Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //# List.h: Doubly linked list classes
2 //# Copyright (C) 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
28 #ifndef CASA_LIST_H
29 #define CASA_LIST_H
32 #error "List.h is deprecated; use -DBUILD_DEPRECATED=ON to use it"
33 #endif
35 //# Includes
36 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
37 #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Register.h>
38 #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Notice.h>
39 #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Link.h>
40 #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Assert.h>
41 #include <casacore/casa/Containers/IterError.h>
43 namespace casacore { //#Begin casa namespace
45 // The function which throws an exception for advancing the internal
46 // cursor past the end of a list
52 //# Forward Declarations
53 template<class t> class ListIter;
54 template<class t> class ConstListIter;
55 template<class t> class List;
58 //
59 // <summary>Linked list update notice</summary>
60 // <use visibility=local>
61 //
62 // <reviewed reviewer="UNKNOWN" date="before2004/08/25" tests="" demos="">
63 // </reviewed>
64 //
65 // <synopsis>
66 // This class is the notification which is passed between <src>List<t></src>
67 // and <src>ListIter<t></src> in order to keep cursors and container in sync.
68 // This is the mechanism which allows multiple iterators to view the same
69 // list and automatically update as the list is changed. See the
70 // <linkto class=Notice:description>Notice</linkto> class for more information.
71 // </synopsis>
72 //
73 template<class t> class ListNotice : public Notice {
74 friend class ConstListIter<t>;
75 friend class ListIter<t>;
76 friend class List<t>;
77 public:
79  //
80  // This function returns the Notice "type", which is retrieved
81  // from the "type registry". The registry information is maintained
82  // automatically by the Notice constructors. A form of run
83  // time type information, this function is mostly intended for advanced
84  // users.
85  //
86  uInt type() const;
88  //
89  // This operator can be used to compare two
90  // ListNotices.
91  //
92  int operator==(const Notice &op) const;
94 private:
100  int off;
101  int otherOff;
103  //
104  // This is used to construct a list notice. The parameters are:
105  // <ul>
106  // <li> (m) what was done to the list
107  // <li> (oc) the old current position
108  // <li> (op) the old previous position
109  // <li> (nc) the new current position
110  // <li> (np) the new previous position
111  // <li> (of) current offset;
112  // <li> (nf) other offset (only used with SWAP mod)
113  // </ul>
114  //
115  ListNotice(modification m, Link<t> *oc,Link<t> *op,Link<t> *nc,Link<t> *np, int of, int nf=0) :
116  mod(m),oprev(op),ocur(oc),nprev(np),ncur(nc), off(of), otherOff(nf) {}
118  //
119  // This constructor is used to initialize a notice for a deleted
120  // "List".
121  //
123  nprev(0),ncur(0),off(0),otherOff(0) {}
125 };
127 //
128 // <summary>Doubly linked list</summary>
129 // <use visibility=export>
130 //
131 // <reviewed reviewer="UNKNOWN" date="before2004/08/25" tests="" demos="">
132 // </reviewed>
133 //
134 // <synopsis>
135 // This class is a container which by itself has little functionality
136 // because the iteration functionality is contained in the iterator
137 // classes, <linkto class=ListIter>ListIter</linkto> and
138 // <linkto class=ConstListIter>ConstListIterr</linkto>. These iterator
139 // classes allow traversal, insertion into list, and removal from the list.
140 //
141 // This group of classes, List and iterators, was designed to allow
142 // multiple iterators to manipulate a list at the same time. However,
143 // if only one iterator is required the <a href=#simple_example>simple
144 // example</a> below shows how a simple list can be created and used
145 // without complication. The <a href=#complete_example>more complete
146 // example</a> below demonstrates all of the functionality of the List
147 // classes.
148 // </synopsis>
149 //
150 // <anchor name=simple_example>
151 // <example>
152 // <srcblock>
153 // #include <casacore/casa/Containers/List.h>
154 // #include <casacore/casa/Containers/ListIO.h>
155 //
156 // main() {
157 // // List, conceptual
158 // // cursor = "|"
159 // ListIter<int> list(new List<int>(),True); // |
160 // list.addRight(12); // | 12
161 // list.addRight(2); // | 2 12
162 // list.addRight(89); // | 89 2 12
163 // list++; // 89 | 2 12
164 // list.addRight(10); // 89 | 10 2 12
165 // list++; // 89 10 | 2 12
166 // list.addRight(8); // 89 10 | 8 2 12
167 // list--; // 89 | 10 8 2 12
168 // list.pos(0); // | 89 10 8 2 12
169 // list.pos(5); // 89 10 8 2 12 |
170 // list.pos(4); // 89 10 8 2 | 12
171 // list.step(3); // 89 | 10 8 2 12
172 // list.step(); // 89 10 | 8 2 12
173 // list.step(-4); // 89 10 8 2 | 12
174 // list.removeRight(); // 89 10 8 2 |
175 // cout << list << endl;
176 // return 0;
177 // }
178 // </srcblock>
179 // <em>The output from this example looks like:</em>
180 // <pre>
181 // len=4 pos=4 89 10 8 2
182 // </pre>
183 // </example>
184 // </anchor>
185 //
186 template<class t> class List : public NoticeSource
187 {
188 friend class ConstListIter<t>;
189 friend class ListIter<t>;
190 public:
191  //
192  // Creates an empty list.
193  //
194  List() : head(0), tail(0), length(0){}
195  //
196  // Copy Semantics
197  // <group>
198  List(const List<t> &other);
199  List(const List<t> *other);
200  List<t> &operator=(const List<t> &other);
201  List<t> &operator=(const List<t> *other);
202  // </group>
204  //*display 4
205  //
206  // Destructs the list.
207  //
208  ~List();
210  //
211  // Returns the length of the list.
212  //
213  uInt len() const {return length;}
215  //
216  // List version
217  //
218  enum {ListVersion = 2};
220 protected:
225  //
226  // Updates the extreme pointers, head or tail
227  // under the appropriate conditions
228  //
229  // <group>
230  virtual void added(Link<t> *, Link<t> *);
231  virtual void removed(Link<t> *, Link<t> *, Link<t> *);
232  // </group>
233 };
236 //
237 // <summary>Doubly linked constant list iterator</summary>
238 //
239 // <synopsis>
240 // The <linkto class=List>List</linkto> class above only provides for
241 // the list framework. This is one of two classes which allow list
242 // iteration, insertion, and removal. This class <em>cannot</em> be
243 // used to modify a list, but rather, it can only be used to look at
244 // or observe a list. It provides <em>no</em> functions for modifying
245 // the list.
246 //
247 // All of the operations take place to the right of a conceptual cursor.
248 // The cursor starts out before the first element of the list and can
249 // be incremented past the last element of the list. Going further than
250 // the end of the list results in an exception.
251 //
252 // <example>
253 // In this example, assume that this function is called at the
254 // end of the <a href=#simple_example>example above</a>, i.e.
255 // assume that the line before the return,
256 // <a href=#simple_example>above</a>, is uncommented.
257 //
258 // <srcblock>
259 // void iterate(ListIter<int> &list) {
260 // // List, conceptual
261 // // cursor = "|"
262 // ConstListIter<int> li = list; // 89 10 8 2 |
263 // li--; // 89 10 8 | 2
264 // cout << li.getRight() << " "; // 89 10 8 | 2
265 // li--; // 89 10 | 8 2
266 // li.pos(0); // | 89 10 8 2
267 // li.pos(3); // 89 10 8 | 2
268 // li.pos(1); // 89 | 10 8 2
269 // li.step(); // 89 10 | 8 2
270 // li.pos(0); // | 89 10 8 2
271 // li.step(-3); // 89 10 | 8 2
272 // cout << li.getRight() << endl; // 89 10 | 8 2
273 // cout << li << endl; // 89 10 | 8 2
274 // }
275 // </srcblock>
276 // The output which this function, <src>iterate()</src>, would
277 // produce would look like:
278 // <pre>
279 // 2 8
280 // len=4 pos=2 89 10 8 2
281 // </pre>
282 //
283 // As shown above:
284 // <dl>
285 // <dt> <src>pos()</src>
286 // <dd> allows for arbitrary positioning of the cursor
287 // <dt> <src>step()</src>, <src>operator++()</src>, and <src>operator--()</src>
288 // <dd> allow for relative positioning
289 // <dt> <src>getRight()</src>
290 // <dd> fetches the next element in the list.
291 // </dl>
292 // In addition:
293 // <dl>
294 // <dt> <src>atStart()</src>, <src>atEnd()</src>, and <src>pos()</src>
295 // <dd> allow querying the position of the cursor
296 // <dt> <src>len()</src>
297 // <dd> returns the number of elements in the list.
298 // </dl>
299 // </example>
300 //
301 // <note role=tip> This class uses the <linkto class=Notice>Notice
302 // classes</linkto> to implement "dynamic" cursors so that
303 // multiple cursors are updated as elements are added and
304 // removed from the list.
305 // </note>
306 //
307 template<class t> class ConstListIter : public NoticeTarget
308 {
309 public:
311  //
312  // This constructor creates a "ConstListIter" which tracks the
313  // "List<t>" parameter.
314  //
315  // <group>
316  ConstListIter(const List<t> *st);
318  cur(st.head), prev(0), curPos(0),
319  container_((List<t> *) (&st))
320  {}
321  // </group>
323  //
324  // This constructor creates a "ConstListIter" which tracks the
325  // same list tracked by the "ConstListIter<t>" parameter.
326  //
327  // <group>
329  NoticeTarget((NoticeTarget &)other),
330  cur(other.cur), prev(other.prev), curPos(other.curPos),
331  container_(other.container_) {}
334  // </group>
337  //
338  // This is the default constructor. It allows one
339  // to create an initially invalid empty ConstListIter. The instantiated
340  // class will accept assignment and thus become valid later.
341  //
343  container_(0) {}
345  //*display 4
346  //
347  // Destructor doesn\'t do anything special because
348  // all of the "real" information is in the "List<t>".
349  //
352  //*display 4
353  //
354  // This function is the hook through which iterators
355  // are notified of important changes to the underlying
356  // list. For advanced users.
357  //
358  void notify(const Notice &);
360  //
361  // This functions allows one to checked if the cursor
362  // is at an extreme list position. "atStart()" checks
363  // to see if the cursor is at the beginning of the list,
364  // and "atEnd()" checks to see if the cursor is at the
365  // end of the list.
366  //
367  // <group>
368  Bool atStart() const {
370  if (prev == 0) return True;
371  else return False;}
373  Bool atEnd() const {
375  if (cur == 0) return True;
376  else return False;}
377  // </group>
379  //
380  // This function is used to step the cursor forward through
381  // the list.
382  //
383  // <group>
384  void operator++() {
386  if (cur) {
387  curPos++;
388  prev = cur;
389  cur = (*cur).next();
390  } else throw_list_end_error();}
392  inline void operator++(int) {
394  if (cur != 0) {
395  curPos++;
396  prev = cur;
397  cur = (*cur).next();
398  } else throw_list_end_error();}
399  // </group>
401  //
402  // This function allow for stepping the cursor toward the
403  // front of the list.
404  //
405  // <group>
406  void operator--() {
407  if (prev) {
408  curPos--;
409  cur = prev;
410  prev = (*prev).prev();
411  } else throw_list_start_error();}
413  void operator--(int) {
414  if (prev) {
415  curPos--;
416  cur = prev;
417  prev = (*prev).prev();
418  } else throw_list_start_error();}
419  // </group>
421  //
422  // "pos()" without arguments returns the current postion
423  // of the cursor.
424  // "pos()" with an unsigned integer parameter
425  // moves the cursor to an absolute position.
426  //
427  // <group>
428  virtual uInt pos(uInt);
430  uInt pos() const {
432  return curPos;}
433  // </group>
435  //
436  // This function returns the number of elements in the list.
437  //
438  uInt len() const {
440  return (*container_).length;}
442  //
443  // "step()" with no parameters advances the cursor forward
444  // one element.
445  // "step()" with a signed integer parameter moves the cursor
446  // (forward or backward) by a relative offset indicated by the
447  // parameter.
448  //
449  // <group>
450  inline uInt step(Int offset){
451  Int toffset;
453  //# Traps a negative offset because aparently some compilers
454  //# do not handle modulo of a negative number correctly.
455  toffset = offset < 0 && -offset > Int(curPos) ? -((- curPos - offset) % ((*container_).length + 1))
456  : (curPos + offset) % ((*container_).length + 1);
457  return(pos(toffset >= 0 ? toffset : (*container_).length + toffset + 1));}
459  inline uInt step() {return(step(1));}
460  // </group>
462  //
463  // Returns the element to the right of the cursor.
464  //
465  const t &getRight() const {
467  if (!cur) throw_list_end_error();
468  return((*cur).val());}
470  //
471  // This assignment operator substitutes the "List<t>"
472  // tracked by this iterator to the "List<t>" passed as an argument.
473  //
474  // <group>
475  virtual ConstListIter<t> &operator=(const List<t> &other);
476  virtual ConstListIter<t> &operator=(const List<t> *other);
477  // </group>
479  //
480  // This assignment operator substitutes the "List<t>"
481  // tracked by this iterator to the "List<t>" tracked by the
482  // passed "ConstListIter<t>" argument.
483  //
484  // <group>
487  // </group>
489  //
490  // This function moves the cursor to the beginning of the list.
491  //
492  void toStart() {
494  cur = (*container_).head; prev = 0; curPos = 0;}
496  //
497  // This function moves the cursor to the end of the list.
498  //
499  void toEnd() {
501  prev = (*container_).tail;
502  cur = 0;
503  curPos = (*container_).length;
504  }
506  //
507  // Get the container over which we are iterating, could be null...
508  //
509  const List<t> *container() const {return container_;}
511  // enum outside class because of compiler errors on HPUX
512  //enum {ConstListIterVersion = 1};
514 protected:
520 };
522 //
523 // <summary>Doubly linked non-constant list iterator</summary>
524 //
525 // The <linkto class=List>List</linkto> class above only provides for
526 // the list framework. This is one of two classes which allow list
527 // iteration, insertion, and removal. This class <em>can</em> be
528 // used to modify a list. Unlike
529 // <linkto class=ConstListIter>ConstListIter</linkto>, this class can
530 // insert and remove elements from a list as well as look at
531 // or observe a list. <linkto class=ConstListIter>ConstListIter</linkto>
532 // should be used whenever the list is not modified.
533 //
534 // All of the operations take place to the right of a conceptual cursor.
535 // The cursor starts out before the first element of the list and can
536 // be incremented past the last element of the list. Going further than
537 // the end of the list results in an exception. All additions and deletions
538 // occur to the right of this conceptual cursor. In addition, this class
539 // uses the <linkto class=Notice>Notice</linkto> class to ensure that multiple
540 // iterators which are observing the same list are updated as the list
541 // changes. This is important when multiple iterators are used.
542 //
543 // <anchor name=complete_example>
544 // <example>
545 // <srcblock>
546 // #include <casacore/casa/Containers/List.h>
547 // #include <casacore/casa/Containers/ListIO.h>
548 //
549 // main() {
550 // // The conceptual cursors are:
551 // // | for one
552 // // ^ for two
553 // // _ for three
554 // ListIter<int> one(new List<int>,True);
555 // ListIter<int> three, two = one;
556 // one.addRight(12); // |^ 12
557 // one.addRight(2); // |^ 2 12
558 // one.addRight(89); // |^ 89 2 12
559 // cout << one.getRight() << " "
560 // << two.getRight() << endl;
561 // two.addRight(21); // |^ 21 89 2 12
562 // cout << one.getRight() << " "
563 // << two.getRight() << endl;
564 // one++; two++; two++; // 21 | 89 ^ 2 12
565 // three = one; // 21 |_ 89 ^ 2 12
566 // one.removeRight(); // 21 |^_ 2 12
567 // cout << one.getRight() << " "
568 // << two.getRight() << " "
569 // << three.getRight() << endl;
570 // three.addRight(17); // 21 |^_ 17 2 12
571 //
572 // cout << one.getRight() << " "
573 // << two.getRight() << " "
574 // << three.getRight() << endl;
575 //
576 // one.toEnd(); // 21 ^_ 17 2 12 |
577 // one.addRight(18); // 21 ^_ 17 2 12 | 18
578 // two.pos(3); // 21 _ 17 2 ^ 12 | 18
579 // three--; // _ 21 17 2 ^ 12 | 18
580 // two.step(); // _ 21 17 2 12 ^| 18
581 // one.step(4); // _ 21 17 | 2 12 ^ 18
582 // cout << "one: " << one << endl;
583 // cout << "two: " << two << endl;
584 // cout << "three: " << three << endl;
585 //
586 // return 0;
587 // }
588 // </srcblock>
589 // The output from this example would look like:
590 // <pre>
591 // 89 89
592 // 21 21
593 // 2 2 2
594 // 17 2 17
595 // one: len=5 pos=2 21 17 2 12 18
596 // two: len=5 pos=4 21 17 2 12 18
597 // three: len=5 pos=0 21 17 2 12 18
598 // </pre>
599 // </example>
600 // </anchor>
601 //
602 // <note role=tip> This class uses the "Notice" classes to implement "dynamic" cursors
603 // so that multiple cursors are updated as elements are added and
604 // removed from the list.
605 // </note>
606 //
607 template<class t> class ListIter : virtual public ConstListIter<t> {
608 public:
610  //
611  // This constructor allows one to construct a ListIter and
612  // attach it to the List parameter. The own flag can be
613  // set to indicate that the List should be destroyed when
614  // the ListIter is deleted.
615  //
616  ListIter(List<t> *st, Bool OWN = False) : ConstListIter<t>(st), own(OWN){}
619  //
620  // This constructor allows one to construct a ListIter and
621  // attach it to the List parameter.
622  //
625  //
626  // These constructors allow for the creation of a ListIter from
627  // another ListIter. This will attach this ListIter to the List
628  // tracked by the ListIter parameter at the time of construction.
629  //
630  // <group>
631  ListIter(const ListIter<t> &other);
632  ListIter(const ListIter<t> *other) : ConstListIter<t>(other), own(False){}
633  // </group>
635  //
636  // This is the default constructor. It allows one
637  // to create an initially invalid empty ListIter. The instantiated
638  // class will accept assignment and thus become valid later.
639  //
643  //
644  // This function adds the element to the right of the
645  // current cursor position.
646  //
647  void addRight(t e) {
649  Link<t> *c = this->cur;
650  Link<t> *p = this->prev;
651  this->cur = newLink(e,this->prev,this->cur);
652  // Allow container to update
653  (*this->container_).added(this->prev,this->cur);
654  ListNotice<t> state(ListNotice<t>::ADD,c,p,this->cur,this->prev,
655  this->curPos);
656  (*this->container_).notify(state);
657  }
659  //
660  // This function removes the element to the right of the
661  // current cursor position.
662  //
663  void removeRight();
665  //
666  // This function swaps the list section after the
667  // current position of the list with the right section
668  // of the list of another iterator. This can be
669  // particularly useful for "remembering" the position
670  // of a cursor in a list.
671  //
672  virtual void swapRight(ListIter<t> &);
675  //
676  // Returns the element to the right of the cursor.
677  //
678  // <group>
679  t &getRight() {
681  if (!this->cur) throw_list_end_error();
682  return((*this->cur).val());}
684  const t &getRight() const { return(ConstListIter<t>::getRight());}
685  // </group>
687  //
688  // This function changes the List
689  // which this ListIter tracks and specifies that the List
690  // should be deleted when this iterator is deleted.
691  //
692  virtual ListIter<t> &assign(List<t> *other,Bool OWN = False);
694  //
695  // This assignment operator changes the List which this
696  // iterator tracks to the List parameter.
697  //
698  // <group>
699  virtual ListIter<t> &operator=(List<t> &other);
701  virtual ListIter<t> &operator=(List<t> *other);
702  // </group>
704  //
705  // These assignment operators allow one to change the List
706  // to which this iterator tracks to the List currently associated
707  // with the argument ListIter.
708  //
709  // <group>
710  virtual ListIter<t> &operator=(const ListIter<t> &other);
712  virtual ListIter<t> &operator=(const ListIter<t> *other);
713  // </group>
717 //# **Seems to cause an internal compiler error on Sun's
718 //# **Cfront compiler. Remove when really need or compiler
719 //# **recovers from brain damage (Thu May 4 13:08:21 EDT 1995).
720 //#
721 //# enum {ListIterVersion = 1};
723 protected:
724  //
725  // Indicates if this iterator "owns" the container it observes.
726  //
729  //*display 1
730  //
731  // This function creates a new link. By separating link
732  // creation out into "newLink", the "addRight(t)"
733  // functionality can be performed in the base class.
734  //
735  virtual Link<t> *newLink(t &e, Link<t> *p=0, Link<t> *n=0);
737 private:
739  //*display 6
740  //
741  // These functions are for internal use. They ONLY throw an exception
742  // to prevent improper initialization of a constant OrderedMapIter.
743  //
744  // <group>
749  // </group>
750 };
752 // enum outside class because of compiler errors on HPUX
755 } //#End casa namespace
757 #include <casacore/casa/Containers/List.tcc>
759 #endif
#define AlwaysAssert(expr, exception)
These marcos are provided for use instead of simply using the constructors of assert_ to allow additi...
Definition: Assert.h:157
Doubly linked constant list iterator.
Definition: List.h:308
const t & getRight() const
Returns the element to the right of the cursor.
Definition: List.h:465
void toEnd()
This function moves the cursor to the end of the list.
Definition: List.h:499
virtual ConstListIter< t > & operator=(const List< t > *other)
virtual uInt pos(uInt)
"pos()" without arguments returns the current postion of the cursor.
Bool atStart() const
This functions allows one to checked if the cursor is at an extreme list position.
Definition: List.h:368
uInt len() const
This function returns the number of elements in the list.
Definition: List.h:438
Bool atEnd() const
Definition: List.h:373
const List< t > * container() const
Get the container over which we are iterating, could be null...
Definition: List.h:509
ConstListIter(const ConstListIter< t > *other)
ConstListIter(const List< t > *st)
This constructor creates a "ConstListIter" which tracks the "List<t>" parameter.
void notify(const Notice &)
Hook through which NoticeTargets are notified (by NoticeSources).
This is the default constructor.
Definition: List.h:342
Link< t > * cur
enum outside class because of compiler errors on HPUX enum {ConstListIterVersion = 1};
Definition: List.h:516
void toStart()
This function moves the cursor to the beginning of the list.
Definition: List.h:492
virtual ConstListIter< t > & operator=(const ConstListIter< t > &other)
This assignment operator substitutes the "List<t>" tracked by this iterator to the "List<t>" tracked ...
void operator--()
This function allow for stepping the cursor toward the front of the list.
Definition: List.h:406
virtual ConstListIter< t > & operator=(const ConstListIter< t > *other)
void operator++()
This function is used to step the cursor forward through the list.
Definition: List.h:384
void operator++(int)
Definition: List.h:392
uInt step(Int offset)
"step()" with no parameters advances the cursor forward one element.
Definition: List.h:450
List< t > * container_
Definition: List.h:519
Link< t > * prev
Definition: List.h:517
uInt pos() const
Definition: List.h:430
virtual ConstListIter< t > & operator=(const List< t > &other)
This assignment operator substitutes the "List<t>" tracked by this iterator to the "List<t>" passed a...
void operator--(int)
Definition: List.h:413
ConstListIter(const List< t > &st)
Definition: List.h:317
ConstListIter(const ConstListIter< t > &other)
This constructor creates a "ConstListIter" which tracks the same list tracked by the "ConstListIter<t...
Definition: List.h:328
Invalide iteration error class.
Definition: IterError.h:71
Doubly linked non-constant list iterator The List class above only provides for the list framework.
Definition: List.h:607
virtual Link< t > * newLink(t &e, Link< t > *p=0, Link< t > *n=0)
virtual ListIter< t > & operator=(const ListIter< t > &other)
These assignment operators allow one to change the List to which this iterator tracks to the List cur...
const t & getRight() const
Definition: List.h:684
virtual ListIter< t > & operator=(List< t > &other)
This assignment operator changes the List which this iterator tracks to the List parameter.
ConstListIter< t > & operator=(const ConstListIter< t > &)
This assignment operator substitutes the "List<t>" tracked by this iterator to the "List<t>" tracked ...
void addRight(t e)
This function adds the element to the right of the current cursor position.
Definition: List.h:647
virtual void swapRight(ListIter< t > &)
This function swaps the list section after the current position of the list with the right section of...
t & getRight()
Returns the element to the right of the cursor.
Definition: List.h:679
Bool own
Indicates if this iterator "owns" the container it observes.
Definition: List.h:727
ConstListIter< t > & operator=(const List< t > &)
This assignment operator substitutes the "List<t>" tracked by this iterator to the "List<t>" passed a...
This is the default constructor.
Definition: List.h:640
ListIter(List< t > &st)
This constructor allows one to construct a ListIter and attach it to the List parameter.
ListIter(const ListIter< t > *other)
Definition: List.h:632
void removeRight()
This function removes the element to the right of the current cursor position.
ConstListIter< t > & operator=(const List< t > *)
ConstListIter< t > & operator=(const ConstListIter< t > *)
ListIter(const ListIter< t > &other)
These constructors allow for the creation of a ListIter from another ListIter.
virtual ListIter< t > & assign(List< t > *other, Bool OWN=False)
This function changes the List which this ListIter tracks and specifies that the List should be delet...
virtual ListIter< t > & operator=(const ListIter< t > *other)
ListIter(List< t > *st, Bool OWN=False)
This constructor allows one to construct a ListIter and attach it to the List parameter.
Definition: List.h:616
virtual ListIter< t > & operator=(List< t > *other)
Link< t > * oprev
Definition: List.h:96
Link< t > * ncur
Definition: List.h:99
uInt type() const
This function returns the Notice "type", which is retrieved from the "type registry".
modification mod
Definition: List.h:95
Link< t > * nprev
Definition: List.h:98
int operator==(const Notice &op) const
This operator can be used to compare two ListNotices.
Link< t > * ocur
Definition: List.h:97
ListNotice(modification m, Link< t > *oc, Link< t > *op, Link< t > *nc, Link< t > *np, int of, int nf=0)
This is used to construct a list notice.
Definition: List.h:115
This constructor is used to initialize a notice for a deleted "List".
Definition: List.h:122
Doubly linked list.
Definition: List.h:187
@ ListVersion
Definition: List.h:218
List< t > & operator=(const List< t > *other)
Link< t > * tail
Definition: List.h:222
List(const List< t > &other)
Copy Semantics.
display 4
Creates an empty list.
Definition: List.h:194
List< t > & operator=(const List< t > &other)
uInt length
Definition: List.h:223
virtual void added(Link< t > *, Link< t > *)
Updates the extreme pointers, head or tail under the appropriate conditions.
Link< t > * head
Definition: List.h:221
List(const List< t > *other)
virtual void removed(Link< t > *, Link< t > *, Link< t > *)
uInt len() const
Returns the length of the list.
Definition: List.h:213
base class for notice originators
Definition: Notice.h:99
abstract base class for notice receptors
Definition: Notice.h:150
Bool isValid() const
Returns a boolean value telling whether this NoticeTarget is still "valid".
Definition: Notice.h:159
const Double c
Fundamental physical constants (SI units):
const Double e
e and functions thereof:
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28
const Bool False
Definition: aipstype.h:44
void throw_list_swapright_same_error()
void throw_list_init_error()
@ ConstListIterVersion
Definition: List.h:753
void throw_list_end_error()
The function which throws an exception for advancing the internal cursor past the end of a list.
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
void throw_list_start_error()
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
const Bool True
Definition: aipstype.h:43