Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //# FFTServer.h: A class with methods for Fast Fourier Transforms
2 //# Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,1997,1999,2003
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
31 //# Includes
32 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
33 #include <casacore/scimath/Mathematics/FFTW.h>
34 #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/IPosition.h>
35 #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayFwd.h>
36 #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Block.h>
37 #include <vector>
39 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
41 // <summary>Lists the different types of FFT's that can be done</summary>
42 // <synopsis>This enumerator is brought out as a separate class because g++
43 // currently cannot handle enumerators in a templated class. When it can this
44 // class will go away and this enumerator moved into the FFTServer
45 // class</synopsis>
46 class FFTEnums {
47 public:
48  enum TransformType {
49  // Forward Complex to Complex transforms.
51  // Inverse Complex to Complex transforms.
53  // Real to Complex or Complex to Real transforms.
55  // Real to Complex or Complex to Real transforms.
57  // Real to Real transforms with symmetric Arrays (not used)
59  };
60 };
62 // <summary>A class with methods for Fast Fourier Transforms</summary>
64 // <use visibility=export>
66 // <reviewed reviewer="wbrouw" date="1997/10/29" tests="tFFTServer">
67 // </reviewed>
69 // <prerequisite>
70 // <li> Basic concepts of Fast Fourier Transforms.
71 // <li> <linkto module=Arrays>The Arrays module</linkto>
72 // </prerequisite>
74 // <etymology> The FFTServer class, can do Fast Fourier Transforms of
75 // any length and dimensionality.
76 // </etymology>
79 // <synopsis>
81 // The FFTServer class provides methods for performing n-dimensional Fast
82 // Fourier Transforms with real and complex Array's of arbitrary size and
83 // dimensionality. It can do either real to complex, complex to real, or
84 // complex to complex transforms with the "origin" of the transform either at
85 // the centre of the Array or at the first element.
87 // Because the output from a real to complex transform is Hermitian only half
88 // of the complex result is returned. Similarly with a complex to real
89 // transform only half of the complex plane is required, the other half is
90 // implicitly assumed to be the complex conjugate of the supplied half-plane.
91 // <note role=warning> The complex to real transform does not check that the
92 // imaginary component of the values where u=0 are zero</note>
94 // This class can be initialised with a shape that indicates the length of the
95 // transforms that will be performed, and whether they are going to be
96 // real<->complex transforms or complex<->complex ones. This initialisation
97 // sets up a variety of internal buffers and computes factorizations and
98 // twiddle factors used during the transform. The initialised transform shape
99 // is always compared with the shape of the supplied arguments when a transform
100 // is done and the FFTServer class will automatically resize itself if
101 // necessary. So the default constructor is perfectly safe to use.
103 // With any transform the output Array must either be the correct shape for the
104 // desired output or zero length (ie not contain any elements). If it is zero
105 // length then it will be resized to the correct shape. For a complex->complex
106 // transform the output Array will be the same shape as the input Array. For a
107 // real->complex transform the output Array will be the same size as the input
108 // Array except in the first dimension which will have a length of (nx+2)/2. So
109 // if nx=7 the output length will be 4 and if nx=8 the output length will be 5,
110 // on the first axis. nx is the length of the first axis on the <em>real</em>
111 // input Array and cx (which is used later) is the length of the first axis on
112 // the <em>complex</em> input Array.
114 // <strong>For complex to real transforms the output length on the first axis
115 // is not uniquely defined by the shape of the complex input
116 // Array</strong>. This class uses the following algorithm to work out the
117 // length of the first axis on the output Array.
118 // <ul>
119 // <li> If the size of the output Array is non-zero then its shape must match
120 // the size of the input Array except for the first axis. The length of the
121 // first axis must either be 2*cx-2 or 2*cx-1 and this determines the length of
122 // the transform on the first axis.
123 // <li> If the size of the output Array is zero then scan the imaginary
124 // components of the values at the end of the first axis on the input Array (ie
125 // at <src>[cx-1,....]</src> If any of these are non-zero the output Array
126 // will have an odd length.
127 // <li> Otherwise if all the imaginary components described above are zero then
128 // look at the current size of the FFTServer object (either defined at
129 // construction time or with the resize function). If it matches the size of
130 // the input Array except for the first axis and if the length on this axis is
131 // either 2*cx-2 or 2*cx-1 then use that to determine the size of the output
132 // Array.
133 // <li> Otherwise assume the output Array will an even length of 2*cx-2 on its
134 // first axis.
135 // </ul>
137 // This class does transforms using
138 // the highly optimized FFTW package.
139 // <br>
140 // <em> P.N. Swarztrauber, Vectorizing the FFTs, in Parallel Computations
141 // (G. Rodrigue, ed.), Academic Press, 1982, pp. 51--83. </em><br>
142 // <br>If at build time it is chosen to use FFTW in a multi-threaded way,
143 // it will try to use as many cores as possible.
145 // In this class a forward transform is defined as one that goes from the real
146 // to the complex (or the time to frequency) domain. In a forward transform the
147 // sign of the exponent is negative and no scaling is done on the output. The
148 // backward transform goes from the complex to the real (or the frequency to
149 // the time) domain. The sign of the exponent is positive and the result is
150 // always scaled by 1/N were N is the total number of elements in the Array.
152 // The origin of the transform is defined as the point where setting only that
153 // element to one, and then doing a forward transform results in an Array that
154 // is all one. The <src>fft</src> member functions in this class all assume
155 // that the origin of the Transform is at the centre of the Array ie. at
156 // <src>[nx/2,ny/2,...]</src> were the indexing begins at zero. Because the
157 // fftpack software assumes the origin of the transform is at the first element
158 // ie.,<src>[0,0,...]</src> this class flips the data in the Array around to
159 // compensate. For fftpack this flipping takes about one 20% of the total
160 // transform time, while for FFTW it can easily exceed the transform time.
161 // Flipping can be avoided by using the <src>fft0</src> member
162 // functions which do not flip the data.
164 // Some of the member functions in this class scramble the input Array,
165 // possibly by flipping the quandrants of the data although this is not
166 // guaranteed. Modification of the input Array can be avoided, at the expense
167 // of copying the data to temporary storage, by either:
168 // <ul> <li> Ensuring the input Array is a const Array.
169 // <li> Setting the constInput Flag to True.
170 // </ul>
171 // The latter option is provided to avoid users having to cast non-const
172 // Arrays to const ones in order to prevent there input Array from being
173 // scrambled.
175 // <note role=warning> This class assumes that a Complex array is stored as
176 // pairs of floating point numbers, with no intervening gaps, and with the real
177 // component first ie., <src>[re0,im0,re1,im1, ...]</src>. This means that the
178 // following type casts work,
179 // <srcblock>
180 // S * complexPtr;
181 // T * realPtr = (T * ) complexPtr;
182 // </srcblock>
183 // and allow a Complex number to be accessed as a pair of real numbers. If this
184 // assumption is bad then real Arrays will have to generated by copying the
185 // complex ones. Ultimately this assumption about Complex<->Real Array
186 // conversion should be put somewhere central like
187 // </note>
188 // </synopsis>
190 // <templating arg=T>
191 // <li> The T argument must be of type Float or Double. These are the only
192 // possible instantiations of this class.
193 // </templating>
195 // <templating arg=S>
196 // <li> The S argument must be of type Complex, if T is Float, or DComplex, if T is
197 // Double. These are the only possible instantiations of this class.
198 // </templating>
199 //
200 // <example>
201 // Do a real to complex Transform of a 1-Dimensional Vector. The following
202 // example can trivially be extended to any number of dimensions.
203 // <srcblock>
204 // FFTServer<Float,Complex> server;
205 // Vector<Float> input(32);
206 // Vector<Complex> output(17);
207 // input = 0.0f;
208 // input(16) = 1.0f;
209 // cout << "Input:" << input << endl;
210 // server.fft(output, input);
211 // cout << "Output:" << output << endl;
212 // </srcblock>
213 // </example>
214 //
215 // <thrown>
216 // <li> AipsError: If the input and output Array have bad or incompatible
217 // shapes. See the individual function descriptions for what Array shapes are
218 // required.
219 // </thrown>
220 //
221 // <todo asof="1997/10/22">
222 // <li> The time taken to flip the Array can be reduced, if all the Array
223 // dimensions are even, by pre-multiplying the every other element on the
224 // input Array by -1. Then no flipping needs to be done on the output Array.
225 // </todo>
227 template<class T, class S> class FFTServer
228 {
229 public:
231  // The default constructor. The server will automatically resize to do
232  // transforms of the appropriate length when necessary.
235  // Initialise the server to do transforms on Arrays of the specified
236  // shape. The server will, however, resize to do transforms of other lengths
237  // if necessary. See the resize function for a description of the
238  // TransformType enumerator.
239  FFTServer(const IPosition & fftSize,
240  const FFTEnums::TransformType transformType
243  // copy constructor. The copied server is initialised to do transforms of the
244  // same length as the other server. Uses copy (and not reference) semantics
245  // so that changing the transform length of one server does not affect the
246  // other server.
247  FFTServer(const FFTServer<T,S> & other);
249  // destructor
252  // The assignment operator which does the same thing as the copy
253  // constructor.
256  // Modify the FFTServer object to do transforms of the supplied shape. The
257  // amount of internal storage, and the initialisation, depends on the type of
258  // transform that will be done. The transform type is specified with the
259  // TransformTypes enumerator. Currently there is no difference in
260  // initialisation for the COMPLEXTOREAL and REALTOCOMPLEX transforms. The
261  // shape argument is the shape of the real array (or complex one if complex
262  // to complex transforms are being done). In general it is not necessary to
263  // use this function as all the fft & fft0 functions will automatically
264  // resize the server, if necessary, to match their input arguments.
265  void resize(const IPosition & fftSize,
266  const FFTEnums::TransformType transformType
269  // Real to complex fft. The origin of the transform is in the centre of the
270  // Array. Because of the Hermitian property the output Array only contains
271  // half of the complex result. The output Array must either have no elements
272  // or be a size that is appropriate to the input Array size,
273  // ie. <src>shape = [(nx+2)/2, ny, nz,...]</src>. Otherwise an AipsError is
274  // thrown. See the synopsis for a description of the constInput flag.
275  // <group>
276  void fft(Array<S> & cResult, Array<T> & rData, const Bool constInput=False);
277  void fft(Array<S> & cResult, const Array<T> & rData);
278  // </group>
280  // Complex to real fft. The origin of the transform is in the centre of the
281  // Array. Because of the Hermitian property the input Array only contains
282  // half of the complex values. The output Array must either have no elements,
283  // or be a size that is appropriate to the input Array size ie.,<br>
284  // <src>shape = [2*cx-2, cy, cz,...]</src> or <br>
285  // <src>shape = [2*cx-1, cy, cz,...]</src>. <br>
286  // Otherwise an AipsError is thrown. See the description in the synopsis for
287  // the algorithm used to choose between the two possible output shapes and a
288  // description of the constInput Flag.
289  // <group>
290  void fft(Array<T> & rResult, Array<S> & cData, const Bool constInput=False);
291  void fft(Array<T> & rResult, const Array<S> & cData);
292  // </group>
294  // Complex to complex in-place fft. The origin of the transform is in the
295  // centre of the Array. The direction of the transform is controlled by the
296  // toFrequency variable. If True then a forward, or time to frequency,
297  // transform is performed. If False a backward or frequency to time transform
298  // is done. Scaling is always done on the backward transform.
299  void fft(Array<S> & cValues, const Bool toFrequency=True);
301  // Complex to complex fft. The origin of the transform is in the centre of
302  // the Array. The direction of the transform is controlled by the toFrequency
303  // variable. If True then a forward, or time to frequency, transform is
304  // performed. If False a backward or frequency to time transform is
305  // done. Scaling is always done on the backward transform. The output Array
306  // must either either contain no elements or be the same as the input Array,
307  // ie. <src>shape = [cx, cy, cz,...]</src>. Otherwise an AipsError is
308  // thrown.
309  void fft(Array<S> & cResult, const Array<S> & cData,
310  const Bool toFrequency=True);
312  // The <src>fft0</src> functions are equivalent to the <src>fft</src>
313  // functions described above except that the origin of the transform is the
314  // first element of the Array, ie. [0,0,0...], rather than the centre
315  // element, ie [nx/2, ny/2, nz/2, ...]. As the underlying functions
316  // assume that the origin of the transform is the first element these
317  // routines are in general faster than the equivalent ones with the origin
318  // at the centre of the Array.
319  // <group>
320  void fft0(Array<S> & cResult, Array<T> & rData, const Bool constInput=False);
321  void fft0(Array<S> & cResult, const Array<T> & rData);
322  void fft0(Array<T> & rResult, Array<S> & cData, const Bool constInput=False);
323  void fft0(Array<T> & rResult, const Array<S> & cData);
324  void fft0(Array<S> & cValues, const Bool toFrequency=True);
325  void fft0(Array<S> & cResult, const Array<S> & cData,
326  const Bool toFrequency=True);
327  //# void fft0(Array<T> & rValues, const Bool toFrequency=True);
329  // </group>
330  //# Flips the quadrants in a complex Array so that the point at
331  //# cData.shape()/2 moves to the origin. This moves, for example, the point
332  //# at [8,3] to the origin ([0,0]) in an array of shape [16,7]. Usually two
333  //# flips will restore an Array to its original state. But for Array's
334  //# where one or more dimension is an odd length two flips do NOT restore
335  //# the data to its original state. So the when toZero=False this routine
336  //# does an unflip operation (ie moves the data at [0,0] to the centre) and
337  //# restores the data to its original state for odd length arrays. When
338  //# passed a Hermitian Array where half the complex plane is implicit (eg as
339  //# produced by a real->complex Transform) it is not necessary to flip the
340  //# first dimension of the Array. In this case the isHermitian flag should
341  //# be set to True. For complex<->complex transforms this should be False.
342  // <group>
343  void flip(Array<T> & rData, const Bool toZero, const Bool isHermitian);
344  void flip(Array<S> & cData, const Bool toZero, const Bool isHermitian);
345  // </group>
347  // N-D in-place complex->complex FFT shift (FFT - phase-mult - inverse FFT)
348  // If toFrequency is true, the first FFT will be from time to frequency.
349  // relshift is the freq shift normalised to the bandwidth.
350  // Only transform over selected dimension. Iterate over the others.
351  void fftshift(Array<S> & cValues, const uInt& whichAxis,
352  const Double& relshift, const Bool toFrequency=True);
354  // N-D complex->complex FFT shift (FFT - phase-mult - inverse FFT)
355  // with flagging.
356  // If toFrequency is true, the first FFT will be from time to frequency.
357  // relshift is the freq shift normalised to the bandwidth.
358  // Only transform over selected dimension. Iterate over the others.
359  void fftshift(Array<S> & outValues, Array<Bool> & outFlags,
360  const Array<S> & cValues, const Array<Bool>& inFlags,
361  const uInt& whichAxis,
362  const Double& relshift,
363  const Bool goodIsTrue=False,
364  const Bool toFrequency=True);
366  // N-D real->real FFT shift (FFT to complex - phase-mult - inverse FFT)
367  // with flagging.
368  // relshift is the freq shift normalised to the bandwidth.
369  // Only transform over selected dimension. Iterate over the others.
370  void fftshift(Array<T> & outValues, Array<Bool> & outFlags,
371  const Array<T> & rValues, const Array<Bool>& inFlags,
372  const uInt& whichAxis,
373  const Double& relshift,
374  const Bool goodIsTrue=False);
376 private:
377  //# finds the shape of the output array when doing complex->real transforms
378  IPosition determineShape(const IPosition & rShape, const Array<S> & cData);
380  //# Data members.
381  // The size of the last FFT done by this object
383  // Whether the last FFT was complex<->complex or not
385  // buffer for copying non-contigious arrays to contigious ones. This is done
386  // so that the FFT's have a better chance of fitting into cache and hence
387  // going faster.
388  // This buffer is also used as temporary storage when flipping the data.
390  // FFTW specific members.
392  std::vector<T> itsWorkIn;
393  std::vector<S> itsWorkOut;
394  std::vector<S> itsWorkC2C;
395 };
400 //# Do NOT include the .tcc file here like done for other templated classes.
401 //# The instantiations are done explicitly.
402 //# In this way the HAVE_FFTW ifdef is only used in .cc files and does
403 //# not appear in headers, so other packages using FFTServer do not need
404 //# to (un)set HAVE_FFTW.
406 #endif
Real to Complex or Complex to Real transforms.
Definition: FFTServer.h:55
Real to Real transforms with symmetric Arrays (not used)
Definition: FFTServer.h:59
Real to Complex or Complex to Real transforms.
Definition: FFTServer.h:57
Forward Complex to Complex transforms.
Definition: FFTServer.h:51
Inverse Complex to Complex transforms.
Definition: FFTServer.h:53
A class with methods for Fast Fourier Transforms.
Definition: FFTServer.h:228
void flip(Array< S > &cData, const Bool toZero, const Bool isHermitian)
void fft(Array< S > &cValues, const Bool toFrequency=True)
Complex to complex in-place fft.
std::vector< S > itsWorkOut
Definition: FFTServer.h:393
IPosition determineShape(const IPosition &rShape, const Array< S > &cData)
void fftshift(Array< T > &outValues, Array< Bool > &outFlags, const Array< T > &rValues, const Array< Bool > &inFlags, const uInt &whichAxis, const Double &relshift, const Bool goodIsTrue=False)
N-D real->real FFT shift (FFT to complex - phase-mult - inverse FFT) with flagging.
Block< S > itsBuffer
buffer for copying non-contigious arrays to contigious ones.
Definition: FFTServer.h:389
void fft(Array< T > &rResult, const Array< S > &cData)
FFTServer(const IPosition &fftSize, const FFTEnums::TransformType transformType=FFTEnums::REALTOCOMPLEX)
Initialise the server to do transforms on Arrays of the specified shape.
void fft(Array< T > &rResult, Array< S > &cData, const Bool constInput=False)
Complex to real fft.
std::vector< T > itsWorkIn
Definition: FFTServer.h:392
IPosition itsSize
The size of the last FFT done by this object.
Definition: FFTServer.h:382
void fft0(Array< S > &cResult, Array< T > &rData, const Bool constInput=False)
The fft0 functions are equivalent to the fft functions described above except that the origin of the ...
FFTServer< T, S > & operator=(const FFTServer< T, S > &other)
The assignment operator which does the same thing as the copy constructor.
FFTEnums::TransformType itsTransformType
Whether the last FFT was complex<->complex or not.
Definition: FFTServer.h:384
void fft(Array< S > &cResult, const Array< T > &rData)
void resize(const IPosition &fftSize, const FFTEnums::TransformType transformType=FFTEnums::REALTOCOMPLEX)
Modify the FFTServer object to do transforms of the supplied shape.
void fft0(Array< S > &cResult, const Array< S > &cData, const Bool toFrequency=True)
void flip(Array< T > &rData, const Bool toZero, const Bool isHermitian)
void fft(Array< S > &cResult, const Array< S > &cData, const Bool toFrequency=True)
Complex to complex fft.
void fft0(Array< T > &rResult, const Array< S > &cData)
void fft0(Array< T > &rResult, Array< S > &cData, const Bool constInput=False)
void fftshift(Array< S > &outValues, Array< Bool > &outFlags, const Array< S > &cValues, const Array< Bool > &inFlags, const uInt &whichAxis, const Double &relshift, const Bool goodIsTrue=False, const Bool toFrequency=True)
N-D complex->complex FFT shift (FFT - phase-mult - inverse FFT) with flagging.
void fftshift(Array< S > &cValues, const uInt &whichAxis, const Double &relshift, const Bool toFrequency=True)
N-D in-place complex->complex FFT shift (FFT - phase-mult - inverse FFT) If toFrequency is true,...
FFTServer(const FFTServer< T, S > &other)
copy constructor.
std::vector< S > itsWorkC2C
Definition: FFTServer.h:394
The default constructor.
void fft0(Array< S > &cResult, const Array< T > &rData)
void fft0(Array< S > &cValues, const Bool toFrequency=True)
void fft(Array< S > &cResult, Array< T > &rData, const Bool constInput=False)
Real to complex fft.
FFTW specific members.
Definition: FFTServer.h:391
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28
const Bool False
Definition: aipstype.h:44
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
const Bool True
Definition: aipstype.h:43
double Double
Definition: aipstype.h:55