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casacore::FITSIDItoMS1 Class Reference


#include <FitsIDItoMS.h>

Public Member Functions

 FITSIDItoMS1 (FitsInput &in, const String &correlat, const Int &obsType=0, const Bool &initFirstMain=True)
 The only constructor is from a FitsInput. More...
Table oldfullTable (const String &tabName)
 Get the full table, using the supplied arguments to construct the table. More...
void fillObsTables ()
 Fill the Observation and ObsLog tables. More...
void fillAntennaTable ()
 Read a binary table extension of type ANTENNA and create an antenna table void fillAntennaTable(BinaryTable& bt);. More...
void fillFeedTable ()
 fill the Feed table with minimal info needed for synthesis processing More...
void fillFieldTable ()
 fill the Field table void fillFieldTable(Int nField); More...
void fillSpectralWindowTable ()
 fill the Spectral Window table with the content of FREQUENCY More...
Bool fillCorrelatorModelTable ()
 fill the optional Correlator Model table with the content of INTERFEROMETER_MODEL More...
Bool fillSysCalTable ()
 fill the optional SysCal table with the content of SYSTEM_TEMPERATURE More...
Bool fillFlagCmdTable ()
 fill the optional FlagCmd table with the content of FLAG More...
Bool fillWeatherTable ()
 fill the optional Weather table with the content of WEATHER More...
Bool handleGainCurve ()
 store the information from the GAIN_CURVE table in a calibration table More...
Bool handlePhaseCal ()
 store the information from the PHASE-CAL table in a calibration table More...
Bool handleModelComps ()
 store the information from the MODEL_COMPS table
void fixEpochReferences ()
 fix up the EPOCH MEASURE_REFERENCE keywords More...
void updateTables (const String &tabName)
 update the Polarization table More...
const TableDescgetDescriptor ()
 Get an appropriate TableDesc (this is the same TableDesc used to construct any Table objects returned by this class. More...
TableRecordgetKeywords ()
 Return the Table keywords (this is the same TableRecord used in any Table objects returned by this class. More...
const TablethisRow ()
 Get a Table with a single row, the current row of the FITS table. More...
const TablenextRow ()
 Get a Table with a single row, the next row of the FITS table. More...
Float msVersion () const
 Get the version of the archived MS. More...
Bool readFitsFile (const String &msFile)
 Read all the data from the FITS file and create the MeasurementSet. More...
Bool isfirstMain ()
 is this the first UV_DATA extension More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::BinaryTableExtension
 BinaryTableExtension (FitsInput &, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
 BinaryTableExtension (FitsKeywordList &, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
 BinaryTableExtension (FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
 constructor to match write_bintbl_hdr()
virtual ~BinaryTableExtension ()
Int nrows () const
 return basic elements of a table More...
Int ncols () const
uInt rowsize () const
Int tfields () const
const char * tform (int n) const
double tscal (int n) const
double tzero (int n) const
Bool isatnull (int n) const
Int tnull (int n) const
const char * ttype (int n) const
const char * tunit (int n) const
const char * tdisp (int n) const
const char * tdim (int n) const
const char * ctype (int n) const
double crpix (int n) const
double crota (int n) const
double crval (int n) const
double cdelt (int n) const
Int theap () const
const char * author () const
const char * referenc () const
int bind (int, FitsBase &)
 binds a FitsField to a column More...
BinaryTableExtensionoperator++ ()
 row selector functions More...
BinaryTableExtensionoperator-- ()
BinaryTableExtensionoperator() (int)
int read ()
 read entire table into memory More...
int read (int)
 read next N rows into memory More...
int set_next (int)
 prepare to write the next N rows More...
int write (FitsOutput &)
 write current rows More...
int write_binTbl_hdr (FitsOutput &, long, int, const char **, const char **, const char **, const char *, long)
 create a binary table header without using FitsKeywordList objet. More...
FitsBasefield (int i) const
 select a field More...
Int currrow () const
 get current row More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::ExtensionHeaderDataUnit
 ExtensionHeaderDataUnit (FitsInput &, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
 ExtensionHeaderDataUnit (FitsKeywordList &, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
 ~ExtensionHeaderDataUnit ()
char * xtension ()
char * extname ()
Int extver ()
Int extlevel ()
Int pcount ()
Int gcount ()
int read (char *addr, int nbytes)
 read next N bytes into addr More...
int write (FitsOutput &fout, char *addr, int nbytes)
 write next N bytes from addr to the FITS output fout More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::HeaderDataUnit
virtual ~HeaderDataUnit ()
Int dims () const
Int dim (int n) const
OFF_T fitsdatasize () const
FITS::ValueType datatype () const
Int fitsitemsize () const
Int localitemsize () const
FITS::HDUType hdutype () const
int err () const
int skip (uInt n)
 skipping one or more HDU's More...
int skip ()
int write_hdr (FitsOutput &)
 write the current header More...
ConstFitsKeywordListkwlist ()
 Operations on the HDU's keyword list. More...
Vector< Stringkwlist_str (Bool length80=False)
 return the header of the chdu as a vector of String. More...
void firstkw ()
void lastkw ()
const FitsKeywordnextkw ()
const FitsKeywordprevkw ()
const FitsKeywordcurrkw ()
const FitsKeywordkw (int n)
const FitsKeywordkw (const FITS::ReservedName &n)
const FitsKeywordnextkw (FITS::ReservedName &n)
const FitsKeywordkw (FITS::ReservedName &n, int i)
const FitsKeywordnextkw (FITS::ReservedName &n, int i)
const FitsKeywordkw (const char *n)
const FitsKeywordnextkw (const char *n)
void mk (FITS::ReservedName k, Bool v, const char *c=0)
void mk (FITS::ReservedName k, const char *v=0, const char *c=0)
void mk (FITS::ReservedName k, Int v, const char *c=0)
void mk (FITS::ReservedName k, double v, const char *c=0)
void mk (int n, FITS::ReservedName k, Bool v, const char *c=0)
void mk (int n, FITS::ReservedName k, const char *v, const char *c=0)
void mk (int n, FITS::ReservedName k, Int v, const char *c=0)
void mk (int n, FITS::ReservedName k, double v, const char *c=0)
void mk (const char *n, Bool v, const char *c=0)
void mk (const char *n, const char *v=0, const char *c=0)
void mk (const char *n, Int v, const char *c=0)
void mk (const char *n, float v, const char *c=0)
void mk (const char *n, double v, const char *c=0)
void mk (const char *n, Int r, Int i, const char *c=0)
void mk (const char *n, float r, float i, const char *c=0)
void mk (const char *n, double r, double i, const char *c=0)
void spaces (const char *n=0, const char *c=0)
void comment (const char *n=0, const char *c=0)
void history (const char *c=0)
Bool notnull (double x) const
Bool notnull (char *s) const
Bool notnull (Int l) const
int get_hdr (FITS::HDUType, FitsKeywordList &)
int read_data (char *, Int)
int write_data (FitsOutput &, char *, Int)
OFF_T read_all_data (char *)
int write_all_data (FitsOutput &, char *)

Protected Member Functions

void getAxisInfo ()
 Read the axis info, throws an exception if required axes are missing. More...
void setupMeasurementSet (const String &MSFileName, Bool useTSM=True, Bool mainTbl=False, Bool addCorrMod=False, Bool addSyscal=False, Bool addWeather=False, Bool addGainCurve=False)
 Set up the MeasurementSet, including StorageManagers and fixed columns. More...
void fillMSMainTable (const String &MSFileName, Int &nField, Int &nSpW)
 Fill the main table from the Primary group data. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casacore::BinaryTableExtension
 BinaryTableExtension (FitsInput &, FITS::HDUType, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
 sets field addresses in the current row void set_fitsrow(Int); More...
 BinaryTableExtension (FitsKeywordList &, FITS::HDUType, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
 BinaryTableExtension (FITS::HDUType, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
virtual int readrow ()
 read and write the next FITS data row More...
virtual int writerow (FitsOutput &)
void set_fitsrow (Int)
 sets field addresses in the current row More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casacore::ExtensionHeaderDataUnit
 ExtensionHeaderDataUnit (FitsInput &, FITS::HDUType, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
 ExtensionHeaderDataUnit (FitsKeywordList &, FITS::HDUType, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
 ExtensionHeaderDataUnit (FITS::HDUType, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
 This constructor is used for writing only required keywords. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casacore::HeaderDataUnit
 HeaderDataUnit (FitsInput &, FITS::HDUType, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler)
 For input – ~ should delete the keyword list: kwflag = 1. More...
 HeaderDataUnit (FitsKeywordList &, FITS::HDUType, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler, FitsInput *=0)
 For output – ~ should not delete keyword list: kwflag = 0 07/21/98 AKH Clarification: HeaderDataUnit has a copy of the FitsKeywordList, and should delete it. More...
 HeaderDataUnit (FITS::HDUType, FITSErrorHandler errhandler=FITSError::defaultHandler, FitsInput *=0)
 constructor for objects that write only required keyword to fits file. More...
bool init_data_unit (FITS::HDUType t)
 for write required keywords only to use. More...
void posEnd ()
void errmsg (HDUErrs, const char *)
char * assign (FITS::ReservedName)
char * assign (FITS::ReservedName, int)
double asgdbl (FITS::ReservedName, double)
double asgdbl (FITS::ReservedName, int, double)

Private Member Functions

void fillRow ()
 Fill in each row as needed. More...
void convertKeywords ()
 Build part of the keywords of the itsCurRowTab. More...
void describeColumns ()
 Convert FITS field descriptions to TableColumn descriptions. More...
void convertMSKeywords ()
 Convert the MS-specific keywords in the FITS binary table. More...

Private Attributes

Table itsCurRowTab
 The scratch table containing the current row. More...
Vector< IntitsNelem
 The number of elements for each column of the BinaryTableExtension. More...
Vector< BoolitsIsArray
 For each column: is it an array? More...
TableRecord itsKwSet
 Table keyword set. More...
TableDesc itsTableDesc
 Table descriptor for construction. More...
TableInfo itsTableInfo
 Table info. More...
Float itsVersion
 The MS version. More...
uInt itsNrMSKs
 Buffer for storing the MSK's, MS-specific FITS keywords. More...
Vector< StringitsMSKC
Vector< StringitsMSKN
Vector< StringitsMSKV
Vector< BoolitsgotMSK
String msFile_p
Vector< IntnPixel_p
Vector< IntcorrType_p
Block< IntcorrIndex_p
Block< IntcorrSwapIndex_p
Matrix< IntcorrProduct_p
Vector< StringcoordType_p
Vector< DoublerefVal_p
Vector< DoublerefPix_p
Vector< Doubledelta_p
String object_p
String timsys_p
Double epoch_p
Int nAnt_p
Vector< DoublereceptorAngle_p
MFrequency::Types freqsys_p
Double restfreq_p
Double startTime_p
Double lastTime_p
Int itsObsType
String itsCorrelat
MeasurementSet ms_p
Bool weather_hasWater_p
Bool weather_hasElectron_p
Bool uv_data_hasWeights_p
Bool weightypKwPresent_p
String weightyp_p
Int nStokes_p
Int nBand_p

Static Private Attributes

static String array_p
static Double rdate
static Bool firstMain
static Bool firstSyscal
static Bool firstWeather
static Bool firstGainCurve
static std::map< Int, IntantIdFromNo
static std::map< Int, IntdigiLevels
static Vector< DoubleeffChBw

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from casacore::HeaderDataUnit
enum  HDUErrs {
  OK ,
 error handling and error codes that can be returned More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::HeaderDataUnit
static Bool determine_type (FitsKeywordList &, FITS::HDUType &, FITS::ValueType &, FITSErrorHandler, HDUErrs &)
 Determines the HDU type and the data type Parameterss: keyword list, hdu type, data type, error handler and error status. More...
static Bool compute_size (FitsKeywordList &, OFF_T &, Int &, FITS::HDUType &, FITS::ValueType &, FITSErrorHandler, HDUErrs &)
 Compute the total size of the data associated with an HDU. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from casacore::BinaryTableExtension
Int tfields_x
char ** tform_x
double * tscal_x
double * tzero_x
char ** ttype_x
char ** tunit_x
char ** tdisp_x
char ** tdim_x
char ** ctype_x
double * crpix_x
double * crota_x
double * crval_x
double * cdelt_x
Int nAxis
Int theap_x
char * author_x
char * referenc_x
unsigned char * fitsrow
uInt fitsrowsize
Bool isoptimum
unsigned char * table
uInt tablerowsize
uInt alloc_row
Int beg_row
Int end_row
Int curr_row
FitsBase ** fld
void ** data_addr
 data addresses of fields of current row More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from casacore::ExtensionHeaderDataUnit
char * xtension_x
char * extname_x
Int extver_x
Int extlevel_x
Int pcount_x
Int gcount_x
- Protected Attributes inherited from casacore::HeaderDataUnit
ConstFitsKeywordList constkwlist_
FITSErrorHandler errfn
HDUErrs err_status
Int no_dims
OFF_T fits_data_size
 uInt fits_data_size; // size in bytes of total amount of data More...
FITS::ValueType data_type
Int fits_item_size
Int local_item_size
FITS::HDUType hdu_type
char pad_char
double double_null
char char_null
Int Int_null

Detailed Description

FITSIDItoMS converts a FITS-IDI file to a CASA Measurement Set

Intended use:

Public interface



FITSIDItoMS inherits from the FITS BinaryTableExtension class and its primary use is to convert such an object to a CASA Table. This explains it's use but not its name. A better name should be found.


The class starts with an already existing FitsInput object, which should be set at a BinaryTableExtension HDU. Member functions provide a TableDesc appropriate for the FITS data (to help in constructing a CASA Table compatible with the BinaryTableExtension), a Table containing the current row of FITS data and a Table containing the next row of FITS data (which can be used to step through the FitsInput, copying each row using the RowCopier class), and a Table containin the entire FITS binary table from the current row to the end of the table.


We need a way to get FITS-IDI data (typically from VLBI observations) into CASA.


Open a FitsInput from a disk file, if the HDU is a BinaryTableExtension, then instantiate a MSBinaryTable object and get the entire table. A fair amount of error checking has been eliminated from this example.

FitsInput infits("myFITSFile", FITS::Disk);
switch (infits.hdutype()) {
MSBinaryTable bintab(infits);
Table tab = bintab.fullTable("myTable");
@ BinaryTableHDU
Definition: fits.h:265

There would obviously be other cases to the switch to deal with any other HDUs (e.g. skip them via infits.skip_hdu()). The Table destructor would write "myTable" to disk.

Definition at line 117 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::FITSIDItoMS1 ( FitsInput in,
const String correlat,
const Int obsType = 0,
const Bool initFirstMain = True 

The only constructor is from a FitsInput.

The correlat string should be set to the correlator name/type as contained in the CORRELAT keyword from the FITS-IDI primary header. If it is set to "DIFX" (case-sensitive) additional digital corrections appropriate for the DiFX software correlator will be applied. Other valid values include "VLBA" (for the original VLBA hardware correlator; currently unsupported) and "SFXC" (for the SFXC software correlator used by the EVN).


casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::~FITSIDItoMS1 ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ convertKeywords()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::convertKeywords ( )

Build part of the keywords of the itsCurRowTab.

◆ convertMSKeywords()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::convertMSKeywords ( )

Convert the MS-specific keywords in the FITS binary table.

◆ describeColumns()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::describeColumns ( )

Convert FITS field descriptions to TableColumn descriptions.

◆ fillAntennaTable()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::fillAntennaTable ( )

Read a binary table extension of type ANTENNA and create an antenna table void fillAntennaTable(BinaryTable& bt);.

◆ fillCorrelatorModelTable()

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::fillCorrelatorModelTable ( )

fill the optional Correlator Model table with the content of INTERFEROMETER_MODEL

◆ fillFeedTable()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::fillFeedTable ( )

fill the Feed table with minimal info needed for synthesis processing

◆ fillFieldTable()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::fillFieldTable ( )

fill the Field table void fillFieldTable(Int nField);

◆ fillFlagCmdTable()

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::fillFlagCmdTable ( )

fill the optional FlagCmd table with the content of FLAG

◆ fillMSMainTable()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::fillMSMainTable ( const String MSFileName,
Int nField,
Int nSpW 

Fill the main table from the Primary group data.

◆ fillObsTables()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::fillObsTables ( )

Fill the Observation and ObsLog tables.

◆ fillRow()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::fillRow ( )

Fill in each row as needed.

◆ fillSpectralWindowTable()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::fillSpectralWindowTable ( )

fill the Spectral Window table with the content of FREQUENCY

◆ fillSysCalTable()

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::fillSysCalTable ( )

fill the optional SysCal table with the content of SYSTEM_TEMPERATURE

◆ fillWeatherTable()

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::fillWeatherTable ( )

fill the optional Weather table with the content of WEATHER

◆ fixEpochReferences()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::fixEpochReferences ( )

fix up the EPOCH MEASURE_REFERENCE keywords

◆ getAxisInfo()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::getAxisInfo ( )

Read the axis info, throws an exception if required axes are missing.

◆ getDescriptor()

const TableDesc& casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::getDescriptor ( )

Get an appropriate TableDesc (this is the same TableDesc used to construct any Table objects returned by this class.

◆ getKeywords()

TableRecord& casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::getKeywords ( )

Return the Table keywords (this is the same TableRecord used in any Table objects returned by this class.

◆ handleGainCurve()

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::handleGainCurve ( )

store the information from the GAIN_CURVE table in a calibration table

◆ handleModelComps()

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::handleModelComps ( )

store the information from the MODEL_COMPS table

◆ handlePhaseCal()

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::handlePhaseCal ( )

store the information from the PHASE-CAL table in a calibration table

◆ isfirstMain()

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::isfirstMain ( )

is this the first UV_DATA extension

Definition at line 228 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

References firstMain.

◆ msVersion()

Float casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::msVersion ( ) const

Get the version of the archived MS.

Definition at line 219 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

References itsVersion.

◆ nextRow()

const Table& casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::nextRow ( )

Get a Table with a single row, the next row of the FITS table.

The returned Table is a Scratch table. The FITS input is positioned to the next row and the values translated and returned in a Table object.

◆ oldfullTable()

Table casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::oldfullTable ( const String tabName)

Get the full table, using the supplied arguments to construct the table.

The table will contain all data from the current row to the end of the BinaryTableExtension.

◆ readFitsFile()

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::readFitsFile ( const String msFile)

Read all the data from the FITS file and create the MeasurementSet.

Throws an exception when it has severe trouble interpreting the FITS file. Returns False if it encounters an unsupported extension.

◆ setupMeasurementSet()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::setupMeasurementSet ( const String MSFileName,
Bool  useTSM = True,
Bool  mainTbl = False,
Bool  addCorrMod = False,
Bool  addSyscal = False,
Bool  addWeather = False,
Bool  addGainCurve = False 

Set up the MeasurementSet, including StorageManagers and fixed columns.

If useTSM is True, the Tiled Storage Manager will be used to store DATA, FLAG and WEIGHT_SPECTRUM

◆ thisRow()

const Table& casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::thisRow ( )

Get a Table with a single row, the current row of the FITS table.

The returned Table is a Scratch table. The standard BinaryTableExtension manipulation functions are available to position the FITS input at the desired location.

◆ updateTables()

void casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::updateTables ( const String tabName)

update the Polarization table

Member Data Documentation

◆ antIdFromNo

std::map<Int,Int> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::antIdFromNo

Definition at line 316 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ array_p

String casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::array_p

Definition at line 289 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ coordType_p

Vector<String> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::coordType_p

Definition at line 287 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ corrIndex_p

Block<Int> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::corrIndex_p

Definition at line 285 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ corrProduct_p

Matrix<Int> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::corrProduct_p

Definition at line 286 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ corrSwapIndex_p

Block<Int> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::corrSwapIndex_p

Definition at line 285 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ corrType_p

Vector<Int> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::corrType_p

Definition at line 284 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ delta_p

Vector<Double> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::delta_p

Definition at line 288 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ digiLevels

std::map<Int,Int> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::digiLevels

Definition at line 317 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ effChBw

Vector<Double> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::effChBw

Definition at line 318 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ epoch_p

Double casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::epoch_p

Definition at line 291 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ firstGainCurve

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::firstGainCurve

Definition at line 308 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ firstMain

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::firstMain

Definition at line 305 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

Referenced by isfirstMain().

◆ firstSyscal

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::firstSyscal

Definition at line 306 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ firstWeather

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::firstWeather

Definition at line 307 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ freqsys_p

MFrequency::Types casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::freqsys_p

Definition at line 295 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsCorrelat

String casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsCorrelat

Definition at line 302 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsCurRowTab

Table casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsCurRowTab

The scratch table containing the current row.

Definition at line 251 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsgotMSK

Vector<Bool> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsgotMSK

Definition at line 279 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsIsArray

Vector<Bool> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsIsArray

For each column: is it an array?

Definition at line 258 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsKwSet

TableRecord casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsKwSet

Table keyword set.

Definition at line 261 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsLog

LogIO* casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsLog

Definition at line 297 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsMSKC

Vector<String> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsMSKC

Definition at line 276 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsMSKN

Vector<String> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsMSKN

Definition at line 277 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsMSKV

Vector<String> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsMSKV

Definition at line 278 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsNelem

Vector<Int> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsNelem

The number of elements for each column of the BinaryTableExtension.

Definition at line 255 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsNrMSKs

uInt casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsNrMSKs

Buffer for storing the MSK's, MS-specific FITS keywords.

Definition at line 275 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsObsType

Int casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsObsType

Definition at line 301 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsTableDesc

TableDesc casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsTableDesc

Table descriptor for construction.

Definition at line 264 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsTableInfo

TableInfo casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsTableInfo

Table info.

Definition at line 267 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ itsVersion

Float casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::itsVersion

The MS version.

Definition at line 270 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

Referenced by msVersion().

◆ lastTime_p

Double casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::lastTime_p

Definition at line 300 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ ms_p

MeasurementSet casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::ms_p

Definition at line 303 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ msc_p

MSColumns* casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::msc_p

Definition at line 304 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ msFile_p

String casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::msFile_p

Definition at line 283 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ nAnt_p

Int casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::nAnt_p

Definition at line 293 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ nBand_p

Int casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::nBand_p

Definition at line 315 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ nPixel_p

Vector<Int> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::nPixel_p

Definition at line 284 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ nStokes_p

Int casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::nStokes_p

Definition at line 314 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ object_p

String casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::object_p

Definition at line 290 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ rdate

Double casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::rdate

Definition at line 292 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ receptorAngle_p

Vector<Double> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::receptorAngle_p

Definition at line 294 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ refPix_p

Vector<Double> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::refPix_p

Definition at line 288 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ refVal_p

Vector<Double> casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::refVal_p

Definition at line 288 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ restfreq_p

Double casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::restfreq_p

Definition at line 296 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ startTime_p

Double casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::startTime_p

Definition at line 299 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ timsys_p

String casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::timsys_p

Definition at line 290 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ uv_data_hasWeights_p

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::uv_data_hasWeights_p

Definition at line 311 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ weather_hasElectron_p

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::weather_hasElectron_p

Definition at line 310 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ weather_hasWater_p

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::weather_hasWater_p

Definition at line 309 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ weightyp_p

String casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::weightyp_p

Definition at line 313 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

◆ weightypKwPresent_p

Bool casacore::FITSIDItoMS1::weightypKwPresent_p

Definition at line 312 of file FitsIDItoMS.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: