType> >& sameVal,
180  std::vector<Bool>& allSame, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
181  const WeightsIterator& weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
182  const MaskIterator& maskBegin, uInt maskStride,
183  const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude,
184  const std::vector<StatsHistogram<AccumType> >& hist,
185  const std::vector<AccumType>& maxLimit
186  ) const;
188  virtual void _findBins(
189  std::vector<std::vector<uInt64> >& binCounts,
190  std::vector<CountedPtr<AccumType> >& sameVal,
191  std::vector<Bool>& allSame, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
192  const WeightsIterator& weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
193  const MaskIterator& maskBegin, uInt maskStride,
194  const std::vector<StatsHistogram<AccumType> >& hist,
195  const std::vector<AccumType>& maxLimit
196  ) const;
197  // </group>
199  //<group>
200  // populate an unsorted array with valid data.
201  // no weights, no mask, no ranges
202  virtual void _populateArray(
203  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin, uInt64 nr,
204  uInt dataStride
205  ) const;
207  // ranges
208  virtual void _populateArray(
209  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin, uInt64 nr,
210  uInt dataStride, const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude
211  ) const;
213  virtual void _populateArray(
214  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
215  uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator& maskBegin,
216  uInt maskStride
217  ) const;
219  // mask and ranges
220  virtual void _populateArray(
221  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin, uInt64 nr,
222  uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator& maskBegin, uInt maskStride,
223  const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude
224  ) const;
226  // weights
227  virtual void _populateArray(
228  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
229  const WeightsIterator& weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride
230  ) const;
232  // weights and ranges
233  virtual void _populateArray(
234  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
235  const WeightsIterator& weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
236  const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude
237  ) const;
239  // weights and mask
240  virtual void _populateArray(
241  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
242  const WeightsIterator& weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
243  const MaskIterator& maskBegin, uInt maskStride
244  ) const;
246  // weights, mask, ranges
247  virtual void _populateArray(
248  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
249  const WeightsIterator& weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
250  const MaskIterator& maskBegin, uInt maskStride,
251  const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude
252  ) const;
253  // </group>
255  // <group>
256  // Create a std::vector of unsorted arrays, one array for each bin defined
257  // by <src>includeLimits</src>. <src>includeLimits</src> should be
258  // non-overlapping and should be given in ascending order (the algorithm
259  // used assumes this). Once the sum of the lengths of all arrays equals
260  // <src>maxCount</src> the method will return with no further processing.
261  // no weights, no mask, no ranges
262  virtual void _populateArrays(
263  std::vector<std::vector<AccumType>>& arys, uInt64& currentCount,
264  const DataIterator& dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
265  const IncludeLimits& includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount
266  ) const;
268  // ranges
269  virtual void _populateArrays(
270  std::vector<std::vector<AccumType> >& arys, uInt64& currentCount,
271  const DataIterator& dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
272  const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude,
273  const IncludeLimits& includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount
274  ) const;
276  virtual void _populateArrays(
277  std::vector<std::vector<AccumType> >& arys, uInt64& currentCount,
278  const DataIterator& dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
279  const MaskIterator& maskBegin, uInt maskStride,
280  const IncludeLimits& includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount
281  ) const;
283  // mask and ranges
284  virtual void _populateArrays(
285  std::vector<std::vector<AccumType> >& arys, uInt64& currentCount,
286  const DataIterator& dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
287  const MaskIterator& maskBegin, uInt maskStride,
288  const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude,
289  const IncludeLimits& includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount
290  ) const;
292  // weights
293  virtual void _populateArrays(
294  std::vector<std::vector<AccumType> >& arys, uInt64& currentCount,
295  const DataIterator& dataBegin, const WeightsIterator& weightsBegin,
296  uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const IncludeLimits& includeLimits,
297  uInt64 maxCount
298  ) const;
300  // weights and ranges
301  virtual void _populateArrays(
302  std::vector<std::vector<AccumType> >& arys, uInt64& currentCount,
303  const DataIterator& dataBegin, const WeightsIterator& weightsBegin,
304  uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude,
305  const IncludeLimits& includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount
306  ) const;
308  // weights and mask
309  virtual void _populateArrays(
310  std::vector<std::vector<AccumType> >& arys, uInt64& currentCount,
311  const DataIterator& dataBegin, const WeightsIterator& weightBegin,
312  uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator& maskBegin,
313  uInt maskStride, const IncludeLimits& includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount
314  ) const;
316  // weights, mask, ranges
317  virtual void _populateArrays(
318  std::vector<std::vector<AccumType> >& arys, uInt64& currentCount,
319  const DataIterator& dataBegin, const WeightsIterator& weightBegin,
320  uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator& maskBegin,
321  uInt maskStride, const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude,
322  const IncludeLimits& includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount
323  ) const;
324  // </group>
326  // <group>
327  // no weights, no mask, no ranges
329  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
330  uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, uInt maxElements
331  ) const;
333  // ranges
335  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin, uInt64 nr,
336  uInt dataStride, const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude,
337  uInt maxElements
338  ) const;
340  // mask
342  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
343  uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator& maskBegin,
344  uInt maskStride, uInt maxElements
345  ) const;
347  // mask and ranges
349  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin, uInt64 nr,
350  uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator& maskBegin, uInt maskStride,
351  const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude, uInt maxElements
352  ) const;
354  // weights
356  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
357  const WeightsIterator& weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
358  uInt maxElements
359  ) const;
361  // weights and ranges
363  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
364  const WeightsIterator& weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
365  const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude, uInt maxElements
366  ) const;
368  // weights and mask
370  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
371  const WeightsIterator& weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
372  const MaskIterator& maskBegin, uInt maskStride, uInt maxElements
373  ) const;
375  // weights, mask, ranges
377  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, const DataIterator& dataBegin,
378  const WeightsIterator& weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride,
379  const MaskIterator& maskBegin, uInt maskStride,
380  const DataRanges& ranges, Bool isInclude, uInt maxElements
381  ) const;
382  // </group>
384  // get values from sorted array if the array is small enough to be held in
385  // memory. Note that this is the array containing all good data, not data in
386  // just a single bin representing a subset of good data.
387  // Returns True if the data were successfully retrieved.
388  // If True is returned, the values map will contain a map of index to value.
389  // It is the caller's responsibility to check that <src>mynpts</src> is not
390  // 0; no checking is done here.
392  std::map<uInt64, AccumType>& values, uInt64 mynpts,
393  const std::set<uInt64>& indices, uInt64 maxArraySize,
394  Bool persistSortedArray
395  );
397 private:
400  // for use in often repeatedly run macros
401  AccumType _myMedian{0};
403  // tally the number of data points that fall into each bin provided by
404  // <src>hist</src>. Any points that are less than hist.minLimit or greater
405  // than hist.minLimit + hist.nBins*hist.binWidth are not included in the
406  // counts. A data point that falls exactly on a bin boundary is considered
407  // to be in the higher index bin. <src>sameVal</src> will be non-null if all
408  // the good values in the histogram range are the same. In that case, the
409  // value held will be the value of each of those data points.
410  std::vector<std::vector<uInt64> > _binCounts(
411  std::vector<CountedPtr<AccumType> >& sameVal,
412  const std::vector<StatsHistogram<AccumType> >& hist
413  );
416  std::vector<std::vector<uInt64>>& bins,
417  std::vector<CountedPtr<AccumType>>& sameVal,
418  std::vector<Bool>& allSame, DataIterator dataIter,
419  MaskIterator maskIter, WeightsIterator weightsIter, uInt64 count,
420  const std::vector<StatsHistogram<AccumType>>& hist,
421  const std::vector<AccumType>& maxLimit,
422  const typename StatisticsDataset<CASA_STATP>::ChunkData& chunk
423  );
426  std::vector<AccumType>& ary, DataIterator dataIter,
427  MaskIterator maskIter, WeightsIterator weightsIter, uInt64 dataCount,
428  const typename StatisticsDataset<CASA_STATP>::ChunkData& chunk
429  );
432  std::vector<std::vector<AccumType> >& arys, uInt64& currentCount,
433  DataIterator dataIter, MaskIterator maskIter,
434  WeightsIterator weightsIter, uInt64 dataCount,
435  const IncludeLimits& includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount,
436  const typename StatisticsDataset<CASA_STATP>::ChunkData& chunk
437  );
439  // Create an unsorted array of the complete data set. If
440  // <src>includeLimits</src> is specified, only points within those limits
441  // (including min but excluding max, as per definition of bins), are
442  // included.
443  void _createDataArray(std::vector<AccumType>& array);
446  std::vector<std::vector<AccumType>>& arrays,
447  const IncludeLimits& includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount
448  );
450  // extract data from multiple histograms given by <src>hist</src>.
451  // <src>dataIndices</src> represent the indices of the sorted arrays of
452  // values to extract. There should be exactly one set of data indices to
453  // extract for each supplied histogram. The data indices are relative to the
454  // minimum value of the minimum bin in their respective histograms. The
455  // ordering of the maps in the returned std::vector represent the ordering
456  // of histograms in <src>hist</src>. <src>hist</src> should contain
457  // non-overlapping histograms and the histograms should be specified in
458  // ascending order.
459  std::vector<IndexValueMap> _dataFromMultipleBins(
460  const std::vector<StatsHistogram<AccumType> >& hist,
461  uInt64 maxArraySize, const std::vector<IndexSet>& dataIndices,
462  uInt nBins
463  );
465  std::vector<IndexValueMap> _dataFromSingleBins(
466  const std::vector<uInt64>& binNpts, uInt64 maxArraySize,
467  const IncludeLimits& binLimits,
468  const std::vector<IndexSet>& dataIndices, uInt nBins
469  );
471  // get the values for the specified indices in the sorted array of all good
472  // data
474  uInt64 mynpts, AccumType mymin, AccumType mymax, uInt64 maxArraySize,
475  const IndexSet& dataIndices, Bool persistSortedArray, uInt nBins
476  );
478  // get the index (for odd npts) or indices (for even npts) of the median of
479  // the sorted array.
482 };
484 }
487 #include <casacore/scimath/StatsFramework/ClassicalQuantileComputer.tcc>
488 #endif
490 #endif
#define DataRanges
#define IncludeLimits
This class is used internally by ClassicalStatistics objects.
virtual Bool _populateTestArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude, uInt maxElements) const
mask and ranges
virtual void _populateArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride) const
populate an unsorted array with valid data.
std::vector< IndexValueMap > _dataFromMultipleBins(const std::vector< StatsHistogram< AccumType > > &hist, uInt64 maxArraySize, const std::vector< IndexSet > &dataIndices, uInt nBins)
extract data from multiple histograms given by hist.
virtual void _populateArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride) const
static IndexSet _medianIndices(uInt64 mynpts)
get the index (for odd npts) or indices (for even npts) of the median of the sorted array.
virtual void reset()
reset the private fields
virtual Bool _populateTestArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude, uInt maxElements) const
weights, mask, ranges
virtual void _populateArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude) const
mask and ranges
ClassicalQuantileComputer(StatisticsDataset< CASA_STATP > *dataset)
virtual void _populateArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude) const
virtual void _populateArrays(std::vector< std::vector< AccumType > > &arys, uInt64 &currentCount, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const IncludeLimits &includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount) const
virtual void _findBins(std::vector< std::vector< uInt64 > > &binCounts, std::vector< CountedPtr< AccumType > > &sameVal, std::vector< Bool > &allSame, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const std::vector< StatsHistogram< AccumType > > &hist, const std::vector< AccumType > &maxLimit) const
IndexValueMap _indicesToValues(uInt64 mynpts, AccumType mymin, AccumType mymax, uInt64 maxArraySize, const IndexSet &dataIndices, Bool persistSortedArray, uInt nBins)
get the values for the specified indices in the sorted array of all good data
virtual void _findBins(std::vector< std::vector< uInt64 > > &binCounts, std::vector< CountedPtr< AccumType > > &sameVal, std::vector< Bool > &allSame, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude, const std::vector< StatsHistogram< AccumType > > &hist, const std::vector< AccumType > &maxLimit) const
virtual void _findBins(std::vector< std::vector< uInt64 > > &binCounts, std::vector< CountedPtr< AccumType > > &sameVal, std::vector< Bool > &allSame, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude, const std::vector< StatsHistogram< AccumType > > &hist, const std::vector< AccumType > &maxLimit) const
virtual std::map< Double, AccumType > getQuantiles(const std::set< Double > &fractions, uInt64 mynpts, AccumType mymin, AccumType mymax, uInt binningThreshholdSizeBytes, Bool persistSortedArray, uInt nBins)
Get the specified Quantiles.
virtual void _populateArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride) const
virtual void _populateArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude) const
weights and ranges
virtual AccumType getMedianAndQuantiles(std::map< Double, AccumType > &quantiles, const std::set< Double > &fractions, uInt64 mynpts, AccumType mymin, AccumType mymax, uInt binningThreshholdSizeBytes, Bool persistSortedArray, uInt nBins)
If one needs to compute both the median and QuantileComputer values, it is better to call getMedianAn...
void _computeBins(std::vector< std::vector< uInt64 >> &bins, std::vector< CountedPtr< AccumType >> &sameVal, std::vector< Bool > &allSame, DataIterator dataIter, MaskIterator maskIter, WeightsIterator weightsIter, uInt64 count, const std::vector< StatsHistogram< AccumType >> &hist, const std::vector< AccumType > &maxLimit, const typename StatisticsDataset< CASA_STATP >::ChunkData &chunk)
void _computeDataArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, DataIterator dataIter, MaskIterator maskIter, WeightsIterator weightsIter, uInt64 dataCount, const typename StatisticsDataset< CASA_STATP >::ChunkData &chunk)
Bool _valuesFromSortedArray(std::map< uInt64, AccumType > &values, uInt64 mynpts, const std::set< uInt64 > &indices, uInt64 maxArraySize, Bool persistSortedArray)
get values from sorted array if the array is small enough to be held in memory.
typename std::map< uInt64, AccumType > IndexValueMap
virtual Bool _populateTestArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude, uInt maxElements) const
virtual void _populateArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude) const
weights, mask, ranges
std::vector< IndexValueMap > _dataFromSingleBins(const std::vector< uInt64 > &binNpts, uInt64 maxArraySize, const IncludeLimits &binLimits, const std::vector< IndexSet > &dataIndices, uInt nBins)
virtual void _findBins(std::vector< std::vector< uInt64 > > &binCounts, std::vector< CountedPtr< AccumType > > &sameVal, std::vector< Bool > &allSame, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, const std::vector< StatsHistogram< AccumType > > &hist, const std::vector< AccumType > &maxLimit) const
virtual AccumType getMedian(uInt64 mynpts, AccumType mymin, AccumType mymax, uInt binningThreshholdSizeBytes, Bool persistSortedArray, uInt nBins)
Caller is responsible for passing correct values of mynpts, mymin, and mymax; no checking is done for...
virtual void _populateArrays(std::vector< std::vector< AccumType > > &arys, uInt64 &currentCount, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude, const IncludeLimits &includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount) const
weights and ranges
virtual AccumType getMedianAbsDevMed(uInt64 mynpts, AccumType mymin, AccumType mymax, uInt binningThreshholdSizeBytes, Bool persistSortedArray, uInt nBins)
get the median of the absolute deviation about the median of the data.
std::pair< AccumType, AccumType > LimitPair
void _createDataArrays(std::vector< std::vector< AccumType >> &arrays, const IncludeLimits &includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount)
virtual void _findBins(std::vector< std::vector< uInt64 > > &binCounts, std::vector< CountedPtr< AccumType > > &sameVal, std::vector< Bool > &allSame, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude, const std::vector< StatsHistogram< AccumType > > &hist, const std::vector< AccumType > &maxLimit) const
virtual void _populateArrays(std::vector< std::vector< AccumType > > &arys, uInt64 &currentCount, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude, const IncludeLimits &includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount) const
virtual void _populateArrays(std::vector< std::vector< AccumType > > &arys, uInt64 &currentCount, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, const IncludeLimits &includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount) const
weights and mask
virtual void _populateArrays(std::vector< std::vector< AccumType > > &arys, uInt64 &currentCount, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude, const IncludeLimits &includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount) const
weights, mask, ranges
virtual Bool _populateTestArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, uInt maxElements) const
weights and mask
virtual Bool _populateTestArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightsBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude, uInt maxElements) const
weights and ranges
void _computeDataArrays(std::vector< std::vector< AccumType > > &arys, uInt64 &currentCount, DataIterator dataIter, MaskIterator maskIter, WeightsIterator weightsIter, uInt64 dataCount, const IncludeLimits &includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount, const typename StatisticsDataset< CASA_STATP >::ChunkData &chunk)
virtual void _populateArrays(std::vector< std::vector< AccumType > > &arys, uInt64 &currentCount, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude, const IncludeLimits &includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount) const
mask and ranges
virtual void _findBins(std::vector< std::vector< uInt64 > > &binCounts, std::vector< CountedPtr< AccumType > > &sameVal, std::vector< Bool > &allSame, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, const DataRanges &ranges, Bool isInclude, const std::vector< StatsHistogram< AccumType > > &hist, const std::vector< AccumType > &maxLimit) const
virtual Bool _populateTestArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, uInt maxElements) const
ClassicalQuantileComputer & operator=(const ClassicalQuantileComputer &other)
copy semantics
void _createDataArray(std::vector< AccumType > &array)
Create an unsorted array of the complete data set.
virtual void _populateArrays(std::vector< std::vector< AccumType > > &arys, uInt64 &currentCount, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, const IncludeLimits &includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount) const
AccumType _myMedian
for use in often repeatedly run macros
virtual void _findBins(std::vector< std::vector< uInt64 > > &binCounts, std::vector< CountedPtr< AccumType > > &sameVal, std::vector< Bool > &allSame, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride, const std::vector< StatsHistogram< AccumType > > &hist, const std::vector< AccumType > &maxLimit) const
virtual StatisticsAlgorithmQuantileComputer< CASA_STATP > * clone() const
clone this object by returning a pointer to a copy
std::vector< std::vector< uInt64 > > _binCounts(std::vector< CountedPtr< AccumType > > &sameVal, const std::vector< StatsHistogram< AccumType > > &hist)
tally the number of data points that fall into each bin provided by hist.
virtual Bool _populateTestArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, uInt maxElements) const
no weights, no mask, no ranges
typename std::vector< LimitPair >::const_iterator LimitPairVectorIter
virtual void _populateArrays(std::vector< std::vector< AccumType >> &arys, uInt64 &currentCount, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const IncludeLimits &includeLimits, uInt64 maxCount) const
Create a std::vector of unsorted arrays, one array for each bin defined by includeLimits.
virtual void _populateArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const MaskIterator &maskBegin, uInt maskStride) const
weights and mask
ClassicalQuantileComputer(const ClassicalQuantileComputer &other)
copy semantics
virtual void _findBins(std::vector< std::vector< uInt64 > > &binCounts, std::vector< CountedPtr< AccumType > > &sameVal, std::vector< Bool > &allSame, const DataIterator &dataBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, const std::vector< StatsHistogram< AccumType > > &hist, const std::vector< AccumType > &maxLimit) const
Get the counts of data within the specified histogram bins.
virtual Bool _populateTestArray(std::vector< AccumType > &ary, const DataIterator &dataBegin, const WeightsIterator &weightBegin, uInt64 nr, uInt dataStride, uInt maxElements) const
This is the virtual base class from which concrete QuantileComputer classes are derived.
Represents an unfilled histogram with equal width bins for binning used for quantile computations.
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28
const Bool False
Definition: aipstype.h:44
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
TableExprNode array(const TableExprNode &values, const TableExprNodeSet &shape)
Create an array of the given shape and fill it with the values.
Definition: ExprNode.h:1929
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
unsigned long long uInt64
Definition: aipsxtype.h:39