Classes | Namespaces | Functions
MSKeys.h File Reference
#include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
#include <set>
#include <ostream>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  casacore::SubScanKey
 A sub scan is a unique combination of observation ID, array ID, scan number, and field ID. More...
struct  casacore::ScanKey
 A scan is a unique combination of observation ID, array ID, and scan number Negative values are allowed to indicate all values of the particular ID are desired. More...
struct  casacore::ArrayKey
 An ArrayKey is a unique combination of observation ID and array ID Negative values are allowed to indicate all values of the particular ID are desired. More...
struct  casacore::SourceKey
 represents primary key in the SOURCE table More...


 this file contains all the compiler specific defines


Bool casacore::operator< (const SubScanKey &lhs, const SubScanKey &rhs)
 define operator<() so it can be used as a key in std::map More...
String casacore::toString (const SubScanKey &subScanKey)
std::ostream & casacore::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SubScanKey &scanKey)
ScanKey casacore::scanKey (const SubScanKey &subScanKey)
 create a ScanKey from a SubScanKey, just omits the SubScanKey's fieldID More...
String casacore::toString (const ScanKey &scanKey)
Bool casacore::operator< (const ScanKey &lhs, const ScanKey &rhs)
 define operator<() so it can be used as a key in std::map More...
Bool casacore::operator== (const ScanKey &lhs, const ScanKey &rhs)
std::set< Int > casacore::scanNumbers (const std::set< ScanKey > &scanKeys)
 extract all the unique scan numbers from the specified scans More...
std::ostream & casacore::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ScanKey &scanKey)
Bool casacore::operator< (const ArrayKey &lhs, const ArrayKey &rhs)
 define operator<() so it can be used as a key in std::map More...
Bool casacore::operator== (const ArrayKey &lhs, const ArrayKey &rhs)
Bool casacore::operator!= (const ArrayKey &lhs, const ArrayKey &rhs)
std::set< ScanKey > casacore::scanKeys (const std::set< Int > &scans, const ArrayKey &arrayKey)
 construct scan keys given a set of scan numbers and an ArrayKey More...
Bool casacore::operator< (const SourceKey &lhs, const SourceKey &rhs)
 define operator<() so it can be used as a key in std::map More...
std::set< ArrayKey > casacore::uniqueArrayKeys (const std::set< ScanKey > &scanKeys)
 get a set of unique ArrayKeys from a set of ScanKeys More...
std::set< ScanKey > casacore::filter (const std::set< ScanKey > scans, const ArrayKey &arrayKey)
 given a set of scan keys, return the subset that matches the given array key More...