Public Attributes | List of all members
casacore::MeasTable::Statics_dUTC Struct Reference

Calculate time related conversion data. More...

Public Attributes

Double(* LEAP )[4]
Int N

Detailed Description

Calculate time related conversion data.

For dUTC() pack vars for clean initialization of function scope statics. Thread-safe (C++11). For pre-C++11 depends on compiler (GCC, Clang make it so).

Definition at line 508 of file MeasTable.h.

Member Data Documentation


Double(* casacore::MeasTable::Statics_dUTC::LEAP)[4]

Definition at line 509 of file MeasTable.h.

◆ N

Int casacore::MeasTable::Statics_dUTC::N

Definition at line 510 of file MeasTable.h.

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