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casacore::LCRegionFixed Class Reference


#include <LCRegionFixed.h>

Public Member Functions

 LCRegionFixed ()
 LCRegionFixed (const IPosition &latticeShape)
 Construct with the lattice shape only. More...
 LCRegionFixed (const LCRegionFixed &other)
 Copy constructor (copy semantics). More...
virtual ~LCRegionFixed ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual Bool operator== (const LCRegion &other) const
 Comparison. More...
const ArrayLattice< Bool > & getMask () const
 Return the mask. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::LCRegionSingle
 LCRegionSingle ()
 LCRegionSingle (const IPosition &latticeShape)
 Construct with the lattice shape only. More...
 LCRegionSingle (const LCRegionSingle &other)
 Copy constructor (copy semantics). More...
virtual ~LCRegionSingle ()
virtual Bool hasMask () const
 Does the region have a mask? More...
const Array< BoolmaskArray () const
 Get the mask (as an array). More...
Bool masksEqual (const LCRegion &other) const
 Is the mask of this region the same as the mask of the other. More...
virtual void set (const Bool &value)
 The following "put" functions are described in detail in class Lattice. More...
virtual void apply (Bool(*function)(Bool))
 Replace every element, x, of the Lattice with the result of f(x). More...
virtual void apply (Bool(*function)(const Bool &))
virtual void apply (const Functional< Bool, Bool > &function)
virtual void putAt (const Bool &value, const IPosition &where)
 Put the value of a single element. More...
virtual void copyData (const Lattice< Bool > &from)
 Copy the data from the given lattice to this one. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::LCRegion
 LCRegion ()
 LCRegion (const IPosition &latticeShape)
 Construct with the lattice shape only. More...
 LCRegion (const LCRegion &other)
 Copy constructor (copy semantics). More...
virtual ~LCRegion ()
Bool operator!= (const LCRegion &other) const
 Non-equality. More...
virtual Lattice< Bool > * clone () const
 Make a copy of the derived object. More...
virtual LCRegioncloneRegion () const =0
virtual void handleDelete ()
 Handle deletion of the region by deleting possible tables. More...
virtual void handleRename (const String &newName, Bool overwrite)
 Handle renaming the region by renaming possible tables. More...
virtual String type () const =0
 Region type. More...
const Stringcomment () const
 Get or set the comment. More...
void setComment (const String &comment)
LCRegiontranslate (const IPosition &translateVector) const
 Construct another LCRegion (for e.g. More...
LCRegiontranslate (const IPosition &translateVector, const IPosition &newLatticeShape) const
LCRegiontranslate (const Vector< Float > &translateVector) const
LCRegiontranslate (const Vector< Float > &translateVector, const IPosition &newLatticeShape) const
const IPositionlatticeShape () const
 Give the full lattice shape. More...
const SlicerboundingBox () const
 Give the bounding box. More...
Slicer expand (const Slicer &slicer) const
 Expand a slicer or position in the region to the full lattice. More...
IPosition expand (const IPosition &index) const
virtual TableRecord toRecord (const String &tableName) const =0
 Convert the (derived) object to a record. More...
virtual uInt ndim () const
 Return the dimensionality of the region. More...
virtual IPosition shape () const
 Return the shape of the region (i.e. More...
virtual Bool isWritable () const
 Usually the lattice (i.e. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::Lattice< Bool >
virtual ~Lattice ()
 a virtual destructor is needed so that it will use the actual destructor in the derived class More...
virtual DataType dataType () const
 Get the data type of the lattice. More...
Bool operator() (const IPosition &where) const
 Return the value of the single element located at the argument IPosition. More...
virtual Bool getAt (const IPosition &where) const
Bool get (COWPtr< Array< Bool > > &buffer, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const
 Functions which extract an Array of values from a Lattice. More...
Bool get (Array< Bool > &buffer, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False)
Array< Boolget (Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const
Bool getSlice (COWPtr< Array< Bool > > &buffer, const Slicer &section, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const
Bool getSlice (COWPtr< Array< Bool > > &buffer, const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const
Bool getSlice (COWPtr< Array< Bool > > &buffer, const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, const IPosition &stride, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const
Bool getSlice (Array< Bool > &buffer, const Slicer &section, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False)
Bool getSlice (Array< Bool > &buffer, const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False)
Bool getSlice (Array< Bool > &buffer, const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, const IPosition &stride, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False)
Array< BoolgetSlice (const Slicer &section, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const
Array< BoolgetSlice (const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const
Array< BoolgetSlice (const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, const IPosition &stride, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const
void putSlice (const Array< Bool > &sourceBuffer, const IPosition &where, const IPosition &stride)
 A function which places an Array of values within this instance of the Lattice at the location specified by the IPosition "where", incrementing by "stride". More...
void putSlice (const Array< Bool > &sourceBuffer, const IPosition &where)
void put (const Array< Bool > &sourceBuffer)
void operator+= (const Lattice< Bool > &other)
 Add, subtract, multiple, or divide by another Lattice. More...
void operator-= (const Lattice< Bool > &other)
void operator*= (const Lattice< Bool > &other)
void operator/= (const Lattice< Bool > &other)
virtual void copyDataTo (Lattice< Bool > &to) const
 Copy the data from this lattice to the given lattice. More...
virtual uInt advisedMaxPixels () const
 This function returns the advised maximum number of pixels to include in the cursor of an iterator. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::LatticeBase
virtual ~LatticeBase ()
 A virtual destructor is needed so that it will use the actual destructor in the derived class. More...
virtual String imageType () const
 Get the image type (returns name of derived class). More...
virtual Bool isPersistent () const
 Is the lattice persistent and can it be loaded by other processes as well? That is the case for a PagedArray or PagedImage and for an ImageExpr which does not use transient lattices or regions. More...
virtual Bool isPaged () const
 Is the lattice paged to disk?
The default implementation returns False. More...
virtual Bool canReferenceArray () const
 Can the lattice data be referenced as an array section? That is the case for an ArrayLattice or a Temp/SubLattice using it. More...
virtual void save (const String &fileName) const
 Save the image in an AipsIO file with the given name. More...
virtual Bool lock (FileLocker::LockType, uInt nattempts)
 It is strongly recommended to use class LatticeLocker to handle lattice locking. More...
virtual void unlock ()
virtual Bool hasLock (FileLocker::LockType) const
virtual void resync ()
 Resynchronize the Lattice object with the lattice file. More...
virtual void flush ()
 Flush the data (but do not unlock). More...
virtual void tempClose ()
 Temporarily close the lattice. More...
virtual void reopen ()
 Explicitly reopen the temporarily closed lattice. More...
virtual String name (Bool stripPath=False) const
 Return the name of the current Lattice object. More...
virtual size_t nelements () const
 Return the total number of elements in this Lattice. More...
size_t size () const
Bool conform (const LatticeBase &other) const
 Return a value of "True" if this instance of Lattice and 'other' have the same shape, otherwise returns a value of "False". More...
virtual LELCoordinates lelCoordinates () const
 Return the coordinates of the lattice. More...
IPosition niceCursorShape (uInt maxPixels) const
 Returns a recommended cursor shape for iterating through all the pixels in the Lattice. More...
IPosition niceCursorShape () const
virtual Bool ok () const
 Check class internals - used for debugging. More...
virtual uInt maximumCacheSize () const
 Maximum cache size - not necessarily all used. More...
virtual void setMaximumCacheSize (uInt howManyPixels)
 Set the maximum (allowed) cache size as indicated. More...
virtual void setCacheSizeInTiles (uInt howManyTiles)
 Set the actual cache size for this Array to be big enough for the indicated number of tiles. More...
virtual void setCacheSizeFromPath (const IPosition &sliceShape, const IPosition &windowStart, const IPosition &windowLength, const IPosition &axisPath)
 Set the cache size as to "fit" the indicated path. More...
virtual void clearCache ()
 Clears and frees up the caches, but the maximum allowed cache size is unchanged from when setCacheSize was called. More...
virtual void showCacheStatistics (ostream &os) const
 Report on cache success. More...

Protected Member Functions

LCRegionFixedoperator= (const LCRegionFixed &other)
 Assignment (copy semantics) is only useful for derived classes. More...
void setMask (const Array< Bool > &mask)
 Set the mask. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casacore::LCRegionSingle
LCRegionSingleoperator= (const LCRegionSingle &other)
 Assignment (copy semantics) is only useful for derived classes. More...
void setMaskPtr (Lattice< Bool > &mask)
 Set the pointer to the mask in the derived class. More...
virtual Bool doGetSlice (Array< Bool > &buffer, const Slicer &section)
 Do the actual getting of the mask. More...
virtual void doPutSlice (const Array< Bool > &sourceBuffer, const IPosition &where, const IPosition &stride)
 Do the actual putting of the mask. More...
virtual IPosition doNiceCursorShape (uInt maxPixels) const
 Get the best cursor shape. More...
virtual LatticeIterInterface< Bool > * makeIter (const LatticeNavigator &navigator, Bool useRef) const
 Make an iterator. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casacore::LCRegion
LCRegionoperator= (const LCRegion &other)
 Assignment (copy semantics) is only useful for derived classes. More...
void setBoundingBox (const Slicer &boundingBox)
 Sometimes it is inconvenient for a derived class to set the bounding box in the constructor. More...
void setShapeAndBoundingBox (const IPosition &latticeShape, const Slicer &boundingBox)
virtual LCRegiondoTranslate (const Vector< Float > &translateVector, const IPosition &newLatticeShape) const =0
 Do the actual translate in a derived class. More...
void defineRecordFields (RecordInterface &record, const String &className) const
 Define the type and class name in the record. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casacore::Lattice< Bool >
 Lattice ()
 Define default constructor to satisfy compiler. More...
 Lattice (const Lattice< Bool > &)
 Copy constructor and assignment can only be used by derived classes. More...
virtual void handleMath (const Lattice< Bool > &from, int oper)
 Handle the Math operators (+=, -=, *=, /=). More...
virtual void handleMathTo (Lattice< Bool > &to, int oper) const
void handleMathTo (Lattice< Bool > &, int) const
Lattice< Bool > & operator= (const Lattice< Bool > &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from casacore::LatticeBase
 LatticeBase ()
 Define default constructor to be used by derived classes. More...
 LatticeBase (const LatticeBase &)
 Copy constructor and assignment can only be used by derived classes. More...
LatticeBaseoperator= (const LatticeBase &)
void throwBoolMath () const
 Throw an exception for arithmetic on a Bool Lattice. More...

Private Attributes

ArrayLattice< BoolitsMask

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::LCRegion
static LCRegionfromRecord (const TableRecord &, const String &tableName)
 Convert correct object from a record. More...

Detailed Description

Abstract base class to define a fixed region.

Intended use:

Public interface



The LCRegion class is the abstract base class for various types of LCRegion's (e.g. LCRegionEllipsoid, LCRegionBox). It contains the minimal bounding box of the region and, if needed, a mask with the same shape as the bounding box. A mask element is true if the element is inside the box.

Each LCRegion object must be able to convert itself to and from a record. In that way they can be made persistent (in for example a Table).

The LCRegion can be used in several Lattices and Images classes and functions to limit the area to operate on.



The Slicer class is too limited as a region, because it can only describe a rectangular region. Specialized classes are needed to describe arbitrary regions. They need a base class to combine them.

Definition at line 81 of file LCRegionFixed.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LCRegionFixed() [1/3]

casacore::LCRegionFixed::LCRegionFixed ( )

◆ LCRegionFixed() [2/3]

casacore::LCRegionFixed::LCRegionFixed ( const IPosition latticeShape)

Construct with the lattice shape only.

◆ LCRegionFixed() [3/3]

casacore::LCRegionFixed::LCRegionFixed ( const LCRegionFixed other)

Copy constructor (copy semantics).

◆ ~LCRegionFixed()

virtual casacore::LCRegionFixed::~LCRegionFixed ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ getMask()

const ArrayLattice<Bool>& casacore::LCRegionFixed::getMask ( ) const

Return the mask.

◆ operator=()

LCRegionFixed& casacore::LCRegionFixed::operator= ( const LCRegionFixed other)

Assignment (copy semantics) is only useful for derived classes.

◆ operator==()

virtual Bool casacore::LCRegionFixed::operator== ( const LCRegion other) const


Mask is not checked. Use the LCRegionSingle::masksEqual function as well if you want to check the masks

Reimplemented from casacore::LCRegion.

Reimplemented in casacore::LCPolygon, casacore::LCPixelSet, casacore::LCEllipsoid, and casacore::LCBox.

◆ setMask()

void casacore::LCRegionFixed::setMask ( const Array< Bool > &  mask)

Set the mask.

Member Data Documentation

◆ itsMask

ArrayLattice<Bool> casacore::LCRegionFixed::itsMask

Definition at line 111 of file LCRegionFixed.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: