Classes | Functions
ao Namespace Reference


class  uvector
 A container similar to std::vector, but one that allows construction without initializing its elements. More...


template<class Tp , class Alloc >
bool operator== (const uvector< Tp, Alloc > &lhs, const uvector< Tp, Alloc > &rhs) noexcept
 Compare two uvectors for equality. More...
template<class Tp , class Alloc >
bool operator!= (const uvector< Tp, Alloc > &lhs, const uvector< Tp, Alloc > &rhs) noexcept
 Compare two uvectors for inequality. More...
template<class Tp , class Alloc >
bool operator< (const uvector< Tp, Alloc > &lhs, const uvector< Tp, Alloc > &rhs) noexcept
 Compare two uvectors for smaller than. More...
template<class Tp , class Alloc >
bool operator<= (const uvector< Tp, Alloc > &lhs, const uvector< Tp, Alloc > &rhs) noexcept
 Compare two uvectors for smaller than or equal. More...
template<class Tp , class Alloc >
bool operator> (const uvector< Tp, Alloc > &lhs, const uvector< Tp, Alloc > &rhs) noexcept
 Compare two uvectors for larger than. More...
template<class Tp , class Alloc >
bool operator>= (const uvector< Tp, Alloc > &lhs, const uvector< Tp, Alloc > &rhs) noexcept
 Compare two uvectors for larger than or equal. More...
template<class Tp , class Alloc >
void swap (uvector< Tp, Alloc > &x, uvector< Tp, Alloc > &y)
 Swap the contents of the two uvectors. More...