integer, dimension(nscamx), save | iscacp |
integer, dimension(nscamx), save | iclvfl |
| iclvfl : 0 : clip variances to zero 1 : clip variances to zero and to f(1-f) 2 : clip variances to max(zero,scamin) and scamax for every scalar iscal representing the average of the square of the fluctuations of another scalar ii= iscavr (iscal) (noted $f$), indicator of the clipping method: More...
integer, dimension(nscamx), save | iscasp |
| iscasp(ii) : index of the ii^th species (0 if not a species) More...
double precision, dimension(nscamx), save | visls0 |
| reference molecular diffusivity related to the scalar J ( ).
double precision, dimension(nscamx), save | rvarfl |
| When iscavr(iscal)>0, rvarfl is the coefficient in the dissipation term of the equation concerning the scalar, which represents the root mean square of the fluctuations of the scalar.
Useful if and only if there is 1 iscal nscal such as iscavr(iscal)>0. More...
double precision, dimension(nscamx), save | ctheta |
| ctheta : coefficient des modeles de flux turbulents GGDH et AFM More...
integer | drift_scalar_add_drift_flux |
| flag for computing the drift mass flux: (for coal classes for instance, only the first scalar of a class compute the drift flux of the class and the other scalars use it without recomputing it) More...
integer | drift_scalar_thermophoresis |
| flag for activating thermophoresis for drift scalars More...
integer | drift_scalar_turbophoresis |
| flag for activating turbophoresis for drift scalars More...
integer | drift_scalar_electrophoresis |
integer | drift_scalar_centrifugalforce |
| flag for activating the centrifugal force for drift scalars More...
integer | drift_scalar_imposed_mass_flux |
| flag for activating imposed mass flux More...
integer | drift_scalar_zero_bndy_flux |
| flag for activating imposed mass flux More...
integer | isotropic_diffusion |
| flag for isotropic diffusion More...
integer | orthotropic_diffusion |
| flag for orthotropic diffusion More...
integer | anisotropic_left_diffusion |
| flag for diffusion by a left-multiplied symmetric 3x3 tensor More...
integer | anisotropic_right_diffusion |
integer | anisotropic_diffusion |
| flag for diffusion by a symmetric 3x3 tensor More...
double precision, dimension(nscamx), save visls0 |
reference molecular diffusivity related to the scalar J (
Negative value: not initialised
Useful if 1
nscal, unless the user specifies the molecular diffusivity in the appropriate user subroutine (cs_user_physical_properties for the standard physics) (field_get_key_id (ivarfl(isca(iscal)),kivisl,...)
Warning: visls0 corresponds to the diffusivity. For the temperature, it is therefore defined as
are the conductivity and specific heat. When using the Graphical Interface,
are specified separately, and visls0 is calculated automatically.
With the compressible module, visls0 (given in uscfx2) is directly the thermal conductivity
With gas or coal combustion, the molecular diffusivity of the enthalpy (
) must be specified by the user in the variable diftl0(cs_user_combustion).
With the electric module, for the Joule effect, the diffusivity is specified by the user in cs_user_physical_properties.c (even if it is constant). For the electric arcs, it is calculated from the thermochemical data file.