Uses of Class java.lang.ThreadGroup

Uses in package

Methods with return type java.lang.ThreadGroup

Gets the thread group represented by this ID

Uses in package java.lang

Constructors with parameter type java.lang.ThreadGroup

Allocates a new Thread object.
Thread.Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name)
Allocate a new Thread object, with the specified ThreadGroup and name, and using the specified Runnable object's run() method to execute.
Thread.Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name, long size)
Allocate a new Thread object, as if by Thread(group, null, name), and give it the specified stack size, in bytes.
Allocates a new Thread object.
Create a new ThreadGroup using the given name and parent group.

Methods with parameter type java.lang.ThreadGroup

Check if the current thread is allowed to modify a ThreadGroup.
Copy all active ThreadGroups that are descendants of this ThreadGroup into the specified array.
ThreadGroup.enumerate(ThreadGroup[] array, boolean recurse)
Copy all active ThreadGroups that are children of this ThreadGroup into the specified array, and if desired, also all descendents.
Check whether this ThreadGroup is an ancestor of the specified ThreadGroup, or if they are the same.

Methods with return type java.lang.ThreadGroup

Get the parent of this ThreadGroup.
Get the ThreadGroup that a new Thread should belong to by default.
Get the ThreadGroup this Thread belongs to.

Uses in package gnu.classpath.jdwp.transport

Constructors with parameter type java.lang.ThreadGroup

Creates a new JdwpConnection instance

Uses in package gnu.classpath.jdwp

Methods with return type java.lang.ThreadGroup

Get the thread group used by JDWP threads

Uses in package

Constructors with parameter type java.lang.ThreadGroup