Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //# ImageProxy.h: Proxy interface to images
2 //# Copyright (C) 1997-2007
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //#
27 //# $Id$
32 //# Includes
33 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
34 #include <casacore/images/Images/MaskSpecifier.h>
35 #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/LatticeBase.h>
36 #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/TiledShape.h>
37 #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/CountedPtr.h>
38 #include <casacore/casa/Containers/ValueHolder.h>
39 #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Record.h>
41 namespace casacore {
43  //# Forward Declarations.
44  class ImageInfo;
45  template<typename T> class ImageInterface;
46  class LatticeExprNode;
47  class CoordinateSystem;
48  class ImageAttrHandler;
50  // <synopsis>
51  // ImageProxy is a proxy to an image having data type Float, Double,
52  // Complex, or DComplex. Its primary purpose is to be bind the images
53  // module to Python through pyrap.images. However, it can also be used
54  // directly in C++.
55  //
56  // An ImageProxy object can be constructed for an image stored on disk in
57  // Casacore, FITS, HDF5, or Miriad format. It can also be constructed given
58  // a shape or an N-dim array with values.
59  // Furthermore it can be constructed from a LEL expression (see class ImageExpr)
60  // or a vector of images to be concatenated (see class ImageConcat).
61  //
62  // Many functions exist to operate on an ImageProxy object. For example:
63  // <ul>
64  // <li> get meta info (shape, data type, coordinates, etc.)
65  // <li> save in Casacore, HDF5, or FITS format.
66  // <li> regrid.
67  // <li> get statistics.
68  // <li> form a subimage (which is done in a virtual way).
69  // </ul>
70  // Functions regrid and statistics can only be used for Float images.
71  // They throw an exception for images with other data types.
72  // Note that using a LEL expression it is possible to (virtually) convert an
73  // image with another type to a Float image.
74  // </synopsis>
76  class ImageProxy
77  {
78  public:
79  // Default constructor is needed for Boost-Python.
82  // Construct from the concatenation of the images along the axis.
83  // The axis must be given as a Fortran-array axis.
84  // All images must be of the same data type.
85  ImageProxy (const Vector<String>& names, Int axis);
87  // Construct from a string that contains an image name or image expression.
88  // It is opened using ImageOpener.
89  ImageProxy (const String& name, const String& mask,
90  const std::vector<ImageProxy>& images);
92  // Construct from the concatenation of the image objects along the axis.
93  // The axis must be given as a Fortran-array axis.
94  // All images must be of the same data type.
95  //# The dummy arguments are needed to let all constructors have a
96  //# different number of arguments (for Boost-Python).
97  ImageProxy (const std::vector<ImageProxy>& images, Int axis,
98  Int dummy1=0, Int dummy2=0);
100  // Construct from a ValueHolder containing an Array of Float or Complex.
101  // If the name is empty it is created as a temporary image, otherwise
102  // as a PagedImage or HDF5Image.
103  // If the coordinates record is empty, default coordinates are used.
104  // A mask is created if the mask name or mask value is not empty.
105  ImageProxy (const ValueHolder& values,
106  const ValueHolder& mask,
107  const Record& coordinates,
108  const String& imageName = String(),
109  Bool overwrite = True,
110  Bool asHDF5 = False,
111  const String& maskName = String(),
112  const IPosition& tileShape = IPosition());
114  // Construct from a shape.
115  // If the name is empty it is created as a temporary image, otherwise
116  // as a PagedImage or HDF5Image.
117  // If the coordinates record is empty, default coordinates are used.
118  // A mask is created if the mask name is not empty.
120  const ValueHolder& value,
121  const Record& coordinates,
122  const String& imageName = String(),
123  Bool overwrite = True,
124  Bool asHDF5 = False,
125  const String& maskName = String(),
126  const IPosition& tileShape = IPosition(),
127  Int dummy=0);
129  // Construct from an existing image object.
132  // Copy constructor (reference semantics).
135  // Assignment (reference semantics).
140  // Open the image (which can also be an expression).
141  // It throws an exception if not succeeded.
142  static LatticeBase* openImage (const String& name,
143  const String& mask = String(),
144  const std::vector<ImageProxy>& images = std::vector<ImageProxy>());
146  // Open an image in the file/table with the given name.
147  // The specified mask will be applied (default is default mask).
148  // A null pointer is returned for an unknown image type.
149  // Non-Casacore image types must have been registered to be known.
150  // If not successful, try to open it as an image expression.
151  static LatticeBase* openImageOrExpr (const String& str,
152  const MaskSpecifier&,
153  const Block<LatticeExprNode>& nodes);
155  // Close the image by setting all pointers to 0.
156  void close();
158  // Turn the ImageProxy into a LatticeExprNode.
161  // Is the image persistent or temporary.
164  // Get the name of the image.
165  String name (Bool stripPath=False) const;
167  // Get the shape of the image.
168  IPosition shape() const;
170  // Get the dimensionality of the image.
171  uInt ndim() const;
173  // Get the size of the image (nr of pixels).
174  uInt size() const;
176  // Get the data type of the image.
177  String dataType() const;
179  DataType type() const;
181  // Get the image type (PagedImage, HDF5Image, etc.)
182  String imageType() const;
184  // Get a chunk of data.
186  const IPosition& trc,
187  const IPosition& inc);
189  // Get a chunk of the mask.
191  const IPosition& trc,
192  const IPosition& inc);
194  // Put a chunk of data.
195  void putData (const ValueHolder&,
196  const IPosition& blc,
197  const IPosition& inc);
199  // Put a chunk of the mask.
200  // The mask will be created if not present yet.
201  // That will not be done if the entire mask is True.
202  void putMask (const ValueHolder& value,
203  const IPosition& blc,
204  const IPosition& inc);
206  // Does the image have a read or write lock?
207  Bool hasLock (Bool writeLock = False);
209  // Try to acquire a read or write lock.
210  // nattempts=0 means wait until acquired. Otherwise every second an
211  // attempt is done.
212  void lock (Bool writeLock=False, Int nattempts=0);
214  // Release the lock acquired by lock().
215  void unlock();
217  // Get the names of the attribute groups.
220  // Create a new attribute group.
221  void createAttrGroup (const String& groupName);
223  // Get the names of all attributes in a group.
224  Vector<String> attrNames (const String& groupName) const;
226  // Get the number of rows in an attribute group.
227  uInt attrNrows (const String& groupName) const;
229  // Get the value of an attribute in a group row.
230  ValueHolder getAttr (const String& groupName,
231  const String& attrName,
232  uInt rownr) const;
234  // Get all attributes in a group row.
235  Record getAttrRow (const String& groupName,
236  uInt rownr) const;
238  // Get the unit(s) of an attribute in a group.
240  const String& attrName) const;
242  // Get the measinfo of an attribute in a group.
244  const String& attrName) const;
246  // Put the value, unit, and measinfo of an attribute in a group row.
247  // The attribute or row is added if new.
248  void putAttr (const String& groupName, const String& attrName, uInt rownr,
249  const ValueHolder& value,
250  const Vector<String>& units,
251  const Vector<String>& measInfo);
253  // Form a new (virtual) image being a subset of the image.
254  // It uses preserveAxesOrder=False.
256  const IPosition& trc,
257  const IPosition& inc,
258  Bool dropDegenerate=True);
259  // Same with a new function name for backward compatibility with old pyrap.
261  const IPosition& trc,
262  const IPosition& inc,
263  Bool dropDegenerate,
264  Bool preserveAxesOrder);
266  // Get the brightness unit.
267  String unit() const;
269  // Get the coordinate system.
270  Record coordSys() const;
274  // Convert a pixel coordinate to world coordinate.
275  // if <src>reverseAxes=True</src> the input and output vector will be
276  // reversed (as needed for pyrap).
278  Bool reverseAxes);
280  // Convert a world coordinate to pixel coordinate.
281  // if <src>reverseAxes=True</src> the input and output vector will be
282  // reversed (as needed for pyrap).
284  Bool reverseAxes);
286  // Get the image info.
287  Record imageInfo() const;
289  const ImageInfo& imageInfoObject() const;
291  // Get the miscellaneous info.
292  Record miscInfo() const;
294  // Get the history.
297  // Write the image in FITS format.
298  // See class ImageFITSConverter for a description of the arguments.
299  // Currently only a float image can be written to FITS.
300  void toFits (const String& fitsfile, Bool overwrite=True,
301  Bool velocity=True, Bool optical=True, Int bitpix=-32,
302  Double minpix=1, Double maxpix=-1) const;
304  // Write the image to an image file with the given name.
305  // An exception is thrown if the name is the name of an already open image.
306  void saveAs (const String& fileName, Bool overwrite=True,
307  Bool hdf5=False,
308  Bool copyMask=True, const String& newMaskName=String(),
309  const IPosition& newTileShape=IPosition()) const;
311  // Return the statistics for the given axes.
312  // E.g., if axes 0,1 is given in a 3-dim image, the statistics are
313  // calculated for each plane along the 3rd axis.
314  // MinMaxValues can be given to include or exclude (4th argument) pixels
315  // with values in the given range. If only one value is given, min=-abs(val)
316  // and max=abs(val).
317  // Robust statistics (Median, MedAbsDevMed, and Quartile) can be returned
318  // too.
320  const String& mask,
321  const ValueHolder& minMaxValues,
322  Bool exclude = False,
323  Bool robust = False) const;
325  // Regrid the image on the given axes to the given coordinate system.
326  // The output is stored in the given file; it no file name is given a
327  // temporary image is made.
328  // If the output shape is empty, the old shape is used.
329  // <src>replicate=True</src> means replication rather than regridding.
331  const String& outfile = String(),
332  Bool overwriteOutFile = True,
333  const IPosition& outShape = IPosition(),
334  const Record& coordSys = Record(),
335  const String& method = "linear",
336  Int decimate = 10,
337  Bool replicate = False,
338  Bool doRefChange = True,
339  Bool forceRegrid = False);
341  // Check and adjust blc, trc, or inc using the shape.
342  // <group>
343  static IPosition adjustBlc (const IPosition& blc, const IPosition& shp);
344  static IPosition adjustTrc (const IPosition& trc, const IPosition& shp);
345  static IPosition adjustInc (const IPosition& inc, const IPosition& shp);
346  // </group>
349  /*
351  ImageProxy rotate(const String& outfile,
352  const IPosition& shape,
353  const Quantity& pa, Record& region,
354  const String& mask,
355  const String& method = "cubic",
356  Int decimate = 0,
357  Bool replicate = False,
358  Bool dropdeg = False,
359  Bool overwrite = False);
362  Bool setbrightnessunit (const String& unit);
364  Bool setcoordsys (const Record& csys);
366  Bool sethistory (const String& origin, const Vector<String>& history);
368  Bool setmiscinfo (const Record& info);
370  ImageProxy subimage(const String& outfile, Record& region,
371  const String& mask,
372  Bool dropdeg = False,
373  Bool overwrite = False,
374  Bool list = True);
376  Vector<Double> topixel(Record& value);
378  */
381  { return itsLattice.operator->(); }
383  private:
384  // Form an ImageProxy object from an existing image object.
385  explicit ImageProxy (LatticeBase*);
387  // Throw an exception if the object is null.
388  void checkNull() const;
390  // Make an image from an array or shape.
391  template<typename T>
392  void makeImage (const Array<T>& array, const Array<Bool>& mask,
393  const IPosition& shape, const Record& coordinates,
394  const String& fileName, Bool asHDF5,
395  const String& maskName,
396  const IPosition& tileShape);
398  // Form a concatenated image.
399  // <group>
400  void concatImages (const std::vector<ImageProxy>& images, Int axis);
401  void concatImagesFloat (const std::vector<ImageProxy>& images, Int axis);
402  void concatImagesDouble (const std::vector<ImageProxy>& images, Int axis);
403  void concatImagesComplex (const std::vector<ImageProxy>& images, Int axis);
404  void concatImagesDComplex (const std::vector<ImageProxy>& images, Int axis);
405  // </group>
407  // Setup the pointers for the various image data types.
408  void setup();
410  // Setup the pointers for the various image data types.
411  // It takes over the lattice pointer.
412  void setup (LatticeBase* lattice);
414  // Centre all axes except the Stokes one.
416  const IPosition& shape) const;
418  // Put the mask and create it if needed.
419  template<typename T>
421  const ValueHolder& value,
422  const IPosition& blc,
423  const IPosition& inc);
425  // Copy the image to an image (PagedImage or HDF5Image) with the given name.
426  // A new tile shape can be given.
427  // If the image is masked, the mask can be copied as well.
428  template <typename T>
429  void saveImage (const String& fileName,
430  Bool hdf5, Bool copyMask,
431  const String& newMaskName,
432  const IPosition& newTileShape,
433  const ImageInterface<T>& image) const;
435  // Form a tiled shape from the current shape and a possible new tile shape.
436  TiledShape makeTiledShape (const IPosition& newTileShape,
437  const IPosition& shape,
438  const IPosition& oldTileShape=IPosition()) const;
440  // Calculate the statistics.
441  template<typename T>
443  const Vector<Int>& axes,
444  const String& mask,
445  const ValueHolder& minMaxValues,
446  Bool exclude,
447  Bool robust) const;
449  // Do the actual regridding.
450  template<typename T>
452  const Vector<Int>& axes,
453  const String& outfile,
454  const IPosition& shape,
455  const Record& coordSys,
456  const String& method,
457  Int decimate,
458  Bool replicate,
459  Bool doRefChange,
460  Bool force);
462  // Make a coordinate system from the Record.
463  // The cylindrical fix is applied if needed.
465  const IPosition& shape) const;
468  //# Data members.
469  //# itsLattice is the real data; the pointers are for type convenience only.
477  };
479 } // end namespace casacore
481 #endif
simple 1-D array
Definition: Block.h:200
Referenced counted pointer for constant data.
Definition: CountedPtr.h:81
void makeImage(const Array< T > &array, const Array< Bool > &mask, const IPosition &shape, const Record &coordinates, const String &fileName, Bool asHDF5, const String &maskName, const IPosition &tileShape)
Make an image from an array or shape.
const CoordinateSystem * itsCoordSys
Definition: ImageProxy.h:475
Record coordSys() const
Get the coordinate system.
CoordinateSystem makeCoordinateSystem(const Record &coordinates, const IPosition &shape) const
Make a coordinate system from the Record.
ImageProxy(const String &name, const String &mask, const std::vector< ImageProxy > &images)
Construct from a string that contains an image name or image expression.
void putAttr(const String &groupName, const String &attrName, uInt rownr, const ValueHolder &value, const Vector< String > &units, const Vector< String > &measInfo)
Put the value, unit, and measinfo of an attribute in a group row.
ImageProxy(const ValueHolder &values, const ValueHolder &mask, const Record &coordinates, const String &imageName=String(), Bool overwrite=True, Bool asHDF5=False, const String &maskName=String(), const IPosition &tileShape=IPosition())
Construct from a ValueHolder containing an Array of Float or Complex.
void saveAs(const String &fileName, Bool overwrite=True, Bool hdf5=False, Bool copyMask=True, const String &newMaskName=String(), const IPosition &newTileShape=IPosition()) const
Write the image to an image file with the given name.
void putData(const ValueHolder &, const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &inc)
Put a chunk of data.
Vector< String > history() const
Get the history.
ImageInterface< DComplex > * itsImageDComplex
Definition: ImageProxy.h:474
uInt size() const
Get the size of the image (nr of pixels).
Record statistics(const Vector< Int > &axes, const String &mask, const ValueHolder &minMaxValues, Bool exclude=False, Bool robust=False) const
Return the statistics for the given axes.
void concatImagesFloat(const std::vector< ImageProxy > &images, Int axis)
Default constructor is needed for Boost-Python.
ImageProxy(LatticeBase *)
Form an ImageProxy object from an existing image object.
uInt attrNrows(const String &groupName) const
Get the number of rows in an attribute group.
void concatImagesComplex(const std::vector< ImageProxy > &images, Int axis)
ImageProxy subImage2(const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &trc, const IPosition &inc, Bool dropDegenerate, Bool preserveAxesOrder)
Same with a new function name for backward compatibility with old pyrap.
Vector< Double > toPixel(const Vector< Double > &world, Bool reverseAxes)
Convert a world coordinate to pixel coordinate.
void concatImagesDComplex(const std::vector< ImageProxy > &images, Int axis)
ValueHolder getAttr(const String &groupName, const String &attrName, uInt rownr) const
Get the value of an attribute in a group row.
void lock(Bool writeLock=False, Int nattempts=0)
Try to acquire a read or write lock.
const ImageInfo & imageInfoObject() const
ImageProxy & operator=(const ImageProxy &)
Assignment (reference semantics).
Vector< String > attrGroupNames() const
Get the names of the attribute groups.
Record miscInfo() const
Get the miscellaneous info.
void centreRefPix(CoordinateSystem &cSys, const IPosition &shape) const
Centre all axes except the Stokes one.
ValueHolder getMask(const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &trc, const IPosition &inc)
Get a chunk of the mask.
ImageInterface< Complex > * itsImageComplex
Definition: ImageProxy.h:473
void putMask(const ValueHolder &value, const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &inc)
Put a chunk of the mask.
Bool hasLock(Bool writeLock=False)
Does the image have a read or write lock?
DataType type() const
LatticeExprNode makeNode() const
Turn the ImageProxy into a LatticeExprNode.
Vector< String > getAttrUnit(const String &groupName, const String &attrName) const
Get the unit(s) of an attribute in a group.
IPosition shape() const
Get the shape of the image.
ImageInterface< Float > * itsImageFloat
Definition: ImageProxy.h:471
Vector< String > getAttrMeas(const String &groupName, const String &attrName) const
Get the measinfo of an attribute in a group.
Record imageInfo() const
Get the image info.
ImageProxy(const IPosition &shape, const ValueHolder &value, const Record &coordinates, const String &imageName=String(), Bool overwrite=True, Bool asHDF5=False, const String &maskName=String(), const IPosition &tileShape=IPosition(), Int dummy=0)
Construct from a shape.
void unlock()
Release the lock acquired by lock().
Bool isPersistent() const
Is the image persistent or temporary.
ImageProxy(const ImageProxy &)
Copy constructor (reference semantics).
void concatImagesDouble(const std::vector< ImageProxy > &images, Int axis)
ImageAttrHandler * itsAttrHandler
Definition: ImageProxy.h:476
CountedPtr< LatticeBase > itsLattice
Definition: ImageProxy.h:470
void concatImages(const std::vector< ImageProxy > &images, Int axis)
Form a concatenated image.
TiledShape makeTiledShape(const IPosition &newTileShape, const IPosition &shape, const IPosition &oldTileShape=IPosition()) const
Form a tiled shape from the current shape and a possible new tile shape.
const CoordinateSystem & coordSysObject() const
static LatticeBase * openImage(const String &name, const String &mask=String(), const std::vector< ImageProxy > &images=std::vector< ImageProxy >())
Open the image (which can also be an expression).
void saveImage(const String &fileName, Bool hdf5, Bool copyMask, const String &newMaskName, const IPosition &newTileShape, const ImageInterface< T > &image) const
Copy the image to an image (PagedImage or HDF5Image) with the given name.
ImageProxy regrid(const Vector< Int > &axes=Vector< Int >(), const String &outfile=String(), Bool overwriteOutFile=True, const IPosition &outShape=IPosition(), const Record &coordSys=Record(), const String &method="linear", Int decimate=10, Bool replicate=False, Bool doRefChange=True, Bool forceRegrid=False)
Regrid the image on the given axes to the given coordinate system.
ImageProxy subImage(const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &trc, const IPosition &inc, Bool dropDegenerate=True)
Form a new (virtual) image being a subset of the image.
Vector< Double > toWorld(const Vector< Double > &pixel, Bool reverseAxes)
Convert a pixel coordinate to world coordinate.
static IPosition adjustBlc(const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &shp)
Check and adjust blc, trc, or inc using the shape.
String imageType() const
Get the image type (PagedImage, HDF5Image, etc.)
ImageInterface< Double > * itsImageDouble
Definition: ImageProxy.h:472
uInt ndim() const
Get the dimensionality of the image.
ImageProxy(const std::vector< ImageProxy > &images, Int axis, Int dummy1=0, Int dummy2=0)
Construct from the concatenation of the image objects along the axis.
LatticeBase * getLattice() const
Definition: ImageProxy.h:380
String unit() const
Get the brightness unit.
void checkNull() const
Throw an exception if the object is null.
ImageProxy(const Vector< String > &names, Int axis)
Construct from the concatenation of the images along the axis.
String dataType() const
Get the data type of the image.
String name(Bool stripPath=False) const
Get the name of the image.
static IPosition adjustTrc(const IPosition &trc, const IPosition &shp)
void setup()
Setup the pointers for the various image data types.
void setup(LatticeBase *lattice)
Setup the pointers for the various image data types.
void createAttrGroup(const String &groupName)
Create a new attribute group.
ImageProxy(const CountedPtr< LatticeBase > &)
Construct from an existing image object.
ValueHolder getData(const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &trc, const IPosition &inc)
Get a chunk of data.
Vector< String > attrNames(const String &groupName) const
Get the names of all attributes in a group.
static IPosition adjustInc(const IPosition &inc, const IPosition &shp)
void toFits(const String &fitsfile, Bool overwrite=True, Bool velocity=True, Bool optical=True, Int bitpix=-32, Double minpix=1, Double maxpix=-1) const
Write the image in FITS format.
void close()
Close the image by setting all pointers to 0.
void doPutMask(ImageInterface< T > &image, const ValueHolder &value, const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &inc)
Put the mask and create it if needed.
static LatticeBase * openImageOrExpr(const String &str, const MaskSpecifier &, const Block< LatticeExprNode > &nodes)
Open an image in the file/table with the given name.
ImageProxy doRegrid(const ImageInterface< T > &image, const Vector< Int > &axes, const String &outfile, const IPosition &shape, const Record &coordSys, const String &method, Int decimate, Bool replicate, Bool doRefChange, Bool force)
Do the actual regridding.
Record makeStatistics(const ImageInterface< T > &image, const Vector< Int > &axes, const String &mask, const ValueHolder &minMaxValues, Bool exclude, Bool robust) const
Calculate the statistics.
Record getAttrRow(const String &groupName, uInt rownr) const
Get all attributes in a group row.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:225
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28
const Bool False
Definition: aipstype.h:44
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
TableExprNode array(const TableExprNode &values, const TableExprNodeSet &shape)
Create an array of the given shape and fill it with the values.
Definition: ExprNode.h:1929
LatticeExprNode mask(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the mask of the given expression.
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
LatticeExprNode value(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the value of the expression without a mask.
const Bool True
Definition: aipstype.h:43
double Double
Definition: aipstype.h:55