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Return [<0, 0, >0] if the Point P is right, on or left of the line trough A,B

	float point_right_of_line(
		float x, float y, float* line);

	float point_right_of_line(
		float x, float y, float line_x1, float line_y1, float line_x2, float line_y2);

	float point_right_of_line(
		const CL_Pointf& A, const CL_Pointf& B, const CL_Pointf& P);


float x
x coordinate of the point being tested.
float y
y coordinate of the point being tested.
float *line
The line. A pointer to a float array with the elements {x1,y1,x2,y2}.
float line_x1, line_y1
First point defining the line.
float line_x2, line_y2
Second point defining the line.
CL_Pointf P
Test point.
CL_Pointf A
First point defining the line.
CL_Pointf B
Second point defining the line.

See also:

CL_LineMath | CL_Point | CL_Pointf

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