Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //# SclarColumn.h: access to a scalar table column with arbitrary data type
2 //# Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
32 //# Includes
33 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
34 #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayFwd.h>
35 #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableColumn.h>
36 #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ColumnCache.h>
38 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
40 //# Forward Declarations
41 class BaseColumn;
42 class RefRows;
43 class String;
46 // <summary>
47 // Access to a scalar table column with arbitrary data type
48 // </summary>
50 // <use visibility=export>
52 // <reviewed reviewer="dschieb" date="1994/08/10" tests="none">
53 // </reviewed>
55 // <prerequisite>
56 // <li> Table
57 // <li> TableColumn
58 // </prerequisite>
60 // <etymology>
61 // ScalarColumn<T> gives read and write access to a column in a table
62 // containing a scalar with data type T.
63 // </etymology>
65 // <synopsis>
66 // The class ScalarColumn allows read and write access to a column
67 // containing scalar values with an arbitrary data type.
68 // It is possible to get the data in an individual cell (i.e. table row)
69 // and to get the column as a whole.
70 //
71 // A default constructor is defined to allow construction of an array
72 // of ScalarColumn objects. However, this constructs an object not
73 // referencing a column. Functions like get, etc. will fail (i.e. result
74 // in a segmentation fault) when used on such objects. The functions
75 // isNull and throwIfNull can be used to test on this.
76 // The functions attach and reference can fill in the object.
77 // </synopsis>
79 // <example>
80 // See module <linkto module="Tables#open">Tables</linkto>.
81 // </example>
83 template<class T>
84 class ScalarColumn : public TableColumn
85 {
86 public:
88  // The default constructor creates a null object, i.e. it
89  // does not reference a table column.
90  // The sole purpose of this constructor is to allow construction
91  // of an array of ScalarColumn objects.
92  // The functions reference and attach can be used to make a null object
93  // reference a column.
94  // Note that get functions, etc. will cause a segmentation fault
95  // when operating on a null object. It was felt it was too expensive
96  // to test on null over and over again. The user should use the isNull
97  // or throwIfNull function in case of doubt.
100  // Construct for the given column in the given table.
101  ScalarColumn (const Table&, const String& columnName);
103  // Construct from the given table column.
104  // This constructor is useful if first a table column was constructed,
105  // its type is determined and thereafter used to construct the
106  // correct column object.
107  explicit ScalarColumn (const TableColumn&);
109  // Copy constructor (reference semantics).
114  // Clone the object.
115  virtual TableColumn* clone() const;
117  // Assignment uses reference semantics, thus works the same
118  // as function reference.
121  // Change the reference to another column.
122  // This is in fact an assignment operator with reference semantics.
123  // It removes the reference to the current column and creates
124  // a reference to the column referenced in the other object.
125  // It will handle null objects correctly.
126  void reference (const ScalarColumn<T>&);
128  // Attach a column to the object.
129  // This is in fact only a shorthand for
130  // <br><src> reference (ScalarColumn<T> (table, columnName)); </src>
131  void attach (const Table& table, const String& columnName)
132  { reference (ScalarColumn<T> (table, columnName)); }
134  // Get the data from a particular cell (i.e. table row).
135  // The row numbers count from 0 until #rows-1.
136  // <group>
137  void get (rownr_t rownr, T& value) const
138  {
140  Int off = colCachePtr_p->offset(rownr);
141  if (off >= 0) {
142  value = ((T*)(colCachePtr_p->dataPtr()))[off];
143  }else{
144  baseColPtr_p->get (rownr, &value);
145  }
146  }
147  T get (rownr_t rownr) const
148  {
149  T value;
150  get (rownr, value);
151  return value;
152  }
153  T operator() (rownr_t rownr) const
154  {
155  T value;
156  get (rownr, value);
157  return value;
158  }
159  // </group>
161  // Get the vector of all values in the column.
162  // According to the assignment rules of class Array, the destination
163  // vector must be empty or its length must be the number of cells
164  // in the column (i.e. the number of rows in the table).
165  void getColumn (Vector<T>& vec, Bool resize = False) const;
167  // Get the vector of all values in the column.
170  // Get the vector of a range of values in the column.
171  // The Slicer object can be used to specify start, end (or length),
172  // and stride of the rows to get.
173  // According to the assignment rules of class Array, the destination
174  // vector must be empty or its length must be the number of cells
175  // in the column (i.e. the number of rows in the slicer).
176  void getColumnRange (const Slicer& rowRange, Vector<T>& vec,
177  Bool resize = False) const;
179  // Get the vector of a range of values in the column.
180  // The Slicer object can be used to specify start, end (or length),
181  // and stride of the rows to get..
182  Vector<T> getColumnRange (const Slicer& rowRange) const;
184  // Get the vector of some values in the column.
185  // The Slicer object can be used to specify start, end (or length),
186  // and stride of the rows to get.
187  // According to the assignment rules of class Array, the destination
188  // vector must be empty or its length must be the number of cells
189  // in the column (i.e. the number of rows in the RefRows object).
190  void getColumnCells (const RefRows& rownrs, Vector<T>& vec,
191  Bool resize = False) const;
193  // Get the vector of some values in the column.
194  Vector<T> getColumnCells (const RefRows& rownrs) const;
196  // Put the value in a particular cell (i.e. table row).
197  // The row numbers count from 0 until #rows-1.
198  void put (rownr_t rownr, const T& value)
200  baseColPtr_p->put (rownr, &value); }
202  // Copy the value of a cell of that column to a cell of this column.
203  // The data types of both columns must be the same.
204  // <group>
205  // Use the same row numbers for both cells.
206  void put (rownr_t rownr, const ScalarColumn<T>& that)
207  { put (rownr, that, rownr); }
208  // Use possibly different row numbers for that (i.e. input) and
209  // and this (i.e. output) cell.
210  void put (rownr_t thisRownr, const ScalarColumn<T>& that, rownr_t thatRownr);
211  // </group>
213  // Copy the value of a cell of that column to a cell of this column.
214  // This function uses a generic TableColumn object as input.
215  // If possible the data will be promoted to the data type of this column.
216  // Otherwise an exception is thrown.
217  // <group>
218  // Use the same row numbers for both cells.
219  void put (rownr_t rownr, const TableColumn& that, Bool=False)
220  { put (rownr, that, rownr); }
221  // Use possibly different row numbers for that (i.e. input) and
222  // and this (i.e. output) cell.
223  void put (rownr_t thisRownr, const TableColumn& that, rownr_t thatRownr,
224  Bool=False);
225  // </group>
227  // Put the vector of all values in the column.
228  // The length of the vector must be the number of cells in the column
229  // (i.e. the number of rows in the table).
230  void putColumn (const Vector<T>& vec);
232  // Put the vector of a range of values in the column.
233  // The Slicer object can be used to specify start, end (or length),
234  // and stride of the rows to put.
235  // The length of the vector must be the number of cells in the slice.
236  void putColumnRange (const Slicer& rowRange, const Vector<T>& vec);
238  // Put the vector of some values in the column.
239  // The length of the vector must be the number of cells in the RefRows
240  // object.
241  void putColumnCells (const RefRows& rownrs, const Vector<T>& vec);
243  // Put the same value in all cells of the column.
244  void fillColumn (const T& value);
246  // Put the contents of a column with the same data type into this column.
247  // To put the contents of a column with a different data type into
248  // this column, the function TableColumn::putColumn can be used
249  // (provided the data type promotion is possible).
250  // In fact, this function is an assignment operator with copy semantics.
251  void putColumn (const ScalarColumn<T>& that);
253 private:
254  // Check if the data type matches the column data type.
255  void checkDataType() const;
256 };
259 //# Explicitly instantiate these templates in
260  extern template class ScalarColumn<Bool>;
261  extern template class ScalarColumn<Char>;
262  extern template class ScalarColumn<Short>;
263  extern template class ScalarColumn<uShort>;
264  extern template class ScalarColumn<Int>;
265  extern template class ScalarColumn<uInt>;
266  extern template class ScalarColumn<Int64>;
267  extern template class ScalarColumn<Float>;
268  extern template class ScalarColumn<Double>;
269  extern template class ScalarColumn<Complex>;
270  extern template class ScalarColumn<DComplex>;
271  extern template class ScalarColumn<String>;
277 //# Make old name ROScalarColumn still available.
278 #define ROScalarColumn ScalarColumn
282 #include <casacore/tables/Tables/ScalarColumn.tcc>
284 #endif
Definition: TableColumn.h:51
virtual void get(rownr_t rownr, void *dataPtr) const
Get a scalar value from a particular cell.
virtual void put(rownr_t rownr, const void *dataPtr)
Put the scalar value in a particular cell.
Int64 offset(rownr_t rownr) const
Calculate the offset in the cached data for the given row.
Definition: ColumnCache.h:140
const void * dataPtr() const
Give a pointer to the data.
Definition: ColumnCache.h:150
Vector< T > getColumnRange(const Slicer &rowRange) const
Get the vector of a range of values in the column.
void put(rownr_t thisRownr, const TableColumn &that, rownr_t thatRownr, Bool=False)
Use possibly different row numbers for that (i.e.
The default constructor creates a null object, i.e.
Vector< T > getColumn() const
Get the vector of all values in the column.
ScalarColumn< T > & operator=(const ScalarColumn< T > &)
Assignment uses reference semantics, thus works the same as function reference.
void put(rownr_t rownr, const T &value)
Put the value in a particular cell (i.e.
Definition: ScalarColumn.h:198
ScalarColumn(const ScalarColumn< T > &)
Copy constructor (reference semantics).
void put(rownr_t rownr, const ScalarColumn< T > &that)
Copy the value of a cell of that column to a cell of this column.
Definition: ScalarColumn.h:206
void get(rownr_t rownr, T &value) const
Get the data from a particular cell (i.e.
Definition: ScalarColumn.h:137
void checkDataType() const
Check if the data type matches the column data type.
void fillColumn(const T &value)
Put the same value in all cells of the column.
void putColumnCells(const RefRows &rownrs, const Vector< T > &vec)
Put the vector of some values in the column.
void put(rownr_t rownr, const TableColumn &that, Bool=False)
Copy the value of a cell of that column to a cell of this column.
Definition: ScalarColumn.h:219
ScalarColumn(const Table &, const String &columnName)
Construct for the given column in the given table.
T get(rownr_t rownr) const
Definition: ScalarColumn.h:147
void putColumnRange(const Slicer &rowRange, const Vector< T > &vec)
Put the vector of a range of values in the column.
Vector< T > getColumnCells(const RefRows &rownrs) const
Get the vector of some values in the column.
void getColumnRange(const Slicer &rowRange, Vector< T > &vec, Bool resize=False) const
Get the vector of a range of values in the column.
void attach(const Table &table, const String &columnName)
Attach a column to the object.
Definition: ScalarColumn.h:131
void putColumn(const Vector< T > &vec)
Put the vector of all values in the column.
void put(rownr_t thisRownr, const ScalarColumn< T > &that, rownr_t thatRownr)
Use possibly different row numbers for that (i.e.
void getColumn(Vector< T > &vec, Bool resize=False) const
Get the vector of all values in the column.
virtual TableColumn * clone() const
Clone the object.
ScalarColumn(const TableColumn &)
Construct from the given table column.
void putColumn(const ScalarColumn< T > &that)
Put the contents of a column with the same data type into this column.
void reference(const ScalarColumn< T > &)
Change the reference to another column.
T operator()(rownr_t rownr) const
Definition: ScalarColumn.h:153
void getColumnCells(const RefRows &rownrs, Vector< T > &vec, Bool resize=False) const
Get the vector of some values in the column.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:225
const ColumnCache * colCachePtr_p
Definition: TableColumn.h:389
void checkWritable() const
Check if the column is writable and throw an exception if not.
Definition: TableColumn.h:178
BaseColumn * baseColPtr_p
Definition: TableColumn.h:388
Table table() const
Get the Table object this column belongs to.
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28
const Bool False
Definition: aipstype.h:44
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
LatticeExprNode value(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the value of the expression without a mask.
uInt64 rownr_t
Define the type of a row number in a table.
Definition: aipsxtype.h:46