Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //# TableRecord.h: A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types
2 //# Copyright (C) 1996,1997,1998,2000,2001,2002
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //#
27 //# $Id$
33 //# Includes
34 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
35 #include <casacore/casa/Containers/RecordInterface.h>
36 #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableRecordRep.h>
37 #include <casacore/casa/Containers/RecordDesc.h>
38 #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/COWPtr.h>
39 #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayFwd.h>
41 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
43 //# Forward Declarations
44 class IPosition;
45 class AipsIO;
46 class TableLock;
49 // <summary>
50 // A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types
51 // </summary>
53 // <use visibility=export>
54 // <reviewed reviewer="Mark Wieringa" date="1996/04/15" tests="tTableRecord">
55 // </reviewed>
57 // <prerequisite>
58 // <li> <linkto class="RecordDesc">RecordDesc</linkto>.
59 // <li> <linkto class="RecordFieldPtr">RecordFieldPtr</linkto>.
60 // </prerequisite>
61 //
62 // <etymology>
63 // TableRecord is a Record to be used in the Table system.
64 // </etymology>
65 //
66 // <synopsis>
67 // Class <linkto class=RecordInterface>RecordInterface</linkto> describes
68 // the fundamental properties of records.
69 // <br>
70 // The TableRecord class is a particular type of a record class.
71 // <br> The TableRecord class structure is shown in this
72 // <a href="TableRecord.drawio.svg.html">UML diagram</a>.
73 // <br>
74 // The fields in TableRecord may be of scalar type, array type, a Table
75 // or a TableRecord.
76 // The types are chosen to be compatible with the native
77 // types of the Table system, viz: Bool, uChar, Short, Int, uInt, Int64, Float,
78 // Double, Complex, DComplex, String.
79 // Arrays of all these types are also available.
80 // Note that a TableRecord is not a space-efficient way of storing
81 // small objects.
82 // <p>
83 // The structure of a TableRecord is defined by the
84 // <linkto class="RecordDesc">RecordDesc</linkto> class.
85 // The structure of the TableRecord can be defined at
86 // construction time. It can thereafter be restructured. This has the
87 // effect, however, that any existing RecordFieldPtr objects become
88 // invalid (using the <linkto file="Notice.h">Notice</linkto> classes).
89 // <br>
90 // It is possible to add or remove fields once a TableRecord is constructed.
91 // However, this is not possible when the TableRecord is constructed with a
92 // fixed structure (i.e. with the fixedStructure flag set).
93 // <p>
94 // A TableRecord is an hierarchical structure, because it can have fields
95 // containing TableRecord's (as layed out in the RecordDesc). A subrecord
96 // has a variable structure, when its RecordDesc is empty (i.e. contains
97 // no fields). It is fixed when its RecordDesc contains fields.
98 // <p>
99 // A TableRecord may be assigned to another only if they conform; that is if
100 // their fields have the identical type in the identical order.
101 // The field names do not need to be identical however, only the types.
102 // That is, the structure needs to be identical, but
103 // not the labels. Note that field order is significant,
104 // <src>[ifield(type=Int),ffield(type=Float)]</src>
105 // is not the same as <src>[ffield(type=Float),ifield(type=Int)]</src>
106 // <br>
107 // Conformance is checked recursively for fixed subrecords. That is, a
108 // variable structured subrecord is not checked, because any record
109 // can be assigned to it. A fixed structured subrecord has to
110 // conform the corresponding subrecord in the source.
111 // <br> A Table field is conforming when the name of the table
112 // description of the source table matches the table description name
113 // defined in the RecordDesc field. When that name is blank, every
114 // table matches. In fact, defining a table description name is identical
115 // to defining an array shape..
116 // <p>
117 // When a TableRecord is read back, possible Tables contained in fields
118 // are only opended and read back when they are accessed for the first time.
119 // In that way no needless table opens are done.
120 // When a table has been opened, it is possible to close it. This
121 // can be useful to save memory usage.
122 // <p>
123 // TableRecord uses copy-on-write semantics. This means that when a
124 // TableRecord is copied, only the pointer to the underlying
125 // TableRecordRep object is copied.
126 // Only when the TableRecord gets changed (i.e. when a non-const
127 // TableRecord member function is called), the TableRecordRep object is copied.
128 // This results in a cheap copy behaviour.
129 // </synopsis>
130 //
131 // <example>
132 // <srcblock>
133 // {
134 // TableDesc td ("td", TableDesc::Scratch);
135 // td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<Int> ("col1"));
136 // td.addColumn (ScalarColumnDesc<float> ("col2"));
137 // SetupNewTable newtab ("tTableRecord_tmp.tab1", td1, Table::New);
138 // Table tab (newtab, 10);
139 // RecordDesc rd;
140 // rd.addTable ("tab1", "td"); // with description name
141 // rd.addField ("tab2", TpTable); // without description name
142 // TableRecord rec (rd, RecordInterface::Variable);
143 // // Both define's are possible.
144 // // The first one because the table description name matches.
145 // // The second one because that field has no table description name,
146 // // thus every table description matches.
147 // rec.defineTable (rec.fieldNumber("tab1"), tab1);
148 // rec.defineTable (rec.fieldNumber("tab2"), tab1);
149 // Table t1 = rec.asTable ("tab1");
150 // AlwaysAssertExit (t1.nrow() == 10 && t1.tableDesc().ncolumn() == 2);
151 // Table t2 = rec.asTable ("tab2");
152 // AlwaysAssertExit (t2.nrow() == 10 && t2.tableDesc().ncolumn() == 2);
153 // AipsIO aos ("", ByteIO::New);
154 // aos << rec;
155 // }
156 // // Note that he above is put in a separate scope to be sure that
157 // // all objects are deleted and tables are written.
158 // {
159 // TableRecord rec;
160 // AipsIO aos ("");
161 // aos >> rec;
162 // // At this point the record is read back, but the tables are not opened.
163 // // The next statement accesses the table resulting in its open.
164 // Table t1 = rec.asTable ("tab1");
165 // // The following statement closes it again.
166 // rec.closeTable ("tab1");
167 // </srcblock>
168 // </example>
169 //
170 // <motivation>
171 // In principle the class Record could also support data type Table.
172 // However, this would have had the big disadvantage that all the
173 // Table code would have be linked in when only a simple Record is needed.
174 // It was decided that for that reason it was better to support tables
175 // in a separate class.
176 // </motivation>
177 //
178 // <todo asof="1995/08/22">
179 // <li> A record reference class, which contains some fields from another
180 // record, would likely be useful. This would be analagous to a
181 // subarray sliced from an existing array.
182 // </todo>
186 {
187 friend class TableRecordRep;
189 public:
190  // Create a record with no fields.
191  // The record has a variable structure.
194  // Create a record with no fields.
195  // The type determines if the record has a fixed or variable structure.
196  // The callback function is called when a field is added to the Record.
197  // That function can check the name and of data type of the new field
198  // (for instance, the Table system uses it to ensure that table columns
199  // and keywords have different names).
201  CheckFieldFunction* = 0,
202  const void* checkArgument = 0);
204  // Create a record with the given description. If it is not possible to
205  // create all fields (for example, if a field with an unsupported data
206  // type is requested), an exception is thrown.
207  // The type determines if the record has a fixed or variable structure.
208  // All fields are checked by the field checking function (if defined)
209  // (for instance, the Table system uses it to ensure that table columns
210  // and keywords have different names).
213  CheckFieldFunction* = 0,
214  const void* checkArgument = 0);
216  // Create a copy of other using copy semantics.
217  TableRecord (const TableRecord& other);
219  // Create a TableRecord from another type of record.
220  // It uses copy-on-write semantics if possible (i.e. if
221  // <src>other</src> is a TableRecord), otherwise each field is copied.
222  // Subrecords are also copied and converted to TableRecords if needed.
223  TableRecord (const RecordInterface& other);
225  // Copy the data in the other record to this record.
226  // It can operate in 2 ways depending on the TableRecord structure flag.
227  // <ul>
228  // <li> For variable structured records the existing fields are
229  // thrown away and replaced by the new fields.
230  // This means that RecordFieldPtr's using this record get invalidated.
231  // Because copy-on-write semantics are used, this kind of
232  // assignment is a very efficient operation.
233  // <li> For fixed structured records the existing values are replaced
234  // by the new values. This means that RecordFieldPtr's using this
235  // record remain valid.
236  // The structure of the other record has to conform this record
237  // or this record has to be empty, otherwise an exception is thrown.
238  // This assignment is less efficient, because it has to check the
239  // conformance and because each value has to be copied.
240  // </ul>
241  // <note role=warning>
242  // Attributes like fixed structure flag and check function will not
243  // be copied.
244  // </note>
247  // Release resources associated with this object.
250  // Make a copy of this object.
251  virtual RecordInterface* clone() const;
253  // Assign that RecordInterface object to this one.
254  // If <src>that</src> is a TableRecord, copy-on-write is used.
255  // Otherwise each individual field is copied.
256  virtual void assign (const RecordInterface& that);
258  // Convert the TableRecord to a Record (recursively).
259  // A possible Table object is converted to a string containing
260  // the table name preceeded by 'Table: ' (as used by TableProxy).
261  Record toRecord() const;
263  // Fill the TableRecord from the given Record.
264  // The fields are appended to the TableRecord.
265  // It is the opposite of toRecord, so a String containing 'Table: '
266  // is handled as a Table (if it exists).
267  void fromRecord (const Record& rec);
269  // Get or define the value as a ValueHolder.
270  // This is useful to pass around a value of any supported type.
271  // <group>
272  virtual ValueHolder asValueHolder (const RecordFieldId&) const;
273  virtual void defineFromValueHolder (const RecordFieldId&,
274  const ValueHolder&);
275  // </group>
277  // Get the comment for this field.
278  virtual const String& comment (const RecordFieldId&) const;
280  // Set the comment for this field.
281  virtual void setComment (const RecordFieldId&, const String& comment);
283  // Describes the current structure of this TableRecord.
284  const RecordDesc& description() const;
286  // Change the structure of this TableRecord to contain the fields in
287  // newDescription. After calling restructure, <src>description() ==
288  // newDescription</src>. Any existing RecordFieldPtr objects are
289  // invalidated (their <src>isAttached()</src> members return False) after
290  // this call.
291  // <br>When the new description contains subrecords, those subrecords
292  // will be restructured if <src>recursive=True</src> is given.
293  // Otherwise the subrecord is a variable empty record.
294  // Subrecords will be variable if their description is empty (i.e. does
295  // not contain any field), otherwise they are fixed.
296  // <br>Restructuring is not possible and an exception is thrown
297  // if the Record has a fixed structure.
298  virtual void restructure (const RecordDesc& newDescription,
299  Bool recursive=True);
301  // Returns True if this and other have the same RecordDesc, other
302  // than different names for the fields. That is, the number, type and the
303  // order of the fields must be identical (recursively for fixed
304  // structured sub-Records in this).
305  // <note role=caution>
306  // <src>thisRecord.conform(thatRecord) == True</src> does not imply
307  // <br><src>thatRecord.conform(thisRecord) == True</src>, because
308  // a variable record in one conforms a fixed record in that, but
309  // not vice-versa.
310  // </note>
311  Bool conform (const TableRecord& other) const;
313  // How many fields does this structure have? A convenient synonym for
314  // <src>description().nfields()</src>.
315  virtual uInt nfields() const;
317  // Get the field number from the field name.
318  // -1 is returned if the field name is unknown.
319  virtual Int fieldNumber (const String& fieldName) const;
321  // Get the data type of this field.
322  virtual DataType type (Int whichField) const;
324  // Remove a field from the record.
325  // <note role=caution>
326  // Removing a field means that the field number of the fields following
327  // it will be decremented. Only the RecordFieldPtr's
328  // pointing to the removed field will be invalidated.
329  // </note>
330  void removeField (const RecordFieldId&);
332  // Rename the given field.
333  void renameField (const String& newName, const RecordFieldId&);
335  // Define a value for the given field.
336  // When the field is unknown, it will be added to the record.
337  // The second version is meant for any type of record (e.g. Record,
338  // TableRecord, GlishRecord). It is converted to a TableRecord using the
339  // TableRecord constructor taking a RecordInterface object.
340  // <group>
343  virtual void defineRecord (const RecordFieldId&,
344  const RecordInterface& value,
345  RecordType = Variable);
346  void defineTable (const RecordFieldId&, const Table& value,
348  // </group>
350  // Get the subrecord or table from the given field.
351  // <note>
352  // The non-const version has a different name to prevent that the
353  // copy-on-write mechanism makes a copy when not necessary.
354  // </note>
355  // <group>
356  const TableRecord& subRecord (const RecordFieldId&) const;
358  virtual const RecordInterface& asRecord (const RecordFieldId&) const;
360  // </group>
362  // Get the table from the given field.
363  // By default the read/write option and lock options are inherited
364  // from the parent table.
365  // If openWritable=True, the table is still opened as readonly if the file
366  // permissions do not permit write access.
367  // <group>
368  Table asTable (const RecordFieldId&) const;
369  Table asTable (const RecordFieldId&, const TableLock& lockOptions) const;
370  // </group>
372  // Get the attributes of a table field.
373  const TableAttr& tableAttributes (const RecordFieldId&) const;
375  // Merge a field from another record into this record.
376  // The DuplicatesFlag (as described in
377  // <linkto class=RecordInterface>RecordInterface</linkto>) determines
378  // what will be done in case the field name already exists.
379  void mergeField (const TableRecord& other, const RecordFieldId&,
382  // Merge all fields from the other record into this record.
383  // The DuplicatesFlag (as described in
384  // <linkto class=RecordInterface>RecordInterface</linkto>) determines
385  // what will be done in case a field name already exists.
386  // An exception will be thrown if other is the same as this
387  // (i.e. if merging the record itself).
390  // Close the table in the given field.
391  // When accessed again, it will be opened automatically.
392  // This can be useful to save memory usage.
393  void closeTable (const RecordFieldId&) const;
395  // Close all open tables.
396  // When accessed again, it will be opened automatically.
397  // This can be useful to save memory usage.
398  void closeTables() const;
400  // Flush all open subtables.
401  void flushTables (Bool fsync=False) const;
403  // Rename the subtables with a path containing the old parent table name.
404  void renameTables (const String& newParentName,
405  const String& oldParentName);
407  // Are subtables used in other processes.
408  Bool areTablesMultiUsed() const;
410  // Write the TableRecord to an output stream.
411  friend AipsIO& operator<< (AipsIO& os, const TableRecord& rec);
413  // Read the TableRecord from an input stream.
414  friend AipsIO& operator>> (AipsIO& os, TableRecord& rec);
416  // Put the data of a record.
417  // This is used to write a subrecord, whose description has
418  // not been written.
419  void putRecord (AipsIO& os, const TableAttr&) const;
421  // Read a record.
422  // This is used to read a subrecord, whose description has
423  // not been read.
424  void getRecord (AipsIO& os, const TableAttr&);
426  // Put the data of a record.
427  // This is used to write a subrecord, whose description has
428  // already been written.
429  void putData (AipsIO& os, const TableAttr&) const;
431  // Read the data of a record.
432  // This is used to read a subrecord, whose description has
433  // already been read.
434  void getData (AipsIO& os, uInt version, const TableAttr&);
436  // Print the contents of the record.
437  // Only the first <src>maxNrValues</src> of an array will be printed.
438  // A value < 0 means the entire array.
439  virtual void print (std::ostream&,
440  Int maxNrValues = 25,
441  const String& indent="") const;
443  // Reopen possible tables in keywords as read/write.
444  // Tables are not reopened if they are not writable.
445  void reopenRW();
447  // Recursively set the attributes of subtables to the ones in the other
448  // record for matching subtable field names. Otherwise set it to defaultAttr.
449  // The name attribute is not changed.
450  // It is primarily a helper function for PlainTable::syncTable
451  // and ColumnSet::syncColumns.
452  // <br>However, it can also be used to achieve that all subtables of a
453  // read/write table are opened as readonly. E.g.:
454  // <srcblock>
455  // TableAttr newAttr(String(), False, mainTable.lockOptions());
456  // mainTable.keywordSet().setTableAttr (TableRecord(), newAttr);
457  // </srcblock>
458  void setTableAttr (const TableRecord& other, const TableAttr& defaultAttr);
460  // Make a unique record representation
461  // (to do copy-on-write in RecordFieldPtr).
462  virtual void makeUnique();
465 protected:
466  // Used by the RecordField classes to attach in a type-safe way to the
467  // correct field.
468  // <group>
469  virtual void* get_pointer (Int whichField, DataType type) const;
470  virtual void* get_pointer (Int whichField, DataType type,
471  const String& recordType) const;
472  // </group>
474  // Return a const reference to the underlying TableRecordRep.
475  const TableRecordRep& ref() const;
477  // Return a non-const reference to the underlying TableRecordRep.
478  // When needed, the TableRecordRep will be copied and all RecordField
479  // objects will be notified.
482  // Add a field to the record.
483  virtual void addDataField (const String& name, DataType type,
484  const IPosition& shape, Bool fixedShape,
485  const void* value);
487  // Define a value in the given field.
488  virtual void defineDataField (Int whichField, DataType type,
489  const void* value);
491 private:
492  // Get the description of this record.
493  virtual RecordDesc getDescription() const;
495  // Create TableRecord as a subrecord.
496  // When the description is empty, the record has a variable structure.
497  // Otherwise it is fixed.
498  // <group>
501  // </group>
503  // Set the recordtype of this record and all its subrecords (recursively).
506  // The TableRecord representation.
508  // The parent TableRecord.
510 };
514 inline const TableRecordRep& TableRecord::ref() const
515 {
516  return rep_p.ref();
517 }
519 {
520  return ref().description();
521 }
523 inline Bool TableRecord::conform (const TableRecord& other) const
524 {
525  return ref().conform (other.ref());
526 }
528 inline void TableRecord::putData (AipsIO& os,
529  const TableAttr& parentAttr) const
530 {
531  ref().putData (os, parentAttr);
532 }
534 inline void TableRecord::getData (AipsIO& os, uInt version,
535  const TableAttr& parentAttr)
536 {
537  rwRef().getData (os, version, parentAttr);
538 }
541 {
542  rwRef().reopenRW();
543 }
545 inline void TableRecord::closeTables() const
546 {
547  ref().closeTables();
548 }
550 inline void TableRecord::flushTables (Bool fsync) const
551 {
552  ref().flushTables (fsync);
553 }
555 inline void TableRecord::renameTables (const String& newParentName,
556  const String& oldParentName)
557 {
558  rwRef().renameTables (newParentName, oldParentName);
559 }
562 {
563  return ref().areTablesMultiUsed();
564 }
570 #endif
RecordType & recordType()
Give access to the RecordType flag (write-access is needed when a record is read back).
String name(const RecordFieldId &) const
Get the name of this field.
IPosition shape(const RecordFieldId &) const
Get the actual shape of this field.
Define the flag telling if a Record has a fixed or variable structure.
@ Variable
Record has a variable structure; after Record creation fields can be added or removed at will.
@ Fixed
Record has a fixed structure; that is, no fields can be added or removed once the Record is created.
Bool CheckFieldFunction(const String &fieldName, DataType dataType, const void *extraArgument, String &message)
Define the signature of the add callback function.
Define the Duplicates flag for the function merge in the various record classes.
@ ThrowOnDuplicates
Throw an exception.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:225
void closeTables() const
Close all open tables.
const RecordDesc & description() const
Describes the current structure of this Record.
void reopenRW()
Reopen possible tables in keywords as read/write.
Bool areTablesMultiUsed() const
Are subtables used in other processes.
void getData(AipsIO &os, uInt version, const TableAttr &)
Read the data of a record.
void putData(AipsIO &os, const TableAttr &) const
Put the data of a record.
void renameTables(const String &newParentName, const String &oldParentName)
Rename the subtables with a path containing the old parent table name.
Bool conform(const TableRecordRep &other) const
Returns True if this and other have the same RecordDesc, other than different names for the fields.
void flushTables(Bool fsync) const
Flush all open subtables.
Create a record with no fields.
Table asTable(const RecordFieldId &) const
Get the table from the given field.
virtual void restructure(const RecordDesc &newDescription, Bool recursive=True)
Change the structure of this TableRecord to contain the fields in newDescription.
void defineRecord(const RecordFieldId &, const TableRecord &value, RecordType type=Variable)
Define a value for the given field.
void closeTables() const
Close all open tables.
Definition: TableRecord.h:545
virtual void * get_pointer(Int whichField, DataType type, const String &recordType) const
friend AipsIO & operator>>(AipsIO &os, TableRecord &rec)
Read the TableRecord from an input stream.
void getData(AipsIO &os, uInt version, const TableAttr &)
Read the data of a record.
Definition: TableRecord.h:534
Record toRecord() const
Convert the TableRecord to a Record (recursively).
virtual void assign(const RecordInterface &that)
Assign that RecordInterface object to this one.
virtual Int fieldNumber(const String &fieldName) const
Get the field number from the field name.
virtual void makeUnique()
Make a unique record representation (to do copy-on-write in RecordFieldPtr).
void putData(AipsIO &os, const TableAttr &) const
Put the data of a record.
Definition: TableRecord.h:528
friend AipsIO & operator<<(AipsIO &os, const TableRecord &rec)
Write the TableRecord to an output stream.
virtual void * get_pointer(Int whichField, DataType type) const
Used by the RecordField classes to attach in a type-safe way to the correct field.
Bool areTablesMultiUsed() const
Are subtables used in other processes.
Definition: TableRecord.h:561
virtual const RecordInterface & asRecord(const RecordFieldId &) const
virtual RecordInterface & asrwRecord(const RecordFieldId &)
void removeField(const RecordFieldId &)
Remove a field from the record.
void mergeField(const TableRecord &other, const RecordFieldId &, DuplicatesFlag=ThrowOnDuplicates)
Merge a field from another record into this record.
virtual void print(std::ostream &, Int maxNrValues=25, const String &indent="") const
Print the contents of the record.
Table asTable(const RecordFieldId &, const TableLock &lockOptions) const
void setRecordType(RecordType type)
Set the recordtype of this record and all its subrecords (recursively).
void closeTable(const RecordFieldId &) const
Close the table in the given field.
void defineTable(const RecordFieldId &, const Table &value, RecordType type=Variable)
virtual void addDataField(const String &name, DataType type, const IPosition &shape, Bool fixedShape, const void *value)
Add a field to the record.
Bool conform(const TableRecord &other) const
Returns True if this and other have the same RecordDesc, other than different names for the fields.
Definition: TableRecord.h:523
TableRecord(RecordType type, CheckFieldFunction *=0, const void *checkArgument=0)
Create a record with no fields.
virtual void defineRecord(const RecordFieldId &, const RecordInterface &value, RecordType=Variable)
virtual DataType type(Int whichField) const
Get the data type of this field.
Release resources associated with this object.
void setTableAttr(const TableRecord &other, const TableAttr &defaultAttr)
Recursively set the attributes of subtables to the ones in the other record for matching subtable fie...
void renameTables(const String &newParentName, const String &oldParentName)
Rename the subtables with a path containing the old parent table name.
Definition: TableRecord.h:555
virtual void defineDataField(Int whichField, DataType type, const void *value)
Define a value in the given field.
TableRecordRep & rwRef()
Return a non-const reference to the underlying TableRecordRep.
const TableRecordRep & ref() const
Return a const reference to the underlying TableRecordRep.
Definition: TableRecord.h:514
virtual uInt nfields() const
How many fields does this structure have? A convenient synonym for description().nfields().
const TableAttr & tableAttributes(const RecordFieldId &) const
Get the attributes of a table field.
TableRecord(TableRecordRep *parent, RecordType type)
TableRecordRep * parent_p
The parent TableRecord.
Definition: TableRecord.h:509
TableRecord & rwSubRecord(const RecordFieldId &)
virtual void setComment(const RecordFieldId &, const String &comment)
Set the comment for this field.
TableRecord(const TableRecord &other)
Create a copy of other using copy semantics.
void putRecord(AipsIO &os, const TableAttr &) const
Put the data of a record.
virtual RecordInterface * clone() const
Make a copy of this object.
const TableRecord & subRecord(const RecordFieldId &) const
Get the subrecord or table from the given field.
TableRecord(const RecordInterface &other)
Create a TableRecord from another type of record.
void getRecord(AipsIO &os, const TableAttr &)
Read a record.
TableRecord & operator=(const TableRecord &other)
Copy the data in the other record to this record.
COWPtr< TableRecordRep > rep_p
The TableRecord representation.
Definition: TableRecord.h:507
void merge(const TableRecord &other, DuplicatesFlag=ThrowOnDuplicates)
Merge all fields from the other record into this record.
void renameField(const String &newName, const RecordFieldId &)
Rename the given field.
void reopenRW()
Reopen possible tables in keywords as read/write.
Definition: TableRecord.h:540
virtual RecordDesc getDescription() const
Get the description of this record.
virtual ValueHolder asValueHolder(const RecordFieldId &) const
Get or define the value as a ValueHolder.
virtual const String & comment(const RecordFieldId &) const
Get the comment for this field.
const RecordDesc & description() const
Describes the current structure of this TableRecord.
Definition: TableRecord.h:518
void flushTables(Bool fsync=False) const
Flush all open subtables.
Definition: TableRecord.h:550
void fromRecord(const Record &rec)
Fill the TableRecord from the given Record.
TableRecord(TableRecordRep *parent, const RecordDesc &description)
Create TableRecord as a subrecord.
TableRecord(const RecordDesc &description, RecordType type=Fixed, CheckFieldFunction *=0, const void *checkArgument=0)
Create a record with the given description.
virtual void defineFromValueHolder(const RecordFieldId &, const ValueHolder &)
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28
const Bool False
Definition: aipstype.h:44
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
LatticeExprNode value(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the value of the expression without a mask.
const Bool True
Definition: aipstype.h:43