Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //# UnitMap.h: defines the UnitMap class containing standard unit definitions
2 //# Copyright (C) 1994-2002,2007
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
28 #ifndef CASA_UNITMAP_H
29 #define CASA_UNITMAP_H
32 //# Includes
33 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
34 #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/Constants.h>
35 #include <casacore/casa/stdmap.h>
36 #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
37 #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/UnitDim.h>
38 #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/UnitVal.h>
39 #include <casacore/casa/Quanta/UnitName.h>
41 #include <mutex>
43 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
45 //# Forward Declarations
47 // Define a struct containing the static data members.
48 // The static struct object is created in function getMaps
49 // to ensure proper static initialization order.
50 class UMaps {
51 public:
52  UMaps() {init();}
53  // Decimal prefix list
54  map<String, UnitName> mapPref;
55  // Defining SI unit list
56  map<String, UnitName> mapDef;
57  // SI unit list
58  map<String, UnitName> mapSI;
59  // Customary list
60  map<String, UnitName> mapCust;
61  // User defined unit list
62  map<String, UnitName> mapUser;
63  // FITS unit list inclusion
65 private:
66  void init();
67 };
71 //* Constants
72 // IAU definition of Gaussian grav. constant for calculating IAU units
73 const Double IAU_k=0.01720209895;
74 // Number of FITS units recognised (change the FITSstring and FITSunit lists
75 // in the when changing this number.
76 const uInt N_FITS = 19;
79 // <summary>
80 // contains all simple known physical units
81 // </summary>
83 // <use visibility=export>
85 // <reviewed reviewer="UNKNOWN" date="before2004/08/25" tests="tUnit">
86 //
87 // <prerequisite>
88 // You should have at least a preliminary understanding of these classes:
89 // <li> <linkto class=Unit>Unit</linkto>
90 // </prerequisite>
91 //
92 // <etymology>
93 // Based on Units and the Casacore container classes called 'Map'
94 // </etymology>
95 //
96 // <synopsis>
97 // Physical units are strings consisting of one or more names of known
98 // basic units, separated by '.' or ' ' (for multiplication) or '/' (for
99 // division). Each name can optionally be preceded by a standard decimal
100 // prefix, and/or followed by an (optionally signed) exponent.
101 // Example:
102 // km/s/(Mpc.s)2 is identical to km.s-1.Mpc-2.s-2
103 //
104 // See the <linkto class="Unit">Unit</linkto> class for more details.
105 //
106 // The UnitMap class contains the known standard basic units, and any
107 // other basic unit defined by the user of the Unit related classes.
108 // The known units are divided into 5 different groups:
109 // <ol>
110 // <li> Defining units: m, kg, s, A, K, cd, mol, rad, sr, _
111 // <li> SI units: including a.o. Jy, AU etc)
112 // <li> Customary units: e.g. lb, hp, ly etc
113 // <li> User defined units: defined by user (e.g. Beam, KPH, KM)
114 // <li> Cached units: cached unit strings for speed in operations
115 // </ol>
116 // The full list of known units can be viewed by running the tUnit test
117 // program.
118 // <note role=caution>
119 // There is a difference between units without a dimension (non-dimensioned
120 // I will call them), and undimensioned units. Non-dimensioned examples are
121 // "", "%"; undimensioned examples: "beam", "pixel".
122 // </note>
123 //
124 // Information about the contents of the unit maps can be obtained by
125 // the Bool functions (False if not present):
126 // <ul>
127 // <li> UnitMap::getPref("string", UnitName &) prefix
128 // <li> UnitMap::getUnit("string", UnitName &) search user,
129 // customary, SI (in that order)
130 // <li> UnitMap::getCache("string", UnitVal &) search cache
131 // </ul>
132 //
133 // The standard units can be viewed by the following commands, which
134 // output to cout:
135 // <ul>
136 // <li> UnitMap::list() all prefixes and SI, Cust and User units
137 // <li> UnitMap::listCache() current cache contents
138 // <li> UnitMap::listPref() all prefixes
139 // <li> UnitMap::listDef() all defining units
140 // <li> UnitMap::listSI() all SI Units
141 // <li> UnitMap::listCust() all customary units
142 // <li> UnitMap::listUser() all user defined units
143 // </ul>
144 //
145 // Units can be defined in the user list by:
146 // <note role=tip> The cache will be cleared if a user defined unit is overwritten,
147 // to make sure no old value will be used. </note>
148 // <srcblock>
149 // UnitMap::putUser("tag", UnitVal(factor,"unit"), "full name (optional)");
150 // or:
151 // UnitMap::putUser(UnitName);
152 // </srcblock>
153 // <note role=caution>
154 // If using an explicit Unit variable (e.g. <src>Unit a("5Bolton/beam")</src>),
155 // the check on the legality of the given string, and the conversion to the
156 // cached canonical value in the variable 'a', is only done at creation time. This
157 // means that if the user changes the value of a unit involved by the
158 // <linkto class=UnitMap>putUser()</linkto> method, the unit using it should be
159 // re-created (<src> a = Unit("5Bolton/beam");</src>).
160 // </note>
161 // A special set of 'units' used in FITS datasets can be added by the command
162 // <srcblock>
163 // UnitMap::addFITS();
164 // </srcblock>
165 // This set can be cleared from the user table by:
166 // <srcblock>
167 // UnitMap::clearFITS();
168 // </srcblock>
169 // Note that Unitmap keeps track of the inclusion of the FITS inclusion,
170 // making multiple calls inexpensive. The list of current FITS units can
171 // be viewed by running the tUnit program, or looking at the FITSunit
172 // table.
173 //
174 // Once the UnitMap::addFITS() has been run, the FITS units can be used as
175 // any other unit. In addition, a FITS unit can be translated to standard
176 // SI units by a call to <em>Unit UnitMap::fromFITS(const Unit)</em>. Any
177 // unit that is defined as a standard FITS unit will be translated. Unknown
178 // ones will not be translated, making the way clear for having standard
179 // units in a FITS units string. A comparable <em>toFITS()</em> translates in
180 // the same way in the reversed direction.
181 //
182 // The cache can be cleared by:
183 // <srcblock>
184 // UnitMap::clearCache();
185 // </srcblock>
186 // </synopsis>
187 //
188 // <example>
189 // Check for legal prefix:
190 // <srcblock>
191 // UnitName myUnit;
192 // if (UnitMap::getPref("k", myUnit)) { cout << "k has value " << myUnit;}
193 // </srcblock>
194 // Define a value for the unit 'beam':
195 // <srcblock>
196 // UnitMap::putUser("beam",UnitVal(C::pi * 0.1, "\"_2"),"telescope beam");
197 // </srcblock>
198 // List current cache:
199 // <srcblock>
200 // UnitMap::listCache();
201 // </srcblock>
202 // </example>
203 //
204 // <motivation>
205 // Standard list available to try to enhance use of SI and related units
206 // </motivation>
207 //
208 // <todo asof="941110">
209 // <li> Some inlining (did not work first go)
210 // </todo>
212 class UnitMap {
213 public:
214  friend class UMaps;
216  //# Constructors
217 // Default constructor of maps
220 // Destructor
223 //# General member functions
224  // Check if a unit name is known, and return its value if True
225  // <group name="find">
226  // Get a prefix definition from key
227  static Bool getPref(const String &s, UnitName &name, UMaps* maps=0);
229  // Get a standard unit definition (search order: User, Customary, SI)
230  static Bool getUnit(const String &s, UnitName &name, UMaps* maps=0);
232  // Get a cached definition
233  static Bool getCache(const String &s, UnitVal &val);
235  // </group>
236  // Save a definition of a full unit name in the cache (the cache will be
237  // cleared if getting too large (200 entries)
238  static void putCache(const String &s, const UnitVal &val);
240  // Define a user defined standard unit. If the unit is being redefined, and it
241  // has already been used in a user's <src>Unit</src> variable, the value
242  // cached in that variable will not change.
243  // <group name="define">
244  static void putUser(const String &s, const UnitVal &val);
245  static void putUser(const String &s, const UnitVal &val,
246  const String &name);
247  static void putUser(const UnitName &name);
248  // </group>
249 // Remove a user unit
250 // <group>
251  static void removeUser(const String &name);
252  static void removeUser(const UnitName &name);
253 // </group>
255 // Clear out the cache
256  static void clearCache();
258 // Define FITS related unit names
259  static void addFITS();
261 // Clear FITS related units from user list
262  static void clearFITS();
264 // Translate a FITS unit to the proper units. Note that this is a translation
265 // of the string only, no conversion. Unknown FITS units are not translated.
266 // Hence any new definition of the FITS units will work ok
267  static Unit fromFITS(const Unit &un);
269 // Translate to a FITS unit
270  static Unit toFITS(const Unit &un);
272 // List some part of the standard unit lists on cout or stream
273 // <group name="list">
274 // List all known unit symbols
275 // <group>
276  static void list(ostream &os);
277  static void list();
278  // </group>
280 // List all units in cache
281  // <group>
282  static void listCache(ostream &os);
283  static void listCache();
284  // </group>
286 // List all prefixes
287  // <group>
288  static void listPref(ostream &os);
289  static void listPref();
290  // </group>
292 // List all defining units
293  // <group>
294  static void listDef(ostream &os);
295  static void listDef();
296  // </group>
298 // List all SI units
299  // <group>
300  static void listSI(ostream &os);
301  static void listSI();
302  // </group>
304 // List all customary units
305  // <group>
306  static void listCust(ostream &os);
307  static void listCust();
308  // </group>
310 // List all user defined units
311  // <group>
312  static void listUser(ostream &os);
313  static void listUser();
314  // </group>
315 // </group>
317  // Return the different maps
318  // <group>
319  static const map<String, UnitName> &givePref();
320  static const map<String, UnitName> &giveDef();
321  static const map<String, UnitName> &giveSI();
322  static const map<String, UnitName> &giveCust();
323  static const map<String, UnitName> &giveUser();
324  static const map<String, UnitVal> &giveCache();
325  // </group>
327  private:
328  //# Constructors
329  // Copy constructor (not implemented)
330  UnitMap(const UnitMap &other);
332  //# Operators
333  // Copy assignment (not implemented)
334  UnitMap &operator=(const UnitMap &other);
336  static std::mutex fitsMutex;
338  //# member functions
339  // Get the static UMaps struct.
340  static UMaps& getMaps();
341  // Get the static mapCache object.
342  // This cannot be part of the UMaps struct, because the UnitVal ctor
343  // is called in the initialization of UMaps, but uses mapCache resulting
344  // in a recursive call.
345  static map<String, UnitVal>& getMapCache();
346  // Get the name of a FITS unit
347  static Bool getNameFITS(const UnitName *&name, uInt which);
348  // Get the belonging unit to a FITS unit
349  static const String &getStringFITS(uInt which);
351  static void initUM();
352  // Bits and pieces of initUM() to get compilation speed improved
353  // <group>
354  static void initUMPrefix (UMaps&);
355  static void initUMSI1 (UMaps&);
356  static void initUMSI2 (UMaps&);
357  static void initUMCust1 (UMaps&);
358  static void initUMCust2 (UMaps&);
359  static void initUMCust3 (UMaps&);
360  // </group>
362 };
366 #endif
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:225
Define a struct containing the static data members.
Definition: UnitMap.h:50
map< String, UnitName > mapPref
Decimal prefix list.
Definition: UnitMap.h:54
Bool doneFITS
FITS unit list inclusion.
Definition: UnitMap.h:64
map< String, UnitName > mapDef
Defining SI unit list.
Definition: UnitMap.h:56
map< String, UnitName > mapCust
Customary list.
Definition: UnitMap.h:60
map< String, UnitName > mapUser
User defined unit list.
Definition: UnitMap.h:62
map< String, UnitName > mapSI
SI unit list.
Definition: UnitMap.h:58
static void initUMSI1(UMaps &)
static void initUMSI2(UMaps &)
static void listCache(ostream &os)
List all units in cache.
static UMaps & getMaps()
Get the static UMaps struct.
static const map< String, UnitName > & giveDef()
static const map< String, UnitName > & givePref()
Return the different maps.
static void list()
static const map< String, UnitName > & giveSI()
static void putUser(const String &s, const UnitVal &val)
Define a user defined standard unit.
UnitMap(const UnitMap &other)
Copy constructor (not implemented)
UnitMap & operator=(const UnitMap &other)
Copy assignment (not implemented)
static void list(ostream &os)
List some part of the standard unit lists on cout or stream
static void listSI(ostream &os)
List all SI units.
static const map< String, UnitVal > & giveCache()
static void listPref(ostream &os)
List all prefixes.
static Unit toFITS(const Unit &un)
Translate to a FITS unit.
static Bool getNameFITS(const UnitName *&name, uInt which)
Get the name of a FITS unit.
static Bool getPref(const String &s, UnitName &name, UMaps *maps=0)
Check if a unit name is known, and return its value if True
static const map< String, UnitName > & giveUser()
static void initUM()
static Unit fromFITS(const Unit &un)
Translate a FITS unit to the proper units.
static const map< String, UnitName > & giveCust()
static void listUser(ostream &os)
List all user defined units.
Default constructor of maps.
static Bool getCache(const String &s, UnitVal &val)
Get a cached definition.
static void initUMCust1(UMaps &)
static void initUMCust2(UMaps &)
static void listPref()
static void listDef(ostream &os)
List all defining units.
static void listUser()
static map< String, UnitVal > & getMapCache()
Get the static mapCache object.
static void listCache()
static void listCust()
static void clearFITS()
Clear FITS related units from user list.
static void removeUser(const String &name)
Remove a user unit.
static void listDef()
static void listCust(ostream &os)
List all customary units.
static void listSI()
static Bool getUnit(const String &s, UnitName &name, UMaps *maps=0)
Get a standard unit definition (search order: User, Customary, SI)
static void initUMPrefix(UMaps &)
Bits and pieces of initUM() to get compilation speed improved.
static void putCache(const String &s, const UnitVal &val)
Save a definition of a full unit name in the cache (the cache will be cleared if getting too large (2...
static void clearCache()
Clear out the cache.
static void addFITS()
Define FITS related unit names.
static std::mutex fitsMutex
Definition: UnitMap.h:336
static void initUMCust3(UMaps &)
static void removeUser(const UnitName &name)
static const String & getStringFITS(uInt which)
Get the belonging unit to a FITS unit.
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
const Double IAU_k
Definition: UnitMap.h:73
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
const uInt N_FITS
Number of FITS units recognised (change the FITSstring and FITSunit lists in the UnitMap....
Definition: UnitMap.h:76
double Double
Definition: aipstype.h:55