Class DES
- Cloneable, IBlockCipher, gnu.javax.crypto.cipher.IBlockCipherSpi
The Data Encryption Standard. DES is a 64-bit block cipher with a 56-bit
key, developed by IBM in the 1970's for the standardization process begun by
the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST).
New applications should not use DES except for compatibility.
This version is based upon the description and sample implementation in
- Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and
Source Code in C, Second Edition. (1996 John Wiley and Sons) ISBN
0-471-11709-9. Pages 265--301, 623--632.
static int | BLOCK_SIZE - DES operates on 64 bit blocks.
static int | KEY_SIZE - DES uses 56 bits of a 64 bit parity-adjusted key.
static byte[][] | POSSIBLE_WEAK_KEYS - Possible weak keys (parity adjusted) --produce 4 instead of 16 subkeys.
static byte[][] | SEMIWEAK_KEYS - Semi-weak keys (parity adjusted): Some pairs of keys encrypt plain text
to identical cipher text.
static byte[][] | WEAK_KEYS - Weak keys (parity adjusted): If all the bits in each half are either 0
or 1, then the key used for any cycle of the algorithm is the same as
all other cycles.
DES() - Default 0-argument constructor.
static void | adjustParity(byte[] kb, int offset) - Adjust the parity for a raw key array.
Iterator<E> | blockSizes() - Returns an
Iterator over the supported block sizes.
Object | clone() - Returns a clone of this instance.
void | decrypt(byte[] in, int i, byte[] out, int o, Object K, int bs)
void | encrypt(byte[] in, int i, byte[] out, int o, Object K, int bs)
static boolean | isParityAdjusted(byte[] kb, int offset) - Test if a byte array, which must be at least 8 bytes long, is parity
static boolean | isPossibleWeak(byte[] kb) - Test if the designated byte array represents a possibly weak key.
static boolean | isSemiWeak(byte[] kb) - Test if a key is a semi-weak key.
static boolean | isWeak(byte[] kb) - Test if a key is a weak key.
Iterator<E> | keySizes() - Returns an
Iterator over the supported key sizes.
Object | makeKey(byte[] kb, int bs)
clone , currentBlockSize , decryptBlock , defaultBlockSize , defaultKeySize , encryptBlock , init , name , reset , selfTest , testKat , testKat |
clone , equals , extends Object> getClass , finalize , hashCode , notify , notifyAll , toString , wait , wait , wait |
public static final int BLOCK_SIZE
DES operates on 64 bit blocks.
public static final int KEY_SIZE
DES uses 56 bits of a 64 bit parity-adjusted key.
public static final byte[][] POSSIBLE_WEAK_KEYS
Possible weak keys (parity adjusted) --produce 4 instead of 16 subkeys.
public static final byte[][] SEMIWEAK_KEYS
Semi-weak keys (parity adjusted): Some pairs of keys encrypt plain text
to identical cipher text. In other words, one key in the pair can decrypt
messages that were encrypted with the other key. These keys are called
semi-weak keys. This occurs because instead of 16 different sub-keys being
generated, these semi-weak keys produce only two different sub-keys.
public static final byte[][] WEAK_KEYS
Weak keys (parity adjusted): If all the bits in each half are either 0
or 1, then the key used for any cycle of the algorithm is the same as
all other cycles.
public DES()
Default 0-argument constructor.
public static void adjustParity(byte[] kb,
int offset)
Adjust the parity for a raw key array. This essentially means that each
byte in the array will have an odd number of '1' bits (the last bit in
each byte is unused.
- The key array, to be parity-adjusted.offset
- The starting index into the key bytes.
public void decrypt(byte[] in,
int i,
byte[] out,
int o,
Object K,
int bs)
- decrypt in interface gnu.javax.crypto.cipher.IBlockCipherSpi
public void encrypt(byte[] in,
int i,
byte[] out,
int o,
Object K,
int bs)
- encrypt in interface gnu.javax.crypto.cipher.IBlockCipherSpi
public static boolean isParityAdjusted(byte[] kb,
int offset)
Test if a byte array, which must be at least 8 bytes long, is parity
- The key bytes.offset
- The starting index into the key bytes.
if the first 8 bytes of kb have been
parity adjusted. false
public static boolean isPossibleWeak(byte[] kb)
Test if the designated byte array represents a possibly weak key.
- the byte array to test.
if kb
represents a possibly weak key.
Returns false
public static boolean isSemiWeak(byte[] kb)
Test if a key is a semi-weak key.
if this key is semi-weak.
public static boolean isWeak(byte[] kb)
Test if a key is a weak key. --
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