The vimos_ima_fringe recipe



Fringe frame creation for imaging


vimos_ima_fringe – VIMOS fringe frame creation recipe.

Take a list of science frames and correct them to remove bias, dark and flat field signatures. Combine the images to form a new master fringe frame

The program accepts the following files in the SOF:

Tag Description OBJECT A list of raw science images MASTER_BIAS A master bias frame MASTER_DARK A master dark frame MASTER_TWILIGHT_FLAT A master flat frame MASTER_CONF A master confidence map MASTER_READGAIN A master readgain table

All of these are required.



Create an object for the recipe vimos_ima_fringe.

import cpl
vimos_ima_fringe = cpl.Recipe("vimos_ima_fringe")



Use pretty product names? (bool; default: False) [default=False].


Minimum pixel area for each detected object (int; default: 5) [default=5].


Detection threshold in sigma above sky (float; default: 3.0) [default=3.0].


Background smoothing box size (int; default: 64) [default=64].

The following code snippet shows the default settings for the available parameters.

import cpl
vimos_ima_fringe = cpl.Recipe("vimos_ima_fringe")

vimos_ima_fringe.param.prettynames = False
vimos_ima_fringe.param.psm_ipix = 5
vimos_ima_fringe.param.psm_thresh = 3.0
vimos_ima_fringe.param.psm_nbsize = 64

You may also set or overwrite some or all parameters by the recipe parameter param, as shown in the following example:

import cpl
vimos_ima_fringe = cpl.Recipe("vimos_ima_fringe")
res = vimos_ima_fringe( ..., param = {"prettynames":False, "psm_ipix":5})

See also

cpl.Recipe for more information about the recipe object.

Bug reports

Please report any problems to Jim Lewis. Alternatively, you may send a report to the ESO User Support Department.