Package gnu.xml.validation.datatype

Class Summary

Annotation A schema component annotation.
AtomicSimpleType An XML Schema atomic simple type.
EnumerationFacet The enumeration facet.
Facet An XML Schema constraining facet.
FractionDigitsFacet The fractionDigits facet.
LengthFacet The length facet.
ListSimpleType An XML Schema list simple type.
MaxExclusiveFacet The maxExclusive facet.
MaxInclusiveFacet The maxInclusive facet.
MaxLengthFacet The maxLength facet.
MinExclusiveFacet The minExclusive facet.
MinInclusiveFacet The minInclusive facet.
MinLengthFacet The minLength facet.
PatternFacet The pattern facet.
SimpleType An XML Schema simple type.
TotalDigitsFacet The totalDigits facet.
Type Abstract base class for XML Schema datatypes.
TypeBuilder Datatype builder.
TypeLibrary Datatype library for XML Schema datatypes.
TypeLibraryFactory Datatype library factory for XML Schema datatypes.
UnionSimpleType An XML Schema union simple type.
WhiteSpaceFacet The whiteSpace facet.