Namespaces | Functions
StdLogical.h File Reference
#include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
#include <casacore/casa/BasicMath/Functors.h>

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 this file contains all the compiler specific defines


template<typename C1 , typename C2 , typename CompareOperator >
bool casacore::compareAll (const C1 &l, const C2 &r, CompareOperator op)
 Arbitrary compare operation on two STL-style containers. More...
template<typename C1 , typename C2 , typename U >
bool casacore::allNear (const C1 &l, const C2 &r, U tolerance)
 Test if all elements of the containers are relatively near each other. More...
template<typename C1 , typename C2 , typename U >
bool casacore::allNearAbs (const C1 &l, const C2 &r, U tolerance)
 Test if all elements of the containers are absolutely near each other. More...