Package gnu.classpath.jdwp.event

Class Summary

BreakpointEvent "Notification of a breakpoint in the target VM.
ClassPrepareEvent "Notification of a class prepare in the target VM.
ClassUnloadEvent "Notification of a class unload in the target VM" -- JDWP 1.4.2
Event This class is a base class for all VM->debugger event notifications.
EventManager Manages event requests and filters event notifications.
EventRequest A class which represents a request by the debugger for an event in the VM.
ExceptionEvent Notification from the VM that an exception has occurred along with where it occurred, and if and where it was caught.
MethodEntryEvent Notification from the VM that that a method has been invoked
MethodExitEvent Notification from the VM that that a method has returned
SingleStepEvent Notification from the VM that a single step has compleated including the thread and location stepped to
ThreadEndEvent "Notification of a completed thread in the target VM.
ThreadStartEvent "Notification of a new running thread in the target VM.
VmDeathEvent Event notifying the debugger that the virtual machine has terminated.
VmInitEvent "Notification of initialization of a target VM.