Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T > Class Template Reference


#include <LatticeSlice1D.h>

Public Types

enum  Method {
 Interpolation method. More...

Public Member Functions

 LatticeSlice1D ()
 Default constructor - object useless. More...
 LatticeSlice1D (const MaskedLattice< T > &lattice, Method method=LINEAR)
 LatticeSlice1D (const LatticeSlice1D< T > &other)
 Copy constructor (reference semantics) More...
virtual ~LatticeSlice1D ()
 Destructor. More...
LatticeSlice1D< T > & operator= (const LatticeSlice1D< T > &other)
 Assignment operator (reference semantics) More...
void getSlice (Vector< T > &data, Vector< Bool > &mask, const PixelCurve1D &curve, uInt axis0, uInt axis1, const IPosition &coord)
 Get 1-D slice. More...
void getSlice (Vector< T > &data, Vector< Bool > &mask, const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &trc, uInt nPts=0)
 Get 1-D slice between blc & trc. More...
void getPosition (uInt &axis0, uInt &axis1, Vector< Float > &x, Vector< Float > &y, Vector< Float > &distance) const
 Get the (x,y) pixel coordinates from the last slice and the distance along the slice in pixels. More...
Method interpolationMethod () const
 Recover interpolation method. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Method stringToMethod (const String &method)

Private Member Functions

void checkCurve (IPosition &blc, IPosition &trc, const IPosition &coord, const PixelCurve1D &curve)
 Check the suppliec curve is valid. More...
void findPlane (const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &trc)
 Find the slice plane. More...
void doGetSlice (Vector< T > &data, Vector< Bool > &mask, const PixelCurve1D &curve, const IPosition &blc, const IPosition &trc)
 Get the interpolated slice. More...
void makeInterpolator (Method method)
 Make Interpolator. More...

Private Attributes

MaskedLattice< T > * itsLatticePtr
Method itsMethod
Vector< FloatitsX
Vector< FloatitsY
Vector< DoubleitsPos
uInt itsAxis0
uInt itsAxis1

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >

Extract a 1-D slice from a Lattice

Intended use:

Public interface

Review Status

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This class extracts an interpolated 1-D slice from a Lattice with a range of interpolation schemes available. The slice must lie in the plane of two cardinal axes.



IPosition shape(2, 20, 30); // Create MaskedLattice
ArrayLattice<Float> arrLat(shape);
SubLattice<Float> subLat(arrLat);
LatticeSlice1D<Float> slicer(subLat);
IPosition blc(2); blc = 0; // Extract slice between corners
IPosition trc(shape-1);
Vector<Float> data;
Vector<Bool> mask;
slicer.getSlice (data, mask, blc, trc);
TableExprNode shape(const TableExprNode &array)
Function operating on any scalar or array resulting in a Double array containing the shape.
Definition: ExprNode.h:1987
LatticeExprNode mask(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the mask of the given expression.


Users often want to see cross-cuts through their data.

To Do

Definition at line 94 of file LatticeSlice1D.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Method

template<class T >
enum casacore::LatticeSlice1D::Method

Interpolation method.


Definition at line 99 of file LatticeSlice1D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LatticeSlice1D() [1/3]

template<class T >
casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::LatticeSlice1D ( )

Default constructor - object useless.

◆ LatticeSlice1D() [2/3]

template<class T >
casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::LatticeSlice1D ( const MaskedLattice< T > &  lattice,
Method  method = LINEAR 


◆ LatticeSlice1D() [3/3]

template<class T >
casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::LatticeSlice1D ( const LatticeSlice1D< T > &  other)

Copy constructor (reference semantics)

◆ ~LatticeSlice1D()

template<class T >
virtual casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::~LatticeSlice1D ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ checkCurve()

template<class T >
void casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::checkCurve ( IPosition blc,
IPosition trc,
const IPosition coord,
const PixelCurve1D curve 

Check the suppliec curve is valid.

◆ doGetSlice()

template<class T >
void casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::doGetSlice ( Vector< T > &  data,
Vector< Bool > &  mask,
const PixelCurve1D curve,
const IPosition blc,
const IPosition trc 

Get the interpolated slice.

◆ findPlane()

template<class T >
void casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::findPlane ( const IPosition blc,
const IPosition trc 

Find the slice plane.

◆ getPosition()

template<class T >
void casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::getPosition ( uInt axis0,
uInt axis1,
Vector< Float > &  x,
Vector< Float > &  y,
Vector< Float > &  distance 
) const

Get the (x,y) pixel coordinates from the last slice and the distance along the slice in pixels.

. Also recover the axes of the slice plane

◆ getSlice() [1/2]

template<class T >
void casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::getSlice ( Vector< T > &  data,
Vector< Bool > &  mask,
const IPosition blc,
const IPosition trc,
uInt  nPts = 0 

Get 1-D slice between blc & trc.

These start and end points must be in a cardinal plane of the lattice. If nPts is 0 it is set automatically to the length of the slice.

◆ getSlice() [2/2]

template<class T >
void casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::getSlice ( Vector< T > &  data,
Vector< Bool > &  mask,
const PixelCurve1D curve,
uInt  axis0,
uInt  axis1,
const IPosition coord 

Get 1-D slice.

PixelCurve1D supplies the locus of the slice in the plane specified by axis0 and axis1. The pixel coordinate for the rest of the lattice is specified in coord.

◆ interpolationMethod()

template<class T >
Method casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::interpolationMethod ( ) const

Recover interpolation method.

Definition at line 135 of file LatticeSlice1D.h.

References casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::itsMethod.

◆ makeInterpolator()

template<class T >
void casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::makeInterpolator ( Method  method)

Make Interpolator.

◆ operator=()

template<class T >
LatticeSlice1D<T>& casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::operator= ( const LatticeSlice1D< T > &  other)

Assignment operator (reference semantics)

◆ stringToMethod()

template<class T >
static Method casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::stringToMethod ( const String method)

Member Data Documentation

◆ itsAxis0

template<class T >
uInt casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::itsAxis0

Definition at line 160 of file LatticeSlice1D.h.

◆ itsAxis1

template<class T >
uInt casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::itsAxis1

Definition at line 161 of file LatticeSlice1D.h.

◆ itsInterpPtr

template<class T >
Interpolate2D* casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::itsInterpPtr

Definition at line 155 of file LatticeSlice1D.h.

◆ itsLatticePtr

template<class T >
MaskedLattice<T>* casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::itsLatticePtr

Definition at line 154 of file LatticeSlice1D.h.

◆ itsMethod

template<class T >
Method casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::itsMethod

◆ itsPos

template<class T >
Vector<Double> casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::itsPos

Definition at line 159 of file LatticeSlice1D.h.

◆ itsX

template<class T >
Vector<Float> casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::itsX

Definition at line 157 of file LatticeSlice1D.h.

◆ itsY

template<class T >
Vector<Float> casacore::LatticeSlice1D< T >::itsY

Definition at line 158 of file LatticeSlice1D.h.

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