Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //# RegionManager.h: framework independent class that provides
2 //# functionality to tool of same name
3 //# Copyright (C) 2007
4 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
5 //#
6 //# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7 //# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
8 //# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
9 //# any later version.
10 //#
11 //# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
14 //# more details.
15 //#
16 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17 //# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 //# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19 //#
20 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
21 //# Internet email:
22 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
23 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
24 //# 520 Edgemont Road
25 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
26 //#
27 //# $Id$
32 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
33 #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/Quantum.h>
34 #include <casacore/coordinates/Coordinates/CoordinateSystem.h>
35 #include <casacore/lattices/LRegions/RegionType.h>
36 #include <casacore/tables/Tables/Table.h>
37 #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayFwd.h>
39 namespace casacore {
50  class LogIO;
51  class String;
52  class Record;
53  class WCRegion;
54  class WCBox;
55  template<class T> class PtrBlock;
56  class ImageRegion;
59  {
62  public:
64  //blank constructor
67  virtual ~RegionManager();
68  String absreltype(const Int absrelval=0);
70  //Some little but useful tidbits.
71  static Bool isPixelRegion(const ImageRegion& reg);
72  static Bool isWorldRegion(const ImageRegion& reg);
73  void setcoordsys(const CoordinateSystem& csys);
74  const CoordinateSystem& getcoordsys() const ;
76  //LCSlicer box
77  Record* box(const Vector<Double>& blc, const Vector<Double>& trc,
78  const Vector<Double>& inc, const String& absrel,
79  const Bool frac, const String& comment="");
80  //LCBox box
81  static Record* box(const Vector<Double>& blc, const Vector<Double>& trc,
82  const Vector<Int>& shape, const String& comment="");
84  const Vector<Quantity>& trc,
85  const Vector<Int>& pixelaxes,
86  const CoordinateSystem& csys,
87  const String& absrel, const String& comment);
88  Record* wbox(const Vector<String>& blc,
89  const Vector<String>& trc,
90  const Vector<Int>& pixelaxes,
91  const CoordinateSystem& csys,
92  const String& absrel, const String& comment);
94  const Vector<Quantity>& trc,
95  const Vector<Int>& pixelaxes,
96  const String& absrel, const String& comment);
97  Record* wbox(const Vector<String>& blc,
98  const Vector<String>& trc,
99  const Vector<Int>& pixelaxes,
100  const String& absrel, const String& comment);
102  const Vector<Quantity>& trc,
103  const Vector<Int>& pixelaxes,
104  const CoordinateSystem& csys,
105  const String& absrel="abs" );
106  //Wpolygon with coordsys and if pixelaxes[0] is -1 then its assumed
107  //to be 0,1,...
109  const Vector<Quantity>& y,
110  const Vector<Int>& pixelaxes,
111  const CoordinateSystem& csys,
112  const String& absrel);
113  //wpolygon version without csys...throws an exception if
114  //setcoordsys is not run
116  const Vector<Quantity>& y,
117  const Vector<Int>& pixelaxes,
118  const String& absrel);
121  const Quantity& xc,
122  const Quantity& yc,
123  const Quantity& a,
124  const Quantity& b,
125  const Quantity& pa,
126  const uInt pixelAxis0,
127  const uInt pixelAxis1,
128  const CoordinateSystem& csys,
129  const String& absrel
130  );
132  //wellipse version without csys...throws an exception if
133  //setcoordsys is not run
135  const Quantity& xc,
136  const Quantity& yc,
137  const Quantity& a,
138  const Quantity& b,
139  const Quantity& pa,
140  const uInt pixelAxis0,
141  const uInt pixelAxis1,
142  const String& absrel
143  ) const;
146  const Vector<Quantity>& center,
147  const Quantity& radius,
148  const Vector<Int>& pixelaxes,
149  const CoordinateSystem& csys,
150  const String& absrel
151  );
152  //wsphere version without csys...throws an exception if
153  //setcoordsys is not run
155  const Vector<Quantity>& center,
156  const Quantity& radius,
157  const Vector<Int>& pixelaxes,
158  const String& absrel
159  ) const;
162  const Vector<Quantity>& center,
163  const Vector<Quantity>& radii,
164  const Vector<Int>& pixelaxes,
165  const CoordinateSystem& csys,
166  const String& absrel
167  );
170  const Vector<Quantity>& center,
171  const Vector<Quantity>& radii,
172  const Vector<Int>& pixelaxes,
173  const String& absrel
174  ) const;
177  const Vector<Quantity>& center,
178  const Vector<Quantity>& innerRadii,
179  const Vector<Quantity>& outerRadii,
180  const Vector<Int>& pixelaxes,
181  const CoordinateSystem& csys,
182  const String& absrel
183  );
186  const Vector<Quantity>& center,
187  const Vector<Quantity>& innerRadii,
188  const Vector<Quantity>& outerRadii,
189  const Vector<Int>& pixelaxes,
190  const String& absrel
191  ) const;
193  static ImageRegion* wmask(const String& command);
196  /**************************************************************
197  ** Routines for combining regions **
198  ** **
199  ** Note: Many of the WCXxx classes which are used to do the **
200  ** work can take multiple regions at once, why not **
201  ** accept a ptr block of Image Regions then? **
202  **************************************************************/
204  //Various versions of creating a complement region
209  //Various versions of concatenating a region onto another.
210  ImageRegion* doConcatenation(const WCRegion& region, const WCBox& box);
216  //Various versions of handling the difference of regions
217  ImageRegion* doDifference(const WCRegion& reg1, const WCRegion& reg2);
219  ImageRegion* doDifference(const ImageRegion& reg1, const ImageRegion& reg2);
221  //Different versions of intersecting regions
222  ImageRegion* doIntersection(const WCRegion& reg1, const WCRegion& reg2);
224  ImageRegion* doIntersection(const ImageRegion& reg1, const ImageRegion& reg2);
226  //Different versions of unioning regions
227  ImageRegion* doUnion(const WCRegion& reg1, const WCRegion& reg2);
229  ImageRegion* doUnion(const ImageRegion& reg1, const ImageRegion& reg2) const;
232  /**************************************************************
233  ** Routines for reading/writing regions **
234  **************************************************************/
236  //Reading of a file containing an ImageRegion in the AipsIO format dump
237  static Record* readImageFile( String filename, String regionname );
238  //Writing a file of the AipsIO dump of the record representation of the region
239  static Bool writeImageFile(const String& file, const String& regionname, const Record& regionRecord);
242  //save region into a table (image, blank table or any other such)
244  const ImageRegion& imreg,
245  const String& regName, Bool asmask=False);
247  String recordToTable(const String& tabName, const RecordInterface& rec,
248  const String& regName="", Bool asmask=False);
249  //recover region from table
250  Record* tableToRecord(const String& tabName, const String& regname);
252  //names of regions in table
255  //Remove a region from table...refuse is regionname is ""
256  Bool removeRegionInTable(const String& tabName, const String& regName);
259  protected:
260  inline LogIO* _getLog() const { return itsLog; }
262  private:
264  std::unique_ptr<CoordinateSystem> itsCSys;
265  // Function to return the internal Table object to the RegionHandler.
266  static Table& getTable (void* ptr, Bool writable);
267  //Convert a string to Quantity
268  void toQuantity(Quantity& out, const String& in);
271  };
274 } // casa namespace
275 #endif
A drop-in replacement for Block<T*>.
Definition: Block.h:814
std::unique_ptr< CoordinateSystem > itsCSys
ImageRegion * doComplement(const WCRegion &reg1)
Various versions of creating a complement region.
ImageRegion * wsphere(const Vector< Quantity > &center, const Quantity &radius, const Vector< Int > &pixelaxes, const String &absrel) const
wsphere version without csys...throws an exception if setcoordsys is not run
ImageRegion * wpolygon(const Vector< Quantity > &x, const Vector< Quantity > &y, const Vector< Int > &pixelaxes, const String &absrel)
wpolygon version without csys...throws an exception if setcoordsys is not run
ImageRegion * doDifference(const WCRegion &reg1, const WCRegion &reg2)
Various versions of handling the difference of regions.
ImageRegion * wellipse(const Quantity &xc, const Quantity &yc, const Quantity &a, const Quantity &b, const Quantity &pa, const uInt pixelAxis0, const uInt pixelAxis1, const String &absrel) const
wellipse version without csys...throws an exception if setcoordsys is not run
ImageRegion * doConcatenation(const PtrBlock< const ImageRegion * > &regions, const TableRecord &box)
static Bool isWorldRegion(const ImageRegion &reg)
ImageRegion * doComplement(const PtrBlock< const WCRegion * > &reg1)
Record * wbox(const Vector< String > &blc, const Vector< String > &trc, const Vector< Int > &pixelaxes, const String &absrel, const String &comment)
static Bool writeImageFile(const String &file, const String &regionname, const Record &regionRecord)
Writing a file of the AipsIO dump of the record representation of the region.
String absreltype(const Int absrelval=0)
ImageRegion * doIntersection(const ImageRegion &reg1, const ImageRegion &reg2)
ImageRegion * doComplement(const ImageRegion &reg1)
void setcoordsys(const CoordinateSystem &csys)
ImageRegion * wbox(const Vector< Quantity > &blc, const Vector< Quantity > &trc, const Vector< Int > &pixelaxes, const CoordinateSystem &csys, const String &absrel="abs")
String imageRegionToTable(const String &tabName, const ImageRegion &imreg, const String &regName, Bool asmask=False)
save region into a table (image, blank table or any other such)
String recordToTable(const String &tabName, const RecordInterface &rec, const String &regName="", Bool asmask=False)
Record * box(const Vector< Double > &blc, const Vector< Double > &trc, const Vector< Double > &inc, const String &absrel, const Bool frac, const String &comment="")
LCSlicer box.
Record * wbox(const Vector< Quantity > &blc, const Vector< Quantity > &trc, const Vector< Int > &pixelaxes, const String &absrel, const String &comment)
ImageRegion * doDifference(const PtrBlock< const WCRegion * > &reg1)
Record * tableToRecord(const String &tabName, const String &regname)
recover region from table
Record * wbox(const Vector< Quantity > &blc, const Vector< Quantity > &trc, const Vector< Int > &pixelaxes, const CoordinateSystem &csys, const String &absrel, const String &comment)
ImageRegion * doConcatenation(const Record &regions, const TableRecord &box)
static ImageRegion * wellipsoid(const Vector< Quantity > &center, const Vector< Quantity > &radii, const Vector< Int > &pixelaxes, const CoordinateSystem &csys, const String &absrel)
Vector< String > namesInTable(const String &tabName)
names of regions in table
const CoordinateSystem & getcoordsys() const
static Bool isPixelRegion(const ImageRegion &reg)
Some little but useful tidbits.
static ImageRegion * wshell(const Vector< Quantity > &center, const Vector< Quantity > &innerRadii, const Vector< Quantity > &outerRadii, const Vector< Int > &pixelaxes, const CoordinateSystem &csys, const String &absrel)
ImageRegion * doIntersection(const WCRegion &reg1, const WCRegion &reg2)
Different versions of intersecting regions.
static ImageRegion * wsphere(const Vector< Quantity > &center, const Quantity &radius, const Vector< Int > &pixelaxes, const CoordinateSystem &csys, const String &absrel)
void toQuantity(Quantity &out, const String &in)
Convert a string to Quantity.
static Record * readImageFile(String filename, String regionname)
Reading of a file containing an ImageRegion in the AipsIO format dump.
ImageRegion * wellipsoid(const Vector< Quantity > &center, const Vector< Quantity > &radii, const Vector< Int > &pixelaxes, const String &absrel) const
ImageRegion * doConcatenation(const WCRegion &region, const WCBox &box)
Various versions of concatenating a region onto another.
LogIO * _getLog() const
ImageRegion * wshell(const Vector< Quantity > &center, const Vector< Quantity > &innerRadii, const Vector< Quantity > &outerRadii, const Vector< Int > &pixelaxes, const String &absrel) const
static Table & getTable(void *ptr, Bool writable)
Function to return the internal Table object to the RegionHandler.
static ImageRegion * wmask(const String &command)
static ImageRegion * wellipse(const Quantity &xc, const Quantity &yc, const Quantity &a, const Quantity &b, const Quantity &pa, const uInt pixelAxis0, const uInt pixelAxis1, const CoordinateSystem &csys, const String &absrel)
blank constructor
Bool removeRegionInTable(const String &tabName, const String &regName)
Remove a region from table...refuse is regionname is "".
ImageRegion * doUnion(const ImageRegion &reg1, const ImageRegion &reg2) const
ImageRegion * doconcatenation(const PtrBlock< const WCRegion * > &regions, const WCBox &box)
Record * wbox(const Vector< String > &blc, const Vector< String > &trc, const Vector< Int > &pixelaxes, const CoordinateSystem &csys, const String &absrel, const String &comment)
static Record * box(const Vector< Double > &blc, const Vector< Double > &trc, const Vector< Int > &shape, const String &comment="")
LCBox box.
ImageRegion * wpolygon(const Vector< Quantity > &x, const Vector< Quantity > &y, const Vector< Int > &pixelaxes, const CoordinateSystem &csys, const String &absrel)
Wpolygon with coordsys and if pixelaxes[0] is -1 then its assumed to be 0,1,...
ImageRegion * doDifference(const ImageRegion &reg1, const ImageRegion &reg2)
ImageRegion * doIntersection(const PtrBlock< const WCRegion * > &reg1)
RegionManager(const CoordinateSystem &csys)
ImageRegion * doUnion(const WCRegion &reg1, const WCRegion &reg2)
Different versions of unioning regions.
ImageRegion * doUnion(const PtrBlock< const WCRegion * > &reg1)
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:225
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28
LatticeExprNode pa(const LatticeExprNode &left, const LatticeExprNode &right)
This function finds 180/pi*atan2(left,right)/2.
const Bool False
Definition: aipstype.h:44
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
TableExprNode shape(const TableExprNode &array)
Function operating on any scalar or array resulting in a Double array containing the shape.
Definition: ExprNode.h:1987
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42