Bases: CinderPersistentObject
Base class for cleanable OVO resources.
All cleanable objects must have a host property/attribute.
Called on OVO registration, sets set of cleanable resources.
Create a worker entry at the API.
Decorates a function/generator/coroutine using a caller.
If kwsyntax is True calling the decorated functions with keyword
syntax will pass the named arguments inside the kw
even if such argument are positional, similarly to what functools.wraps
does. By default kwsyntax is False and the the arguments are untouched.
Check if cleanable VO status is cleanable.
pinned (bool) – If we should check against pinned version or current version.
Whether this needs a workers DB entry or not
Decorator that adds worker DB rows for cleanable versioned objects.
By default will take care of all cleanable objects, but we can limit which objects we want by passing the name of the arguments we want to be added.
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