Namespaces | Functions
MSSelectionTools.h File Reference
#include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
#include <casacore/casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
#include <casacore/ms/MSSel/MSSelection.h>

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 this file contains all the compiler specific defines


Vector< Int > casacore::set_intersection (const Vector< Int > &v1, const Vector< Int > &v2)
 Get the intersection or union of IDs (such as FieldId). More...
Vector< Int > casacore::set_union (const Vector< Int > &v1, const Vector< Int > &v2)
Bool casacore::mssSetData (const MeasurementSet &ms, MeasurementSet &selectedMS, const String &outMSName="", const String &timeExpr="", const String &antennaExpr="", const String &fieldExpr="", const String &spwExpr="", const String &uvDistExpr="", const String &taQLExpr="", const String &polnExpr="", const String &scanExpr="", const String &arrayExpr="", const String &stateExpr="", const String &obsExpr="", MSSelection *mss=NULL)
 Collective selection returning a selected MS. More...
Bool casacore::mssSetData2 (const MeasurementSet &ms, MeasurementSet &selectedMS, const String &outMSName="", const String &timeExpr="", const String &antennaExpr="", const String &fieldExpr="", const String &spwExpr="", const String &uvDistExpr="", const String &taQLExpr="", const String &polnExpr="", const String &scanExpr="", const String &arrayExpr="", const String &stateExpr="", const String &obsExpr="", const String &feedExpr="", MSSelection *mss=NULL)
 Added feedExpr. More...
Bool casacore::mssSetData (const MeasurementSet &ms, MeasurementSet &selectedMS, Vector< Vector< Slice > > &chanSlices, Vector< Vector< Slice > > &corrSlices, const String &outMSName="", const String &timeExpr="", const String &antennaExpr="", const String &fieldExpr="", const String &spwExpr="", const String &uvDistExpr="", const String &taQLExpr="", const String &polnExpr="", const String &scanExpr="", const String &arrayExpr="", const String &stateExpr="", const String &obsExpr="", const Int defaultChanStep=1, MSSelection *mss=NULL)
 Collective selection also returning in-row (corr/chan) slices. More...
Bool casacore::mssSetData2 (const MeasurementSet &ms, MeasurementSet &selectedMS, Vector< Vector< Slice > > &chanSlices, Vector< Vector< Slice > > &corrSlices, const String &outMSName="", const String &timeExpr="", const String &antennaExpr="", const String &fieldExpr="", const String &spwExpr="", const String &uvDistExpr="", const String &taQLExpr="", const String &polnExpr="", const String &scanExpr="", const String &arrayExpr="", const String &stateExpr="", const String &obsExpr="", const String &feedExpr="", const Int defaultChanStep=1, MSSelection *mss=NULL)
 Added feedExpr. More...
Bool casacore::getSelectedTable (Table &selectedTab, const Table &baseTab, TableExprNode &fullTEN, const String &outName)
Record casacore::mssSelectedIndices (MSSelection &mss, const MeasurementSet *ms)
String casacore::stripWhite (const String &str, Bool onlyends=True)
int casacore::tokenize (const String &str, const String &sep, Vector< String > &tokens, Bool upCase=False)
Vector< String > & casacore::split (const String &s, char delim, Vector< String > &elems)