Uses of Class gnu.javax.print.ipp.IppPrintService

Uses in package gnu.javax.print

Classes derived from gnu.javax.print.ipp.IppPrintService

Implementation of the PrintService/MultiDocPrintService interface for Cups printers (supports Cups 1.1 and up)

Methods with return type gnu.javax.print.ipp.IppPrintService

Requests the default printer from this CUPS server.

Uses in package gnu.javax.print.ipp

Classes derived from gnu.javax.print.ipp.IppPrintService

Implementation of the MultiDocPrintService interface for IPP based printers.

Constructors with parameter type gnu.javax.print.ipp.IppPrintService

Constructs a DocPrintJobImpl instance bound to the given print service.
Constructor forwarding arguments to the super constructor.