Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //# DataManInfo.h: Class with static functions to manipulate a datamanager info record
2 //# Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2009
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
32 //# Includes
33 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
34 #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
35 #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
37 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
39 //# Forward Declarations.
40 class TableDesc;
41 class Table;
42 class Record;
45 // <summary>
46 // Class with static functions to manipulate a datamanager record.
47 // </summary>
49 // <use visibility=export>
51 // <reviewed reviewer="UNKNOWN" date="before2004/08/25" tests="">
52 // </reviewed>
54 // <prerequisite>
55 //# Classes you should understand before using this one.
56 // <li> Table
57 // </prerequisite>
59 // <synopsis>
60 // DataManInfo is a class to manipulate a datamanager info record and/or table
61 // description. A datamanager info record tells how the columns are stored.
62 // It is a Record containing the following fields. If omitted, a default is used.
63 // <ul>
64 // <li> TYPE: data manager type (default StandardStMan)
65 // <li> NAME: unique data manager name
66 // <li> COLUMNS: string vector containing columns stored with this data manager
67 // <li> SPEC: subrecord containing data manager specific parameters
68 // </ul>
69 // Often an existing table description and datamanager info record are used to
70 // construct a new table, but it might be necessary to change it somewhat.
71 // <ul>
72 // <li> Remove hypercolumn definitions from a table description. They are
73 // not needed anymore and can be a burden.
74 // <li> Replace non-writable storage managers (like LofarStMan) by a
75 // writable one.
76 // <li> Replace the deprecated TiledDataStMan by TiledShapeStMan.
77 // <li> Merge two datamanager info records.
78 // </ul>
79 // </synopsis>
81 //# <todo asof="$DATE:$">
82 //# </todo>
86 {
87 public:
88  // Remove hypercolumn definitions from the table description.
89  static void removeHypercolumns (TableDesc& tabDesc);
91  // Replace TiledDataStMan by TiledShapeStMan in the DataManagerInfo record.
92  // Since TiledShapeStMan does not support ID columns, they are
93  // adjusted as well in tabDesc and dminfo.
94  static void adjustTSM (TableDesc& tabDesc, Record& dminfo);
96  // Replace non-writable storage managers by the given storage manager
97  // (usually StandardStMan or IncrementalStMan).
98  // It is possible to specify the new data manager type to use.
99  // This is needed for special storage managers like LofarStMan.
100  // If replaceMSM is set, MemoryStMan is also replaced.
101  static Record adjustStMan (const Record& dminfo, const String& dmType,
102  Bool replaceMSM = True);
104  // Ensure all data manager names in <src>dminfo</src> are unique by
105  // adding a unique suffix as needed (using function <src>uniqueName</src>).
106  // Empty names are set to the name of the first column (DM if no columns).
107  static void makeUniqueNames (Record& dminfo);
109  // Return a unique data manager name by testing if the name already
110  // exist in of the the dm-s in the <src>dminfo</src> record.
111  // If so, a suffix _i is added where i makes the name unique.
112  // The excludeDM-th dm is excluded, so comparing to itself can be avoided.
113  static String uniqueName (const Record& dminfo, const String& name,
114  Int excludeDM=-1);
116  // Merge the second DataManagerInfo record into the first one.
117  // If the same column occurs in both records, the second one is used.
118  // Columns having the same data manager name are combined in one data manager.
119  // If the second one has no name, it is considered to be equal to the first
120  // data manager of that type.
121  static void mergeInfo (Record&, const Record&);
123  // Finalize the merge by merging the dminfo record with the table description
124  // to create the final dminfo record.
125  // The final dminfo record gets all columns in the TableDesc object.
126  // The given dminfo object is leading in determining a column's data manager.
127  // If not present, the data manager type given in the TableDesc is used.
128  // If empty, StandardStMan is used.
129  static Record finalizeMerge (const TableDesc&, const Record& dminfo);
131  // Adapt data manager names in dminfo if already used in the table.
132  static void adaptNames (Record& dminfo, const Table&);
134  // Set the data managers of the given column(s) to the given tiled storage
135  // manager (normally TiledShapeStMan or TiledColumnStMan).
136  // The columns are combined in a single storage manager, so the function
137  // has to be called multiple times if, say, one per column is needed.
138  // The columns already having a tiled storage manager are not changed.
139  static void setTiledStMan (Record& dminfo, const Vector<String>& columns,
140  const String& dmType, const String& dmName,
141  const IPosition& defaultTileShape);
143  // Remove the given columns from the dminfo record and return a vector
144  // containing the names of the columns actually removed.
145  // The columns having a data manager matching <src>keepType</src> are not
146  // removed. Matching means that the beginning of the data manager name
147  // has to match, so "Tiled" matches all tiled storagemanagers.
149  const Vector<String>& columns,
150  const String& keepType= String());
152  // Adjust the data manager types and groups and the
153  // hypercolumn definitions to the actual data manager info.
154  static void adjustDesc (TableDesc& tabDesc, const Record& dminfo);
156  // Show the Table IO statistics.
157  static void showDataManStats (const Table&, ostream&);
159 private:
160  // Merge the column info of data manager definitions.
161  // It is used by <src>mergeInfo</src> to merge the new dm definitions into
162  // the existing one defined in <src>dminfo</src>. It is called for each new
163  // dm, whose name/type already exists as the dmindex-th record in dminfo.
164  // It does two things:
165  // <ul>
166  // <li>Columns mentioned in newdm are removed from dm definitions in dminfo.
167  // <li>Columns in the dmindex-th dminfo record are merged into newdm,
168  // so mergeInfo can redefine that dm in the overall dminfo.
169  // </ul>
170  static void mergeColumns (Record& dminfo, uInt dmindex, Record& newdm);
171 };
177 #endif
static String uniqueName(const Record &dminfo, const String &name, Int excludeDM=-1)
Return a unique data manager name by testing if the name already exist in of the the dm-s in the dmin...
static void adaptNames(Record &dminfo, const Table &)
Adapt data manager names in dminfo if already used in the table.
static void mergeColumns(Record &dminfo, uInt dmindex, Record &newdm)
Merge the column info of data manager definitions.
static void showDataManStats(const Table &, ostream &)
Show the Table IO statistics.
static void removeHypercolumns(TableDesc &tabDesc)
Remove hypercolumn definitions from the table description.
static Vector< String > removeDminfoColumns(Record &dminfo, const Vector< String > &columns, const String &keepType=String())
Remove the given columns from the dminfo record and return a vector containing the names of the colum...
static void setTiledStMan(Record &dminfo, const Vector< String > &columns, const String &dmType, const String &dmName, const IPosition &defaultTileShape)
Set the data managers of the given column(s) to the given tiled storage manager (normally TiledShapeS...
static Record finalizeMerge(const TableDesc &, const Record &dminfo)
Finalize the merge by merging the dminfo record with the table description to create the final dminfo...
static void adjustDesc(TableDesc &tabDesc, const Record &dminfo)
Adjust the data manager types and groups and the hypercolumn definitions to the actual data manager i...
static void makeUniqueNames(Record &dminfo)
Ensure all data manager names in dminfo are unique by adding a unique suffix as needed (using functio...
static void adjustTSM(TableDesc &tabDesc, Record &dminfo)
Replace TiledDataStMan by TiledShapeStMan in the DataManagerInfo record.
static Record adjustStMan(const Record &dminfo, const String &dmType, Bool replaceMSM=True)
Replace non-writable storage managers by the given storage manager (usually StandardStMan or Incremen...
static void mergeInfo(Record &, const Record &)
Merge the second DataManagerInfo record into the first one.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:225
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
const Bool True
Definition: aipstype.h:43