Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //# TaQLNodeVisitor.h: Class to visit the nodes in the raw TaQL parse tree
2 //# Copyright (C) 2005
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
31 //# Includes
32 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
33 #include <casacore/tables/TaQL/TaQLNode.h>
34 #include <casacore/tables/TaQL/TaQLNodeDer.h>
36 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
38 // <summary>
39 // Class to visit the nodes in the raw TaQL parse tree.
40 // </summary>
42 // <use visibility=local>
44 // <reviewed reviewer="" date="" tests="tTableGram">
45 // </reviewed>
47 // <prerequisite>
48 //# Classes you should understand before using this one.
49 // <li> <linkto class=TaQLNode>TaQLNode</linkto>
50 // <li> Note 199 describing
51 // <a href="../notes/199.html">
52 // TaQL</a>
53 // </prerequisite>
55 // <synopsis>
56 // TaQLNodeVisitor is the abstract base class for classes that want to
57 // visit a TaQLNode tree, i.e. traverse the tree.
58 // Each visit results in a TaQLNodeResult object which acts as the basis
59 // for the actual result object.
60 // <br>
61 // A specialization of TaQLNodeVisitor (e.g. class
62 // <linkto class=TaQLNodeHandler>TaQLNodeHandler</linkto> needs to implement
63 // the various visitXXNode functions. A visit function will process a node
64 // which usually means visiting its children, etc..
65 // </synopsis>
67 // <motivation>
68 // The visitor design pattern separates the tree from the way it is processed.
69 // In this way any handler can be created. For instance, a query optimizer
70 // could be a future other handler.
71 // </motivation>
74 {
75 public:
76  virtual ~TaQLNodeVisitor();
78  // Define the functions to visit each node type.
79  // <group>
80  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitConstNode (const TaQLConstNodeRep& node) = 0;
81  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitRegexNode (const TaQLRegexNodeRep& node) = 0;
82  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitUnaryNode (const TaQLUnaryNodeRep& node) = 0;
84  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitMultiNode (const TaQLMultiNodeRep& node) = 0;
85  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitFuncNode (const TaQLFuncNodeRep& node) = 0;
86  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitRangeNode (const TaQLRangeNodeRep& node) = 0;
87  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitIndexNode (const TaQLIndexNodeRep& node) = 0;
89  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitTableNode (const TaQLTableNodeRep& node) = 0;
90  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitColNode (const TaQLColNodeRep& node) = 0;
92  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitJoinNode (const TaQLJoinNodeRep& node) = 0;
93  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitGroupNode (const TaQLGroupNodeRep& node) = 0;
95  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitSortNode (const TaQLSortNodeRep& node) = 0;
103  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitCountNode (const TaQLCountNodeRep& node) = 0;
104  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitCalcNode (const TaQLCalcNodeRep& node) = 0;
108  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitUnitNode (const TaQLUnitNodeRep& node) = 0;
115  virtual TaQLNodeResult visitShowNode (const TaQLShowNodeRep& node) = 0;
118  // </group>
120 protected:
121  // A convenience function to visit the given node using this visitor.
123  { return node.visit (*this); }
124 };
128 #endif
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table add column command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:1168
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table add rows command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:1251
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:1137
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a binary operator.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:192
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a calc command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:974
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a select column expression.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:481
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a create column specification.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:1044
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a select column list.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:513
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:1278
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table copy column command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:1336
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a count command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:836
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a create table command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:1008
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a delete command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:941
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a DROP TABLE command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:1364
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a function.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:295
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a giving expression list.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:669
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a groupby list.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:542
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an index in a array.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:359
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an insert command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:906
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a join operation.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:390
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a keyword or column name.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:419
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a limit/offset expression.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:640
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a list of nodes.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:248
Envelope class to hold the result of a visit to the node tree.
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitSortNode(const TaQLSortNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitCountNode(const TaQLCountNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitUnaryNode(const TaQLUnaryNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitDropTabNode(const TaQLDropTabNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitIndexNode(const TaQLIndexNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitAltTabNode(const TaQLAltTabNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitCopyColNode(const TaQLCopyColNodeRep &node)=0
TaQLNodeResult visitNode(const TaQLNode &node)
A convenience function to visit the given node using this visitor.
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitKeyColNode(const TaQLKeyColNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitUpdExprNode(const TaQLUpdExprNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitConstNode(const TaQLConstNodeRep &node)=0
Define the functions to visit each node type.
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitColNode(const TaQLColNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitConcTabNode(const TaQLConcTabNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitColSpecNode(const TaQLColSpecNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitRangeNode(const TaQLRangeNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitInsertNode(const TaQLInsertNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitSetKeyNode(const TaQLSetKeyNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitAddRowNode(const TaQLAddRowNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitCreTabNode(const TaQLCreTabNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitCalcNode(const TaQLCalcNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitDeleteNode(const TaQLDeleteNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitMultiNode(const TaQLMultiNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitBinaryNode(const TaQLBinaryNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitSortKeyNode(const TaQLSortKeyNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitShowNode(const TaQLShowNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitGroupNode(const TaQLGroupNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitLimitOffNode(const TaQLLimitOffNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitRenDropNode(const TaQLRenDropNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitTableNode(const TaQLTableNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitColumnsNode(const TaQLColumnsNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitUnitNode(const TaQLUnitNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitRegexNode(const TaQLRegexNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitUpdateNode(const TaQLUpdateNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitRecFldNode(const TaQLRecFldNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitFuncNode(const TaQLFuncNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitAddColNode(const TaQLAddColNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitGivingNode(const TaQLGivingNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitSelectNode(const TaQLSelectNodeRep &node)=0
virtual TaQLNodeResult visitJoinNode(const TaQLJoinNodeRep &node)=0
TaQLNodeResult visit(TaQLNodeVisitor &visitor) const
Let the visitor visit the node.
Definition: TaQLNode.h:133
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a range.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:325
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a record field.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:1075
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a constant regex value.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:119
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table rename or drop command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:1196
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a select command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:789
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table set keyword command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:1224
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a show command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:1309
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a sort key.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:574
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a sort list.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:607
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a table.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:449
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a unary operator.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:155
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a unit.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:1109
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a column update expression.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:702
Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an update command.
Definition: TaQLNodeDer.h:869
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28