Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members


#include <LinearXform.h>

Public Member Functions

 LinearXform (uInt naxis=1)
 Construct with specified number of axes. More...
 LinearXform (const Vector< Double > &crpix, const Vector< Double > &cdelt)
 Construct the linear transformation from the supplied reference pixel and increment. More...
 LinearXform (const Vector< Double > &crpix, const Vector< Double > &cdelt, const Matrix< Double > &pc)
 Construct a linear transformation, supplying all of the reference pixel, increment and PC matrix. More...
 LinearXform (const LinearXform &other)
 Copy constructor (copy sematics) More...
LinearXformoperator= (const LinearXform &other)
 Assignment (copy sematics) More...
 ~LinearXform ()
 Destructor. More...
uInt nWorldAxes () const
 Returns the number of world axes, which for this class is also the number of pixel axes. More...
Bool forward (Vector< Double > &pixel, const Vector< Double > &world, String &errorMsg) const
 Convert world coordinates to pixel coordinates (forward), or pixel coordinates to world (reverse). More...
Bool reverse (Vector< Double > &world, const Vector< Double > &pixel, String &errorMsg) const
Vector< Doublecrpix () const
 Retrieve the value of crpix, cdelt, and pc. More...
Vector< Doublecdelt () const
Matrix< Doublepc () const
void crpix (const Vector< Double > &newvals)
 Set the value of crpix, cdelt, and pc. More...
void cdelt (const Vector< Double > &newvals)
void pc (const Matrix< Double > &newvals)
LinearXformfourierInvert (String &errMsg, const Vector< Bool > &axes, const Vector< Double > &crpix, const Vector< Double > &scale) const
 Invert the LinearXform ready for use in a Fourier Transformed Coordinate. More...
Bool near (const LinearXform &other, Double tol=1e-6) const
 Comparison function. More...
Bool near (const LinearXform &other, const Vector< Int > &excludeAxes, Double tol=1e-6) const

Private Member Functions

void set_linprm ()

Private Attributes

linprm linprm_p
 A WCSLIB C-structure. More...
Bool isPCDiagonal_p

Detailed Description

Perform a linear transform between input and output vectors

Intended use:


Review Status

Reviewed By:
Peter Barnes
Date Reviewed:
Test programs:



This class represents the common linear part of a FITS coordinate transformation. In particular it does the following:

world = cdelt * PC * (pixel - crpix)
Vector< Double > cdelt() const
Vector< Double > crpix() const
Retrieve the value of crpix, cdelt, and pc.

Where PC is an NxN matrix; pixel, crpix (reference pixel) and world are length N vectors; and cdelt (increment) is an NxN diagonal matrix, represented as a length N vector.

Normally this class isn't used directly, rather it is used indirectly through a class like LinearCoordinate.

The actual computations are performed by WCSLIB, written by Mark Calabretta of the ATNF.


Let's make a LinearXform housing two axes with a unit diagonal PC matrix and convert from pixel to world

Vector<Double> crpix(2), cdelt(2);
crpix(0) = 10.0; crpix(1) = 20.0;
cdelt(0) = 1.0; cdelt(1) = -1.0;
String errMsg;
Vector<Double> world, pixel(2);
pixel = 10.0;
Bool ok = lxf.reverse(world, pixel, errMsg);
if (ok) {
cerr << "pixel, world = " << pixel << world << endl;
} else {
cerr << "Error : " << errMsg << endl;
LinearXform(uInt naxis=1)
Construct with specified number of axes.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42

The answer should be a world vector with values 0 and -10.


Factor out the common linear part of coordinate transformations.

Thrown Exceptions

To Do

Definition at line 109 of file LinearXform.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LinearXform() [1/4]

casacore::LinearXform::LinearXform ( uInt  naxis = 1)

Construct with specified number of axes.

The reference pixel is assumed to be 0, and the increment is assumed to be unity, and the PC matrix is assumed to be diagonal.

◆ LinearXform() [2/4]

casacore::LinearXform::LinearXform ( const Vector< Double > &  crpix,
const Vector< Double > &  cdelt 

Construct the linear transformation from the supplied reference pixel and increment.

The PC matrix is the unit matrix. crpix and cdelt must have the same number of elements.

◆ LinearXform() [3/4]

casacore::LinearXform::LinearXform ( const Vector< Double > &  crpix,
const Vector< Double > &  cdelt,
const Matrix< Double > &  pc 

Construct a linear transformation, supplying all of the reference pixel, increment and PC matrix.

The vectors must be of the same length ("n") and the number of rows and columns in the matrix must also be n.

◆ LinearXform() [4/4]

casacore::LinearXform::LinearXform ( const LinearXform other)

Copy constructor (copy sematics)

◆ ~LinearXform()

casacore::LinearXform::~LinearXform ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ cdelt() [1/2]

Vector<Double> casacore::LinearXform::cdelt ( ) const

◆ cdelt() [2/2]

void casacore::LinearXform::cdelt ( const Vector< Double > &  newvals)

◆ crpix() [1/2]

Vector<Double> casacore::LinearXform::crpix ( ) const

Retrieve the value of crpix, cdelt, and pc.

◆ crpix() [2/2]

void casacore::LinearXform::crpix ( const Vector< Double > &  newvals)

Set the value of crpix, cdelt, and pc.

Note that since you can only set one of them, you cannot change the dimensionality of the transform using these functions. Instead use assignment on a temporary, i.e.: linxform = LinearXform (crpix,crval,pc);

◆ forward()

Bool casacore::LinearXform::forward ( Vector< Double > &  pixel,
const Vector< Double > &  world,
String errorMsg 
) const

Convert world coordinates to pixel coordinates (forward), or pixel coordinates to world (reverse).

If the conversion works True is returned, otherwise False is returned and errorMsg is set. The output vectors are resized appropriately.

◆ fourierInvert()

LinearXform* casacore::LinearXform::fourierInvert ( String errMsg,
const Vector< Bool > &  axes,
const Vector< Double > &  crpix,
const Vector< Double > &  scale 
) const

Invert the LinearXform ready for use in a Fourier Transformed Coordinate.

It is the callers responsibility to delete the pointer. If it fails the pointer is 0 and an error message is provided

◆ near() [1/2]

Bool casacore::LinearXform::near ( const LinearXform other,
const Vector< Int > &  excludeAxes,
Double  tol = 1e-6 
) const

◆ near() [2/2]

Bool casacore::LinearXform::near ( const LinearXform other,
Double  tol = 1e-6 
) const

Comparison function.

Any private Double data members are compared with the specified fractional tolerance. You can specify axes to exclude from the comparison if you wish.

◆ nWorldAxes()

uInt casacore::LinearXform::nWorldAxes ( ) const

Returns the number of world axes, which for this class is also the number of pixel axes.

◆ operator=()

LinearXform& casacore::LinearXform::operator= ( const LinearXform other)

Assignment (copy sematics)

◆ pc() [1/2]

Matrix<Double> casacore::LinearXform::pc ( ) const

◆ pc() [2/2]

void casacore::LinearXform::pc ( const Matrix< Double > &  newvals)

◆ reverse()

Bool casacore::LinearXform::reverse ( Vector< Double > &  world,
const Vector< Double > &  pixel,
String errorMsg 
) const

◆ set_linprm()

void casacore::LinearXform::set_linprm ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ isPCDiagonal_p

Bool casacore::LinearXform::isPCDiagonal_p

Definition at line 193 of file LinearXform.h.

◆ linprm_p

linprm casacore::LinearXform::linprm_p

A WCSLIB C-structure.

Definition at line 191 of file LinearXform.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: