Package gnu.javax.crypto.sasl

Interface Summary

IAuthInfoProvider The visible methods of any authentication information provider.
IAuthInfoProviderFactory The visible method of every authentication information provider factory.

Class Summary

AuthInfo A static class for creating IAuthInfoProvider providers.
AuthInfoProviderFactory The concrete SASL authentication information provider factory.
ClientFactory The implementation of SaslClientFactory.
ClientMechanism A base class to facilitate implementing SASL client-side mechanisms.
InputBuffer The implementation of an incoming SASL buffer.
OutputBuffer The implementation of an outgoing SASL buffer.
SaslInputStream An input stream that uses either a SaslClient or a SaslServer to process the data through these entities' security layer filter(s).
SaslOutputStream An output stream that uses either a SaslClient or a SaslServer to process the data through these entities' security layer filter(s).
SaslUtil Utility methods for SASL-related classes.
ServerFactory The implementation of the SaslServerFactory.
ServerMechanism A base class to facilitate implementing SASL server-side mechanisms.

Exception Summary

ConfidentialityException Used by mechanisms that offer a security services layer, this checked exception is thrown to indicate that a violation has occured during the processing of a confidentiality protection filter.
IllegalMechanismStateException A checked exception thrown to indicate that an operation that should be invoked on a completed mechanism was invoked but the authentication phase of that mechanism was not completed yet, or that an operation that should be invoked on incomplete mechanisms was invoked but the authentication phase of that mechanism was already completed.
IntegrityException Used by mechanisms that offer a security services layer, this checked exception is thrown to indicate that a violation has occured during the processing of an integrity protection filter, including replay detection.
NoSuchMechanismException A checked exception thrown to indicate that a designated SASL mechanism implementation was not found.
NoSuchUserException A checked exception thrown to indicate that a designated user is unknown to the authentication layer.
SaslEncodingException A checked exception, thrown when an exception occurs while decoding a SASL buffer and/or a SASL data element from/to a buffer.
UserAlreadyExistsException A checked exception thrown to indicate that a designated user is already known to the the authentication layer.