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Class CL_DomNotation

DOM Notation class. More...

Derived from: CL_DomNode
Derived by: none
Group: Core (XML)

#include <ClanLib/core.h>



Constructs a DOM Notation handle.



The public identifier of this notation.


The system identifier of this notation.

Detailed description:

!group=Core/XML! !header=core.h!

This interface represents a notation declared in the DTD. A notation either declares, by name, the format of an unparsed entity (see section 4.7 of the XML 1.0 specification), or is used for formal declaration of Processing Instruction targets (see section 2.6 of the XML 1.0 specification). The node name attribute inherited from Node is set to the declared name of the notation.

The DOM Level 1 does not support editing Notation nodes; they are therefore readonly.

A Notation node does not have any parent.

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