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Helper class for readAsciiTable. More...

#include <ReadAsciiTable.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static String run (const String &headerfile, const String &filein, const String &tableproto, const String &tablename, Bool autoHeader, const IPosition &autoShape, const Vector< String > &columnNames, const Vector< String > &dataTypes, Char separator, const String &commentMarkerRegex, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)
 Run the readAsciiTable. More...
static Table runt (String &formatString, Table::TableType tableType, const String &headerfile, const String &filein, const String &tableproto, const String &tablename, Bool autoHeader, const IPosition &autoShape, const Vector< String > &columnNames, const Vector< String > &dataTypes, Char separator, const String &commentMarkerRegex, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)
static double stringToPos (const String &pos, Bool isDMS)
 Read a position using MVAngle. More...

Private Types

enum  RATType {
  RATBool ,
  RATShort ,
  RATInt ,
  RATFloat ,
  RATDouble ,
  RATString ,
  RATComX ,
  RATComZ ,
  RATDComX ,
  RATDComZ ,
 Define types. More...

Static Private Member Functions

static String doRun (const String &headerfile, const String &filein, const String &tableproto, const String &tablename, Bool autoHeader, const IPosition &autoShape, const Vector< String > &columnNames, const Vector< String > &dataTypes, Char separator, Bool testComment, const Regex &commentMarker, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)
 Do the actual run. More...
static Table makeTab (String &formatString, Table::TableType tableType, const String &headerfile, const String &filein, const String &tableproto, const String &tablename, Bool autoHeader, const IPosition &autoShape, const Vector< String > &columnNames, const Vector< String > &dataTypes, Char separator, Bool testComment, const Regex &commentMarker, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)
 Do the actual work of making and filling the table. More...
static Bool getLine (ifstream &file, Int &lineNumber, char *line, Int lineSize, Bool testComment, const Regex &commentMarker, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)
 Get the next line. More...
static Int getNext (const Char *string, Int strlen, Char *result, Int &at, Char separator)
 Get the next part of the line using the separator as delimiter. More...
static void getTypes (const IPosition &shape, const Char *in, Int leng, Char *string1, Char *string2, Char separator)
 Derive the types from the values in the first data line. More...
static Bool makeBool (const String &str)
 Turn the string into a Bool value. More...
static void handleKeyset (Int lineSize, char *string1, char *first, char *second, TableRecord &keysets, LogIO &logger, const String &fileName, ifstream &jFile, Int &lineNumber, Char separator, Bool testComment, const Regex &commentMarker, Int firstLine, Int lastLine)
 Handle a keyword set. More...
static Int getTypeShape (const String &typestr, IPosition &shape, Int &type)
 Get the shape and type from the type string. More...
static Bool getValue (char *string1, Int lineSize, char *first, Int &at1, Char separator, Int type, void *value)
 Get the next scalar value with the given type from string1. More...
static void handleScalar (char *string1, Int lineSize, char *first, Int &at1, Char separator, Int type, TableColumn &tabcol, rownr_t rownr)
 Handle the next scalar with the given type from the data line and put it into the table column. More...
static IPosition getArray (char *string1, Int lineSize, char *first, Int &at1, Char separator, const IPosition &shape, Int varAxis, Int type, void *valueBlock)
 Get the next array with the given type from string1. More...
static void handleArray (char *string1, Int lineSize, char *first, Int &at1, Char separator, const IPosition &shape, Int varAxis, Int type, TableColumn &tabcol, rownr_t rownr)
 Get the next array with the given type from the data line and put it into the table column. More...

Detailed Description

Helper class for readAsciiTable.

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This class contains static functions as helpers for readAsciiTable.

Definition at line 319 of file ReadAsciiTable.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ RATType

Define types.


Definition at line 349 of file ReadAsciiTable.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ doRun()

static String casacore::ReadAsciiTable::doRun ( const String headerfile,
const String filein,
const String tableproto,
const String tablename,
Bool  autoHeader,
const IPosition autoShape,
const Vector< String > &  columnNames,
const Vector< String > &  dataTypes,
Char  separator,
Bool  testComment,
const Regex commentMarker,
Int  firstLine,
Int  lastLine 

Do the actual run.

◆ getArray()

static IPosition casacore::ReadAsciiTable::getArray ( char *  string1,
Int  lineSize,
char *  first,
Int at1,
Char  separator,
const IPosition shape,
Int  varAxis,
Int  type,
void *  valueBlock 

Get the next array with the given type from string1.

It returns the shape (for variable shaped arrays).

◆ getLine()

static Bool casacore::ReadAsciiTable::getLine ( ifstream &  file,
Int lineNumber,
char *  line,
Int  lineSize,
Bool  testComment,
const Regex commentMarker,
Int  firstLine,
Int  lastLine 

Get the next line.

Skip lines to be ignored. It returns False when no more lines are available.

◆ getNext()

static Int casacore::ReadAsciiTable::getNext ( const Char string,
Int  strlen,
Char result,
Int at,
Char  separator 

Get the next part of the line using the separator as delimiter.

Leading blanks are ignored.

◆ getTypes()

static void casacore::ReadAsciiTable::getTypes ( const IPosition shape,
const Char in,
Int  leng,
Char string1,
Char string2,
Char  separator 

Derive the types from the values in the first data line.

◆ getTypeShape()

static Int casacore::ReadAsciiTable::getTypeShape ( const String typestr,
IPosition shape,
Int type 

Get the shape and type from the type string.

◆ getValue()

static Bool casacore::ReadAsciiTable::getValue ( char *  string1,
Int  lineSize,
char *  first,
Int at1,
Char  separator,
Int  type,
void *  value 

Get the next scalar value with the given type from string1.

◆ handleArray()

static void casacore::ReadAsciiTable::handleArray ( char *  string1,
Int  lineSize,
char *  first,
Int at1,
Char  separator,
const IPosition shape,
Int  varAxis,
Int  type,
TableColumn tabcol,
rownr_t  rownr 

Get the next array with the given type from the data line and put it into the table column.

◆ handleKeyset()

static void casacore::ReadAsciiTable::handleKeyset ( Int  lineSize,
char *  string1,
char *  first,
char *  second,
TableRecord keysets,
LogIO logger,
const String fileName,
ifstream &  jFile,
Int lineNumber,
Char  separator,
Bool  testComment,
const Regex commentMarker,
Int  firstLine,
Int  lastLine 

Handle a keyword set.

◆ handleScalar()

static void casacore::ReadAsciiTable::handleScalar ( char *  string1,
Int  lineSize,
char *  first,
Int at1,
Char  separator,
Int  type,
TableColumn tabcol,
rownr_t  rownr 

Handle the next scalar with the given type from the data line and put it into the table column.

◆ makeBool()

static Bool casacore::ReadAsciiTable::makeBool ( const String str)

Turn the string into a Bool value.

Empty string, value 0 and any value starting with f, F, n or N are False.

◆ makeTab()

static Table casacore::ReadAsciiTable::makeTab ( String formatString,
Table::TableType  tableType,
const String headerfile,
const String filein,
const String tableproto,
const String tablename,
Bool  autoHeader,
const IPosition autoShape,
const Vector< String > &  columnNames,
const Vector< String > &  dataTypes,
Char  separator,
Bool  testComment,
const Regex commentMarker,
Int  firstLine,
Int  lastLine 

Do the actual work of making and filling the table.

◆ run()

static String casacore::ReadAsciiTable::run ( const String headerfile,
const String filein,
const String tableproto,
const String tablename,
Bool  autoHeader,
const IPosition autoShape,
const Vector< String > &  columnNames,
const Vector< String > &  dataTypes,
Char  separator,
const String commentMarkerRegex,
Int  firstLine,
Int  lastLine 

Run the readAsciiTable.

◆ runt()

static Table casacore::ReadAsciiTable::runt ( String formatString,
Table::TableType  tableType,
const String headerfile,
const String filein,
const String tableproto,
const String tablename,
Bool  autoHeader,
const IPosition autoShape,
const Vector< String > &  columnNames,
const Vector< String > &  dataTypes,
Char  separator,
const String commentMarkerRegex,
Int  firstLine,
Int  lastLine 

◆ stringToPos()

static double casacore::ReadAsciiTable::stringToPos ( const String pos,
Bool  isDMS 

Read a position using MVAngle.

If isDMS is True, a position with : is treated as DMS instead of HMS. This function is a bit more relaxed than MVAngle::read. It allows whitespace. Furthermore it allows whitespace as separator :.

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