
Class BootClassLoader

public final class BootClassLoader
extends gnu.gcj.runtime.HelperClassLoader

This is a helper for the bootstrap class loader. It is a URLClassLoader so that we can read a class path and re-use all the existing code for finding classes, extracting them from jars, etc. However, it is never called the way that an ordinary ClassLoader is called. For instance, loadClass() is never used.

Method Summary

bootGetResource(String name)
bootGetResources(String name)
bootLoadClass(String name)

Methods inherited from class

addURL, definePackage, findClass, findResource, findResources, getPermissions, getURLs, newInstance, newInstance, toString

Methods inherited from class

defineClass, defineClass, getPermissions

Methods inherited from class java.lang.ClassLoader

clearAssertionStatus, defineClass, defineClass, defineClass, defineClass, definePackage, findClass, findLibrary, findLoadedClass, findResource, findResources, findSystemClass, getPackage, getPackages, getParent, getResource, getResourceAsStream, getResources, getSystemClassLoader, getSystemResource, getSystemResourceAsStream, getSystemResources, loadClass, loadClass, resolveClass, setClassAssertionStatus, setDefaultAssertionStatus, setPackageAssertionStatus, setSigners

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, extends Object> getClass, finalize, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Details


public URL bootGetResource(String name)


public Enumeration<E> bootGetResources(String name)
            throws IOException


public Class<T> bootLoadClass(String name)
            throws ClassNotFoundException

Copyright (C) 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation This file is part of libgcj. This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Libgcj License. Please consult the file "LIBGCJ_LICENSE" for details.