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Add elements onto the end of the glyphs vector.

	CL_GlyphBuffer& add(
		int x, int y, unsigned int character);

	CL_GlyphBuffer& add(
		const CL_GlyphBuffer& other, int center_x = 0, int center_y = 0);

	CL_GlyphBuffer& add(
		const CL_GlyphBuffer& other, Range range, int center_x = 0, int center_y = 0);


x, y
The position to add the characters at (always upper-left positioning inside the buffer).
center_x, center_y
Where to realign the origin of the input GlyphBuffer to in this GlyphBuffer.
A single character to add without preprocessing.
Another CL_GlyphBuffer to copy all glyphs and data from to the specified position.
The subsection of the other GlyphBuffer to add onto the end of this one

Return value:

A reference to this object, allowing you to chain multiple calls of add() together.

Detailed description:

It's usually more useful and efficient to have ClanLib draw many glyphs into the GlyphBuffer at once using CL_Font::draw_to_gb() or CL_TextStyler::draw_to_gb() than to use this function or the glyphs vector to manually add glyphs.

See also:

CL_Font | CL_GlyphBuffer | CL_TextStyler

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