Package gnu.javax.print.ipp.attribute

Interface Summary

DefaultValueAttribute Marker interface for all attribute classes describing attributes providing default values.

Class Summary

CharsetSyntax CharsetSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute classes which provide a charset (US-ASCII) string as value.
DetailedStatusMessage DetailedStatusMessage attribute as described in RFC 2911 section 3.1.6 Operation Response Status Codes and Status Message provides a short description of the status of the operation.
DocumentAccessError DocumentAccessError attribute as described in RFC 2911 section 3.1.6 Operation Response Status Codes and Status Message provides additional information for document access errors.
NaturalLanguageSyntax NaturalLanguageSyntax is the abstract base class of all attribute classes which provide a natural language (US-ASCII) string as value.
RequestedAttributes RequestedAttributes specifies the requested attributes in an IPP request operation.
StatusMessage StatusMessage attribute as described in RFC 2911 section 3.1.6 Operation Response Status Codes and Status Message provides a short description of the status of the operation.
UnknownAttribute UnknownAttribute holds all the parsed Attribute information.