Package gnu.classpath.jdwp.exception

Exception Summary

AbsentInformationException An exception thrown when the requested information is not available.
InvalidClassException An exception thrown by the JDWP back-end when an invalid reference type id is used by the debugger.
InvalidClassLoaderException An exception thrown when the debugger uses an invalid class loader
InvalidCountException An exception thrown when a count filter is given an invalid count.
InvalidEventTypeException An exception thrown when the debugger asks for an event request for a non-existant event
InvalidFieldException An exception thrown when an invalid field id is used by the debugger
InvalidFrameException An exception thrown when the debugger requests an invalid frame in the call stack.
InvalidLocationException An exception thrown when the debugger specifies an invalid location
InvalidMethodException An exception thrown when an invalid method id is used by the debugger
InvalidObjectException An exception thrown when an invalid object id is used by the debugger
InvalidSlotException An exception thrown when an invalid Slot id is used by the debugger (i.e. when trying to access a variable slot which doesn't exist).
InvalidStringException An exception thrown when the debugger uses an invalid String.
InvalidTagException An exception thrown when an invalid tag is used by the debugger
InvalidThreadException An exception thrown when an invalid thread is used by the debugger
InvalidThreadGroupException An exception thrown when an invalid thread group is used by the debugger
JdwpException A base class exception for all JDWP back-end exceptions
JdwpIllegalArgumentException An illegal argument exception for JDWP.
JdwpInternalErrorException An exception thrown by the JDWP back-end when an unusual runtime error occurs internally
NativeMethodException An exception thrown when the debugger attempts to invoke an unsupported command on a native method (like setting a breakpoint).
NotImplementedException An exception thrown by virtual machines when functionality or features are not implemented
TypeMismatchException An exception throw when attempting to access a local variable of the wrong type.
VmDeadException An exception thrown when the virtual machine is dead