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casacore::LatticeCleanProgress Class Reference


#include <LatticeCleanProgress.h>

Public Member Functions

 LatticeCleanProgress (PGPlotter *pgplotter=0)
virtual ~LatticeCleanProgress ()
Bool info (const Bool lastcall, const Int iteration, const Int numberIterations, const Vector< Float > &maxima, const Block< IPosition > &posMaximum, const Float strengthOptimum, const Int optimumScale, const IPosition &positionOptimum, const Float &totalFlux, const Vector< Float > &totalFluxScale, const Bool resetBase=False)
 Print and plot the information. More...

Private Member Functions

void initialize (const uInt nScales, const Float &maxResidual, const uInt numIterations)
 initizalize the arrays and such More...
void resizeDataStorage ()
 As the iterations trickle in, we will from time to time need to make the Matrices larger. More...
void basicSetUp (Bool plotMatrices=False)
 this will redraw the plot with a new scale; if plotMatrices = False, just draw the boxes, else, replot all past data. More...
void plotOne (const Int iteration, const Vector< Float > &resid, const Vector< Float > &flux)
 Note: you MUST call basicSetUp before calling this. More...

Private Attributes

Vector< FloatiterationNumber
Matrix< FloatmaxResiduals
Matrix< FloatposResiduals
Matrix< FloatnegResiduals
Matrix< FloattotalFluxesPer
Vector< FloattotalFluxes
uInt currentIndex
uInt currentTotalIterations
Float currentFluxScale
Float currentMinFluxScale
Float currentMaxResidual
Float currentMinResidual
Float logMinRes
Float logMaxRes
Float deltaY
Float xMin
Float xMax
Float fluxScaleJump
Float residScaleJump
Float forbidden
Vector< FloatbaseFluxes

Detailed Description

Abstract base class to monitor progress in lattice operations

Intended use:

Public interface

Review Status

Date Reviewed:


This is an abstract base class for classes to monitor the progress of an operation on a Lattice. The default implementation offered by this class does nothing. However, a derived class could show the progress using for example a ProgressMeter. A derived class should override the virtual functions from this class.

The user of the LatticeCleanProgress object should first call function init with the total number of steps that are to be done. Thereafter, after each step has been executed, function nstepsDone should be called after each step. Finally, function done should be called.



Since operations on Lattices can take a while, it can be useful to show the progress. However, making module Lattices dependent on the class ProgressMeter sounded bad. This abstract class serves as a bridge between the Lattice module and the ProgressMeter class (or any other class showing the progress).

Definition at line 89 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LatticeCleanProgress()

casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::LatticeCleanProgress ( PGPlotter pgplotter = 0)

◆ ~LatticeCleanProgress()

virtual casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::~LatticeCleanProgress ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ basicSetUp()

void casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::basicSetUp ( Bool  plotMatrices = False)

this will redraw the plot with a new scale; if plotMatrices = False, just draw the boxes, else, replot all past data.

◆ info()

Bool casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::info ( const Bool  lastcall,
const Int  iteration,
const Int  numberIterations,
const Vector< Float > &  maxima,
const Block< IPosition > &  posMaximum,
const Float  strengthOptimum,
const Int  optimumScale,
const IPosition positionOptimum,
const Float totalFlux,
const Vector< Float > &  totalFluxScale,
const Bool  resetBase = False 

Print and plot the information.

Currently, not all information is utilized.

◆ initialize()

void casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::initialize ( const uInt  nScales,
const Float maxResidual,
const uInt  numIterations 

initizalize the arrays and such

◆ plotOne()

void casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::plotOne ( const Int  iteration,
const Vector< Float > &  resid,
const Vector< Float > &  flux 

Note: you MUST call basicSetUp before calling this.

◆ resizeDataStorage()

void casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::resizeDataStorage ( )

As the iterations trickle in, we will from time to time need to make the Matrices larger.

Increase to 2*n+1

Member Data Documentation

◆ baseFluxes

Vector<Float> casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::baseFluxes

Definition at line 159 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ currentFluxScale

Float casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::currentFluxScale

Definition at line 143 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ currentIndex

uInt casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::currentIndex

Definition at line 141 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ currentMaxResidual

Float casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::currentMaxResidual

Definition at line 145 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ currentMinFluxScale

Float casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::currentMinFluxScale

Definition at line 144 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ currentMinResidual

Float casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::currentMinResidual

Definition at line 146 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ currentTotalIterations

uInt casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::currentTotalIterations

Definition at line 142 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ deltaY

Float casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::deltaY

Definition at line 150 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ fluxScaleJump

Float casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::fluxScaleJump

Definition at line 154 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ forbidden

Float casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::forbidden

Definition at line 157 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ iterationNumber

Vector<Float> casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::iterationNumber

Definition at line 135 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ itsPgplotter

PGPlotter* casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::itsPgplotter

Definition at line 133 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ logMaxRes

Float casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::logMaxRes

Definition at line 149 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ logMinRes

Float casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::logMinRes

Definition at line 148 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ maxResiduals

Matrix<Float> casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::maxResiduals

Definition at line 136 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ negResiduals

Matrix<Float> casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::negResiduals

Definition at line 138 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ posResiduals

Matrix<Float> casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::posResiduals

Definition at line 137 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ residScaleJump

Float casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::residScaleJump

Definition at line 155 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ totalFluxes

Vector<Float> casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::totalFluxes

Definition at line 140 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ totalFluxesPer

Matrix<Float> casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::totalFluxesPer

Definition at line 139 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ xMax

Float casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::xMax

Definition at line 152 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

◆ xMin

Float casacore::LatticeCleanProgress::xMin

Definition at line 151 of file LatticeCleanProgress.h.

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