Frames | No Frames |
Classes derived from java.awt.Container | |
class | AbstractColorChooserPanel
Classes derived from java.awt.Container | |
class | A button used by the MetalComboBoxUI class.
class | A popup menu for the combo-box.
class | A renderer for the files and directories in the file chooser.
class | A renderer for the items in the file filter combo box.
class | The title pane for a JInternalFrame (see
MetalInternalFrameUI.createNorthPane(JInternalFrame) ). |
class | A button used by the MetalScrollBarUI . |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Container | |
void | MetalComboBoxUI.layoutComboBox(Container parent, MetalComboBoxUI.MetalComboBoxLayoutManager manager) Lays out the ComboBox
void | Arranges the editor (if visible) and button that comprise the combo
void | Calls the layoutContainer(Container) method in the super
Classes derived from java.awt.Container | |
class | The default text field, used in the editing sessions.
class | This container that appears on the tree during editing session.
class | A default implementation of the TreeCellRenderer interface.
Fields of type java.awt.Container | |
Container | Editing container, will contain the editorComponent.
Methods with return type java.awt.Container | |
Container | Creates the container to manage placement of editingComponent.
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Container | |
Initializes a new instance of HierarchyEvent with the
specified parameters. | |
HierarchyEvent.HierarchyEvent(Component source, int id, Component changed, Container changedParent, long changeFlags) Initializes a new instance of HierarchyEvent with the
specified parameters. |
Methods with return type java.awt.Container | |
Container | Returns the parent of the component listed in getChanged() .
Container | Returns the source of this event as a Container .
Classes derived from java.awt.Container | |
class | A button that displays an arrow (triangle) that points SwingConstants.NORTH ,
SwingConstants.SOUTH , SwingConstants.EAST or SwingConstants.WEST . |
class | A renderer for a JComboBox .
class | A subclass of BasicComboBoxRenderer that implements the
UIResource interface.
class | UI Delegate for ComboPopup
class | This class acts as a titlebar for JInternalFrames.
class | This class acts as the MenuBar for the TitlePane. |
class | The divider that separates the two parts of a JSplitPane in the Basic look
and feel.
class | This is the window that appears when the JToolBar is being dragged
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Container | |
Creates a new instance of DefaultMenuLayout.
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Container | |
void | This method is messaged to add the buttons to the given container.
void | This method adds the appropriate icon the given container.
void | BasicOptionPaneUI.addMessageComponents(Container container, GridBagConstraints cons, Object msg, int maxll, boolean internallyCreated) This method creates the proper object (if necessary) to represent msg.
void | This method creates instances of d (recursively if necessary based on
maxll) and adds to c.
float | This specifies how a component is aligned with respect to other
components in the x fdirection.
float | This specifies how a component is aligned with respect to other
components in the y direction.
void | This method invalidates the layout. |
void | Arranges the components in the container. |
void | This method is called to lay out the children of the Title Pane.
void | This method is used to set the bounds of the children of the
void | This method lays out the given container.
void | This method lays out the scrollbar.
void | This method is called to lay out the container.
void | This method lays out the components in the container.
void | This method is called when the JTabbedPane is laid out in
Dimension | This method returns the maximum size for the container given the
components. |
Dimension | Returns the minimum layout size.
Dimension | This method returns the minimum size of the given Container given the
children that it has.
Dimension | This method returns the minimum layout size.
Dimension | This method returns the minimum layout size for the given container.
Dimension | This method returns the minimum size required for the layout.
Dimension | This method returns the minimum layout size.
Dimension | This method returns the container's minimum size. |
Dimension | This method returns the minimum layout size for the given container.
Dimension | Returns preferred layout size of the JComboBox.
Dimension | This method returns the preferred size of the given Container taking
into account the children that it has.
Dimension | Th8is method returns the preferred layout size.
Dimension | This method returns the preferred size of the given container.
Dimension | This method returns the preferred size for the layout.
Dimension | This method returns the preferred layout size.
Dimension | This method returns the container's preferred size. |
Dimension | This method returns the preferred layout size for the given container.
Dimension | Returns the preferred size for the layout of the menu.
Methods with return type java.awt.Container | |
Container | This method creates the button area.
Container | This method creates the message area.
Container | This method creates a Container that will separate the message and button
Classes derived from java.awt.Container | |
class |
Methods with return type java.awt.Container | |
Container |
Classes derived from java.awt.Container | |
class | Provides an abstract implementation of common button behaviour,
data model and look & feel.
class | A component that uses a BoxLayout as Layout Manager.
class | A component that servers as a filler in BoxLayout controlled containers.
class | Paints the cells of JList, JTable and JTree.
class | The default implementation ListCellRenderer . |
class | Subclasses DefaultListCellRenderers and implements
UIResource . |
class | A top-level container that is usually used in web browsers.
class | A general purpose push button. |
class | A small box that displays a check or not, depending on it's
selected state. |
class | A menu item that displays a checkbox. |
class | A Swing widget that offers users different ways to
select a color. |
class | A component that allows a user to select any item in its list and
displays the selected item to the user. |
class | The base class of all Swing components.
class | JDesktopPane is a container (usually for JInternalFrames) that simulates a
desktop. |
class | A dialog window. |
class | A powerful text editor component that can handle different types of
class | A component that provides the user a dialog box to browse through a
filesystem and choose one or more files or directories.
class | A text field that makes use of a formatter to display and edit a specific
type of data. |
class | A window that supports window decorations (titlebar and borders).
class | This class implements a Swing widget that looks and acts like a native
frame. |
class | This class represents the JInternalFrame while it is iconified.
class | A component that displays a static text message and/or an icon.
class | A container that adds depth to the usual Container semantics.
class | |
class | This class represents a menu that can be added to a menu bar or
can be a submenu in some other menu. |
class | JMenuBar is a container for menu's. |
class | JMenuItem represents element in the menu. |
class | This class creates different types of JDialogs and JInternalFrames that can
ask users for input or pass on information. |
class | An instance of JPanel can be added to a panel, frame etc
class | class JPasswordField
class | JPopupMenu is a container that is used to display popup menu's menu
items. |
class | This is the separator that can be used in popup menu.
class | A component that displays a visual indicator of the progress of a task. |
class | The JRadioButton component provides a visually selectable
button with mutually exclusive behaviour within a ButtonGroup .
class | This class represents JRadioButtonMenuItem. |
class | This class is where JComponents are added to. |
class | The JScrollBar. |
class | A component that embeds another component and enables it to be scrolled
both in horizontal and vertical direction.
class | |
class | The JSeparator. |
class | A visual component that allows selection of a value within a
range by adjusting a thumb in a track. |
class | A JSpinner is a component that displays a single value from
a sequence of values, and provides a convenient means for selecting the
previous and next values in the sequence. |
class | An editor class for a JSpinner that is used
for displaying and editing dates (e.g. that uses
SpinnerDateModel as model).
class | The base class for the editor used by the JSpinner component.
class | A JSpinner editor used for the SpinnerListModel .
class | A panel containing a JFormattedTextField that is configured for
displaying and editing numbers. |
class | This class implements JSplitPane. |
class | This is a container for components where only one component is displayed at
a given time and the displayed component can be switched by clicking on
class | The table component, displaying information, organized in rows and columns.
class | The JTextArea component provides a multi-line area for displaying
and editing plain text. |
class | |
class | A powerful text component that supports styled content as well as
embedding images and components. |
class | The JToggleButton component provides a stateful button,
which can be either selected or unselected. |
class | JToolBar is a component that provides a toolbar to Swing programs. |
class | This is an extension of JSeparator used in toolbars. |
class | This class is used to display ToolTips. |
class | |
class | _ +-------------------------------+ ...........Y1 \ | view | . |
class | Unlike JComponent derivatives, JWindow inherits from
java.awt.Window. |
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Container | |
Constructs a BoxLayout object.
| |
Creates a new OverlayLayout for the specified container.
Fields of type java.awt.Container | |
Container | DOCUMENT ME! |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Container | |
Component | getComponentAfter
Component | Return the component which follows the specified component in this
focus cycle, relative to the order imposed by comparator . |
Component | getComponentBefore
Component | Return the component which precedes the specified component in this
focus cycle, relative to the order imposed by comparator . |
Component | Return the default component of root , which is by default
the same as the first component, returned by getFirstComponent(Container) .
Component | getFirstComponent
Component | Return the first focusable component of the focus cycle root
comp under the ordering imposed by the comparator property. |
Component | getLastComponent
Component | Return the last focusable component of the focus cycle root
comp under the ordering imposed by the comparator property. |
float | Returns the alignment along the X axis for the container.
float | DOCUMENT ME!
float | Returns the X alignment of the container that is laid out. |
float | Returns the X alignment of the Container p .
float | Returns the alignment along the Y axis for the container.
float | DOCUMENT ME!
float | Returns the Y alignment of the container that is laid out. |
float | Returns the Y alignment of the Container p .
void | Invalidates the layout.
void | Notifies the layout manager that the layout has become invalid. |
void | Recalculate a possibly cached layout.
void | Lays out the specified container using this layout.
void | Sets the bounds for the child components in this container. |
void | Lays out the container and it's children.
void |
+----+--------------------+----+ y1
| c1 | column header | c2 |
+----+--------------------+----+ y2
| r | | v |
| o | | |
| w | | s |
| | | r |
| h | | o |
| e | viewport | l |
| a | | l |
| d | | b |
| e | | a |
| r | | r |
+----+--------------------+----+ y3
| c3 | h scrollbar | c4 |
+----+--------------------+----+ y4
x1 x2 x3 x4
void | Lays out the container p .
void | Layout the view and viewport to respect the following rules. |
Dimension | Returns the maximum size of the layout gived the components
in the given container.
Dimension | DOCUMENT ME!
Dimension | Returns the maximum size of the container that is laid out. |
Dimension | Calculates the maximum size of the layed out container. |
Dimension | Returns the minimum size of the layout.
Dimension | DOCUMENT ME!
Dimension | Calculates the minimum size for this component. |
Dimension | Returns the minimum size of the container that is laid out. |
Dimension | |
Dimension | Calculates the minimum size of the layed out container. |
Dimension | Get the minimum layout size. |
void | CellRendererPane.paintComponent(Graphics graphics, Component c, Container p, int x, int y, int w, int h) |
void | This method paints the given component at the given position and size.
void | CellRendererPane.paintComponent(Graphics graphics, Component c, Container p, int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean shouldValidate) |
void | |
void | This method paints the given component in the given rectangle.
Dimension | Returns the preferred size of the layout.
Dimension | DOCUMENT ME!
Dimension | Calculates the preferred size for this component. |
Dimension | Returns the preferred size of the container that is laid out. |
Dimension | |
Dimension | Calculates the preferred size of the layed out container. |
Dimension | Get the preferred layout size. |
void | setContentPane
void | This method sets the ContentPane to use with this
JDialog. |
void | setContentPane
void | This method sets the Container to be used as a Content Pane for this
void | Sets the JRootPane's content pane. |
void | setContentPane
void | setContentPane
Methods with return type java.awt.Container | |
Container | DOCUMENT ME!
Container | Returns the least ancestor of comp which has the
specified name.
Container | Returns the least ancestor of comp which is an instance
of the specified class.
Container | getContentPane
Container | This method returns the ContentPane
in the JRootPane.
Container | getContentPane
Container | This method returns the Content Pane for this JInternalFrame.
Container | DOCUMENT ME!
Container | getContentPane
Container | getContentPane
Container | This method returns null because this must always be the root of a focus
Container |
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Container | |
Creates a new SwingContainerPeer.
Classes derived from java.awt.Container | |
class | This is the base applet class. |
Classes derived from java.awt.Container | |
class | Represents an AWT window that can be embedded into another
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Container | |
List<E> | Returns the visible children of a Container . |
Methods with return type java.awt.Container | |
Container | Returns the least ancestor of comp which has the
specified name.
Container | Returns the least ancestor of comp which is an instance
of the specified class.
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Container | |
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Container | |
AncestorEvent.AncestorEvent(JComponent source, int id, Container ancestor, Container ancestorParent) |
Methods with return type java.awt.Container | |
Container | Returns the ancestor of this event.
Container | Returns the ancester parent of this event.
Classes derived from java.awt.Container | |
class | Dialog provides a top-level window normally used to receive
user input in applications.
class | This class implements a file selection dialog box widget.
class | This class is a top-level window with a title bar and window
class | A panel is a simple container class. |
class | This widget provides a scrollable region that allows a single
subcomponent to be viewed through a smaller window.
class | This class represents a top-level window with no decorations.
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Container | |
void | Obsolete.
java.awt.GridBagLayoutInfo | Obsolete.
Dimension | Obsolete.
void | |
void | |
void | Moves the current focus downwards by one focus cycle.
void | Cause the first component in the container to be displayed.
Component | Returns the Component that should receive the focus after current.
Component | Returns the Component that should receive the focus after a Component.
Component | Returns the Component that should receive the focus before
current . |
Component | Returns the Component that should receive the focus before a Component.
Component | Returns the default Component of root that should receive the focus.
Component | Returns the default Component to focus.
Component | Returns the first Component of root that should receive the focus.
Component | Returns the first Component in the traversal cycle.
Component | Returns the last Component of root that should receive the focus.
Component | Returns the last Component in the traversal cycle.
float | Returns the X axis alignment, which is a float indicating
where along the X axis this container wishs to position its layout.
float | Return this layout manager's x alignment. |
float | |
float | Returns the preferred X axis alignment for the specified target
container. |
float | Returns the Y axis alignment, which is a float indicating
where along the Y axis this container wishs to position its layout.
float | Returns this layout manager's y alignment. |
float | |
float | Returns the preferred Y axis alignment for the specified target
container. |
Component | Return the component at the specified location, which must be one
of the absolute constants such as CENTER or SOUTH. |
java.awt.GridBagLayoutInfo | |
Dimension | |
void | Instructs this object to discard any layout information it might
have cached.
void | Invalidate this layout manager's state.
void | |
void | Forces the layout manager to purge any cached information about the
layout of the target container. |
boolean | Tests if the container is the ancestor of the focus cycle that
this component belongs to.
boolean | Check whether the given Container is the focus cycle root of this
Container's focus traversal cycle. |
void | Cause the last component in the container to be displayed.
void | Lays out the specified container according to the constraints in this
void | Lays out the container. |
void | Lay out the container's components based on current settings.
void | |
void | Lay out the container's components based on current settings.
void | Lays out the components in the given container.
Dimension | Returns the maximum size of the specified container using this layout.
Dimension | Get the maximum layout size of the container.
Dimension | |
Dimension | Determines the maximum size of the specified target container.
Dimension | Returns the minimum size of the specified container using this layout.
Dimension | Get the minimum layout size of the container.
Dimension | Returns the minimum layout size for the specified container using
this layout.
Dimension | |
Dimension | Get the minimum layout size of the container.
Dimension | Calculates the minimum size for this container, taking into account
the components it contains.
void | Cause the next component in the container to be displayed. |
Dimension | Returns the preferred size of the specified container using this layout.
Dimension | Get the preferred layout size of the container.
Dimension | Returns the preferred layout size for the specified container using
this layout.
Dimension | |
Dimension | Get the preferred layout size of the container.
Dimension | Calculates the preferred size for this container, taking into account
the components it contains.
void | Cause the previous component in the container to be displayed.
void | Set the Container that will be returned by getCurrentFocusCycleRoot() (when it is called from the current
ThreadGroup ) and getGlobalCurrentFocusCycleRoot() . |
void | Cause the named component to be shown. |
Methods with return type java.awt.Container | |
Container | Retrieve the current focus cycle root, or null if the focus owner
was not set by a thread in the current ThreadGroup .
Container | Returns the root container that owns the focus cycle where this
component resides. |
Container | Returns the root container that owns the focus cycle where this
component resides. |
Container | Retrieve the current focus cycle root, regardless of whether or
not it was made set by a thread in the current ThreadGroup .
Container | Returns the native container object of the specified component. |
Container | Returns the parent of this component.
Classes derived from java.awt.Container | |
class | Implementation of the PrinterDialog used by
ServiceUI for visual selection
of print services and its attributes.
Classes derived from java.awt.Container | |
class | Class to display every cells.
class | |
class | Represents the table header. |
Methods with return type java.awt.Container | |
Container | Get the Container associated with this BeanContext .