Frames | No Frames |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
void | Sets the offset for the window used for dragging the toolbar.
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Returns the location of this component in screen coordinates. |
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
DragGestureEvent.DragGestureEvent(DragGestureRecognizer dgr, int action, Point origin, InputEvent> events) Constructs a new DragGestureEvent.
| |
DragSourceContext.DragSourceContext(DragSourceContextPeer peer, DragGestureEvent trigger, Cursor cursor, Image image, Point offset, Transferable trans, DragSourceListener dsl) Initializes a drag source context.
| |
DropTargetDragEvent.DropTargetDragEvent(DropTargetContext context, Point location, int dropAction, int srcActions) Initializes a DropTargetDragEvent .
| |
DropTargetDropEvent.DropTargetDropEvent(DropTargetContext dtc, Point location, int dropAction, int actions) Initializes a DropTargetDropEvent . | |
DropTargetDropEvent.DropTargetDropEvent(DropTargetContext dtc, Point location, int dropAction, int actions, boolean isLocalTx) Initializes a DropTargetDropEvent .
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
void | Notify the Component to autoscroll
DragSourceContext | DragSource.createDragSourceContext(DragSourceContextPeer peer, DragGestureEvent dge, Cursor cursor, Image image, Point offset, Transferable t, DragSourceListener dsl) Creates the DragSourceContext to handle this drag.
DropTarget.DropTargetAutoScroller | |
void | Fires a DragGestureEvent to the DragGestureListener
associated with this object, if there is one.
void | |
void | DragGestureEvent.startDrag(Cursor dragCursor, Image dragImage, Point imageOffset, Transferable trans, DragSourceListener l) Starts the drag given the initial Cursor to display, the Transferable
object, and the DragSourceListener to use.
void | DragSource.startDrag(DragGestureEvent trigger, Cursor dragCursor, Image dragImage, Point imageOffset, Transferable trans, DragSourceListener dsl) Start a drag, given the DragGestureEvent that initiated the drag.
void | DragSource.startDrag(DragGestureEvent trigger, Cursor dragCursor, Image dragImage, Point imageOffset, Transferable trans, DragSourceListener dsl, FlavorMap map) Start a drag, given the DragGestureEvent that initiated the drag.
void | |
void |
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Returns the origin of the drag.
Point | |
Point | |
Point |
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | |
Point | This method returns a Point for the x,y position of
the mouse pointer. |
Fields of type java.awt.Point | |
Point | The offset in the destination where the upper-left
decoded/encoded pixel should be located.
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
void | Specify the destination pixel offset. |
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Retrieve the offset in the destination where the upper-left
decoded/encoded pixel should be located. |
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Returns the location of this component in screen coordinates. |
Fields of type java.awt.Point | |
Point | The origin point. |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
boolean | This method returns whether the JToolBar can dock at the given position.
void | This method is called to drag the DragWindow around when the JToolBar is
being dragged around.
void | This method is used at the end of a drag session to place the frame in
either its original parent as a docked JToolBar or in its floating
int | Computes the index of a list cell given a point within the list. |
void | This method sets the floating property for the JToolBar.
void | This method changes the mouse offset.
int | Maps a point in the View coordinate space to a position
inside a document model.
int | Maps a point in the View coordinate space to a position
inside a document model.
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | This method returns the mouse offset from the top left corner of the
Point | BasicProgressBarUI.getStringPlacement(Graphics g, String progressString, int x, int y, int width, int height) This method returns the point (the top left of the bounding box)
where the text should be painted.
Point | Determines the location of the specified cell.
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
int | Get the index of the character at the given point, in component
pixel co-ordinates. |
void | Sets the current visual position of this Caret .
void | Sets the current visual position of this Caret .
int |
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Returns the current visual position of this Caret .
Point | Returns the current visual position of this Caret .
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
Creates a new raster.
| |
Creates a new raster.
| |
Raster.Raster(SampleModel sampleModel, DataBuffer dataBuffer, Rectangle aRegion, Point sampleModelTranslate, Raster parent) Creates a new raster.
| |
Creates a new WritableRaster .
| |
Creates a new WritableRaster instance.
| |
WritableRaster.WritableRaster(SampleModel sampleModel, DataBuffer dataBuffer, Rectangle aRegion, Point sampleModelTranslate, WritableRaster parent) Creates a new WritableRaster instance.
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
WritableRaster | Raster.createBandedRaster(int dataType, int w, int h, int scanlineStride, int[] bankIndices, int[] bandOffsets, Point location) Creates a new banded raster.
WritableRaster | Creates a new banded raster.
WritableRaster | Raster.createBandedRaster(DataBuffer dataBuffer, int w, int h, int scanlineStride, int[] bankIndices, int[] bandOffsets, Point location) Creates a new banded raster.
WritableRaster | Raster.createInterleavedRaster(int dataType, int w, int h, int scanlineStride, int pixelStride, int[] bandOffsets, Point location) Creates an interleaved raster.
WritableRaster | Creates an interleaved raster using the specified data type.
WritableRaster | Raster.createInterleavedRaster(DataBuffer dataBuffer, int w, int h, int scanlineStride, int pixelStride, int[] bandOffsets, Point location) Creates a new interleaved raster.
WritableRaster | Creates a new raster.
WritableRaster | Creates a new packed raster.
WritableRaster | Raster.createPackedRaster(DataBuffer dataBuffer, int w, int h, int scanlineStride, int[] bandMasks, Point location) Creates a new packed raster.
WritableRaster | Creates a new packed raster.
Raster | Creates a new raster.
WritableRaster | Creates a new writable raster.
WritableRaster | Creates a new writable raster.
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point[] | |
Point[] |
Fields of type java.awt.Point | |
Point | The position at which the view has been drawn the last time. |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
int | Returns index of the column that contains specified point
or -1 if this table doesn't contain this point.
Component | This method returns menu element on the selected path that contains
given source point. |
boolean | JViewport.computeBlit(int dx, int dy, Point blitFrom, Point blitTo, Dimension blitSize, Rectangle blitPaint) Computes the parameters for the blitting scroll method. |
boolean | Returns true if this list child covers the screen location
point (relative to the JList coordinate
system, false otherwise.
boolean | Returns true if this table cell contains the location
at point , false otherwise.
boolean | Checks whether the specified point is within this object's
bounds, where the point's x and y coordinates are defined to be
relative to the coordinate system of the object.
Point | |
void | Converts a point from "screen" coordinates (such as the coordinate
space mouse events are delivered in) to a component's local coordinate
space. |
void | Converts a point from a component's local coordinate space to "screen"
coordinates (such as the coordinate space mouse events are delivered
in). |
Accessible | Returns the Accessible child of the specified component
which appears at the supplied Point . |
Accessible | Returns the accessible child at the visual location p
(relative to the upper left corner of the JList ). |
Accessible | Returns null because list children do not have children
Accessible | Returns the accessible child component at the specified coordinates.
Accessible | Table cells have no children, so we return null here.
Accessible | Returns the Accessible child, if one exists, contained at the local
coordinate Point.
Accessible | Returns the Accessible child, if one exists, contained at the
local coordinate Point.
int | Returns the index of the label's character at the specified point,
relative to the local bounds of the button. |
int | Returns the index of the character that is located at the specified
Point | Get the component's location. |
int | Returns index of the cell to which specified location is closest to. |
int | Returns index of the row that contains specified point or -1 if this table
doesn't contain this point.
void | Does nothing since the screen location cannot be set on list children
void | The location of the table cells cannot be manipulated directly, so
this method does nothing.
void | Sets the location of the object relative to the parent.
void | |
Point |
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Converts a point (x,y) from the coordinate space of one
component to another. |
Point | |
Point | Returns the screen location of this list child relative to it's parent.
Point | Returns the location of this cell relative to the table's bounds.
Point | Gets the location of the object relative to the
parent in the form of a point specifying the object's
top-left corner in the screen's coordinate space.
Point | Get the component's location. |
Point | Returns the location in the tree.
Point | Returns the absolute screen location of this list child.
Point | Returns the screen location of the table cell.
Point | Returns the location of the object on the screen.
Point | Returns origin point of the popup menu. |
Point | Return the location at which the toolTipText property should
be displayed, when triggered by a particular mouse event.
Point | Get the viewport's position in view space. |
Point | JList.indexToLocation(int index) Returns location of the cell located at the specified index in the list.
Point |
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Returns the location of this component in screen coordinates. |
Point | Returns the location of the menu on the screen. |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
void | Converts a point from "screen" coordinates (such as the coordinate
space mouse events are delivered in) to a component's local coordinate
space. |
void | Converts a point from a component's local coordinate space to "screen"
coordinates (such as the coordinate space mouse events are delivered
in). |
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Converts a point (x,y) from the coordinate space of one
component to another. |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
String | Returns a String for presenting a tool tip at the specified
int | Determines the cell index which is the closest to the specified
location. |
int | Finds the caret position which is closest to the specified visual
int | Finds the caret position which is closest to the specified visual
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Determines the location of the specified cell.
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
Create a Cairo Surface that is a subimage of another Cairo Surface
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
Cursor | |
int | Get the mouse pointer coordinates and store them in p (obviously non-null)
returns the index of the current screen device of the mouse.
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Returns the location of this component in screen coordinates. |
Point | Returns the location of this component in screen coordinates. |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
void |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
boolean | Tests whether or not the specified point is contained within
this component. |
Accessible | If an object exists at the specified point which is a child of this
parent component, and it is accessible, then it is returned.
int | Given a point in the coordinate system of this object, return the
0-based index of the character at that point, or -1 if there is none.
void | Set the location of this component relative to its parent. |
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Get the location of this component in the parent's coordinate system.
Point | Get the location of this component in the screen's coordinate space.
Constructors with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
Initializes a new instance of Point with coordinates
identical to the coordinates of the specified point.
| |
Initializes a new instance of Rectangle with a top left
corner at the specified point and a width and height of zero.
| |
Initializes a new instance of Rectangle with a top-left
corner represented by the specified point and the width and height
represented by the specified dimension.
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
void | Modifies this rectangle so that it represents the smallest rectangle
that contains both the existing rectangle and the specified point.
boolean | Tests whether or not the specified point is contained within this
component. |
boolean | Tests if the point is contained in this component.
boolean | Returns true if the specified point lies within the
component. |
boolean | Tests whether or not the specified point is inside this polygon.
boolean | Tests whether or not the specified point is inside this rectangle.
Cursor | Creates a new custom cursor object.
Component | Locates the visible child component that contains the specified position.
Accessible | Returns the Accessible child at a point relative to the coordinate
system of this component, if one exists, or null. |
Accessible | Return the accessible child located at point (in the parent's
coordinates), if one exists.
Accessible | Returns the Accessible child of this component present
at the specified point. |
Component | Returns the component occupying the position (x,y). |
Component | Returns the component located at the specified point. |
int | |
Point | Returns the location of this component. |
void | Moves this component to the specified location, relative to the parent's
coordinates. |
void | Sets the location of this relative to its parent's coordinate system.
void | Sets the location of the component, with co-ordinates
relative to the parent component and using the co-ordinate
space of the screen. |
void | Sets this object's coordinates to match those of the specified point.
void | Moves the location of this rectangle by setting its upper left
corner to the specified point.
void | Sets the scroll position to the specified value.
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Returns the point where a window should be centered. |
Point | |
Point | Returns the location of this component's top left corner relative to
its parent component. |
Point | Returns the location of this object relative to its parent's coordinate
system, or null if it is not showing.
Point | Returns the location of the component, with co-ordinates
relative to the parent component and using the co-ordinate
space of the screen. |
Point | Returns the location of this point. |
Point | Returns the coordinates of the mouse pointer.
Point | Returns the location of this rectangle, which is the coordinates of
its upper left corner.
Point | Returns the location of this component. |
Point | Returns the location of this component's top left corner in screen
Point | Returns the location of this object on the screen, or null if it is
not showing.
Point | Returns the location of the component, with co-ordinates
relative to the screen. |
Point | Returns the mouse pointer position relative to this Component's
top-left corner.
Point | Container.getMousePosition(boolean allowChildren) Returns the mouse pointer position relative to this Container's
top-left corner. |
Point | Returns the current scroll position of the viewport.
Point | Returns the location of this component's top left corner relative to
its parent component.
Point | GridBagLayout.location(int x, int y) |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
void |
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Returns the location of this component in screen coordinates. |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
int | Calls the ListUI.locationToIndex(JList,Point) method for all
the UI delegates managed by this MultiListUI ,
returning the index for the UI delegate from the primary look and
int | Calls the TextUI.viewToModel(JTextComponent,Point) method for all
the UI delegates managed by this MultiTextUI ,
returning the position for the UI delegate from the primary look and
int | Calls the TextUI.viewToModel(JTextComponent, Point, Bias[]) method
for all the UI delegates managed by this MultiTextUI ,
returning the position for the UI delegate from the primary look and
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Calls the ListUI.indexToLocation(JList,int) method for all
the UI delegates managed by this MultiListUI ,
returning the location for the UI delegate from the primary look and
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
int | Returns the index of the column at the specified point.
boolean | |
Accessible | Return the accessible child located at point (in the parent's
coordinates), if one exists.
Accessible | |
void |
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | |
Point |
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Returns the location of this component in screen coordinates. |
Methods with parameter type java.awt.Point | |
int | Get the mouse pointer coordinates and store them in p (obviously non-null)
returns the index of the current screen device of the mouse.
Methods with return type java.awt.Point | |
Point | Returns the location of this component in screen coordinates. |