Frames | No Frames |
Constructors with parameter type | |
Create an HttpURLConnection for the specified URL
| |
Creates a JarURLConnection from an URL object
| |
This method parses a String representation of a URL within the
context of an existing URL. | |
Creates an URL from given arguments
This method parses a String representation of a URL within the
context of an existing URL. | |
Creates a URLClassLoader that gets classes from the supplied URLs.
| |
Creates a URLClassLoader that gets classes from the supplied
URL s.
| |
Creates a URLClassLoader that gets classes from the supplied URLs.
| |
Creates a URL connection to a given URL. |
Fields of type | |
URL | This is the URL associated with this connection
Methods with parameter type | |
void | Adds a new location to the end of the internal URL store.
Package | Defines a Package based on the given name and the supplied manifest
information. |
boolean | This is the default method for computing whether two URLs are
equivalent. |
InetAddress | Get the IP address of our host. |
int | Provides the default hash calculation. |
boolean | Compares the host components of two URLs.
URLClassLoader | Creates a new instance of a URLClassLoader that gets
classes from the supplied URL s. |
URLClassLoader | Creates a new instance of a URLClassLoader that gets
classes from the supplied URL s and with the supplied
loader as parent class loader.
URLConnection | Returns a URLConnection for the passed in URL. |
void | This method parses the string passed in as a URL and set's the
instance data fields in the URL object passed in to the various values
parsed out of the string. |
boolean | Tests whether or not another URL refers to the same "file" as this one.
boolean | Compares two URLs, excluding the fragment component
void | This methods sets the instance variables representing the various fields
of the URL to the values passed in.
void | URLStreamHandler.setURL(URL u, String protocol, String host, int port, String authority, String userInfo, String path, String query, String ref) Sets the fields of the URL argument to the indicated values
String | This method converts a URL object into a String. |
Methods with return type | |
URL | Finds the first occurrence of a resource that can be found.
URL | This method returns the "real" URL where the JarFile is located.
URL | Returns the URL object associated with this connection
URL[] | Returns all the locations that this class loader currently uses the
resolve classes and resource. |
URL | Creates an URL from an URI
Methods with parameter type | |
Image | |
Image |
Methods with parameter type | |
AudioFileFormat | Return the format of the given URL as deduced by this provider.
AudioInputStream | Return an AudioInputStream for the given URL. |
Methods with parameter type | |
URLConnection |
Methods with parameter type | |
Image | |
Image | Returns an image from the specified URL, which must be in a
recognized format. |
Methods with parameter type | |
URLConnection | Returns an HTTPURLConnection for the given URL.
Methods with parameter type | |
Package | ClassLoader.definePackage(String name, String specTitle, String specVendor, String specVersion, String implTitle, String implVendor, String implVersion, URL sealed) Defines a new package and creates a Package object. |
boolean | Returns true if this Package is sealed and the origin of the classes is
the given URL.
Methods with return type | |
URL | Called whenever a resource is needed that could not be provided by
one of the parents of this classloader. |
URL | Get a resource URL using this class's package using the
getClassLoader().getResource() method. |
URL | Get the URL to a resource using this classloader or one of its parents.
URL | Get the URL to a resource using the system classloader.
Constructors with parameter type | |
Creates a new HyperlinkEvent with the given arguments.
| |
HyperlinkEvent.HyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL url, String description) Creates a new HyperlinkEvent with the given arguments.
| |
HyperlinkEvent.HyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL url, String description, Element element) Creates a new HyperlinkEvent with the given arguments.
Methods with return type | |
URL | Returns the URL of this event.
Methods with parameter type | |
AudioFileFormat | Return the format of the given URL as deduced by this provider.
AudioInputStream | Return an AudioInputStream for the given URL. |
Methods with return type | |
URL | Find resource with the given name.
Constructors with parameter type | |
Parses the given jarfile's INDEX.LIST file if it exists.
Methods with return type | |
URL | Get a resource. |
URL | Get a resource. |
Methods with parameter type | |
BufferedImage | Create a buffered image from a URL. |
Constructors with parameter type | |
Constructs a GtkImage from a URL. |
Methods with parameter type | |
Image | |
ImageProducer | Creates an ImageProducer from the specified URL. |
Image |
Constructors with parameter type | |
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent.HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL url, String frame) Creates a new hypertext link event.
| |
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent.HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL url, String description, String frame) Creates a new hypertext link event.
| |
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent.HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL url, String description, Element element, String frame) Creates a new hypertext link event.
| |
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent.HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent(Object source, HyperlinkEvent.EventType type, URL url, Element element, String frame) Creates a new hypertext link event.
Methods with parameter type | |
void | Imports a style sheet from the url. |
void | Loads a set of rules that have been specified in terms of CSS grammar.
void | Sets the location against which to resolve relative URLs.
void | Sets the base url. |
Methods with return type | |
URL | Returns the location against which to resolve relative URLs.
URL | Gets the base url.
URL | Get the URL location of the image to render. |
Constructors with parameter type | |
Methods with parameter type | |
JarFile | |
URLConnection | This method returs a new JarURLConnection for the specified URL
void | This method overrides URLStreamHandler's for parsing url of protocol "jar"
String | This method converts a Jar URL object into a String.
Methods with parameter type | |
Class> | |
Class> | Loads a class from codeBase .
Constructors with parameter type | |
Calls superclass constructor to initialize.
Methods with parameter type | |
URLConnection | This method returs a new FileURLConnection for the specified URL
Methods with parameter type | |
MidiFileFormat | Read a MidiFileFormat object from the given url.
Sequence | Read a Sequence object from the given url.
Soundbank | Read a Soundbank object from the given url.
Methods with return type | |
URL | |
URL | |
URL | Called whenever a resource is needed that could not be provided by
one of the parents of this classloader. |
Methods with parameter type | |
Image | Returns an image that has its pixel data loaded from the specified URL.
Image | Returns an image that has its pixel data loaded from the specified URL.
Methods with parameter type | |
void | This method sets the specified parameter from the given Java value.
void | This method sets the value of the specified parameter to the specified
void | This method writes the specified object to the
SQL stream.
Methods with return type | |
URL | CallableStatement.getURL(int index) This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java .
URL | This method returns the specified column value as a .
URL | This method returns the value of the specified parameter as a Java .
URL | This method returns the specified column value as a .
Methods with parameter type | |
@Override | |
@Override |
Constructors with parameter type | |
Constructor in which the data is read from a URL.
| |
Methods with return type | |
URL | Returns the underlying URL.
Constructors with parameter type | |
Constructs an FTP connection to the specified URL.
Methods with parameter type | |
URLConnection | Returns an FTPURLConnection for the given URL.
Constructors with parameter type | |
Methods with return type | |
URL | |
Constructors with parameter type | |
FileURLLoader.FileURLLoader(URLClassLoader classloader, URLStreamHandlerCache cache, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory, URL url, URL absoluteUrl) | |
JarURLLoader.JarURLLoader(URLClassLoader classloader, URLStreamHandlerCache cache, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory, URL baseURL, URL absoluteUrl) | |
Load_gcjlib.Load_gcjlib(URLClassLoader classloader, URLStreamHandlerCache cache, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory, URL url, URL absoluteUrl) | |
RemoteResource.RemoteResource(RemoteURLLoader loader, String name, URL url, InputStream stream, int length) | |
RemoteURLLoader.RemoteURLLoader(URLClassLoader classloader, URLStreamHandlerCache cache, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory, URL url) | |
URLLoader.URLLoader(URLClassLoader classloader, URLStreamHandlerCache cache, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory, URL baseURL) | |
URLLoader.URLLoader(URLClassLoader classloader, URLStreamHandlerCache cache, URLStreamHandlerFactory factory, URL baseURL, URL overrideURL) |
Methods with return type | |
URL | Return the base URL of this loader.
URL | |
URL | Return a URL that can be used to access this resource.
URL | |
URL | Return a URL that can be used to access this resource.
Methods with parameter type | |
MidiFileFormat | Read a MidiFileFormat from the given stream.
Sequence | Read a Sequence from the given stream.
Soundbank | Get a Soundbank from the given URL.
Methods with return type | |
URL | This method returns a URL with the file:
protocol that represents this file. |
Constructors with parameter type | |
Creates a new HTTPS URL connection.
Methods with parameter type | |
URLConnection |
Methods with parameter type | |
AudioFileFormat | Return the format of the given URL as deduced by this provider.
AudioInputStream | Return an AudioInputStream for the given URL. |
Methods with parameter type | |
Image | |
Image |
Constructors with parameter type | |
Creates the image from a URL. |
Methods with parameter type | |
Image | |
Image |
Constructors with parameter type | |
This creates a new instance of CodeSource that loads code
from the specified URL location and which uses the specified certificates
for verifying signatures.
Methods with return type | |
URL | This method returns the URL specifying the location from which code
will be loaded under this CodeSource .
Methods with parameter type | |
Schema | Returns a schema based on the specified URL.
Methods with parameter type | |
MidiFileFormat | |
Sequence |
Constructors with parameter type | |
Creates an ImageIcon from the given URL and sets the description
to the URL String representation.
| |
Creates an ImageIcon from the given URL and sets the given
| |
Methods with parameter type | |
InputStream | |
void | Sets the current URL being displayed.
Methods with return type | |
Methods with parameter type | |
AudioClip | Returns an audio clip from the specified URL. |
AudioClip | Returns an audio clip from the specified URL.
AudioClip | Returns an audio clip from the specified absolute URL, and relative path
from that URL. |
Image | Returns an image from the specified URL. |
Image | Returns an image from the specified URL. |
Image | Returns an image from the specified absolute URL, and relative path
from that URL. |
AudioClip | Returns an audio clip from the specified URL. |
void | Loads and plays the audio clip pointed to by the specified URL. |
void | Loads and plays the audio clip pointed to by the specified absolute URL,
and relative path from that URL. |
void | Displays the web page pointed to by the specified URL in the window
for this object. |
void | Displays the web page pointed to be the sepcified URL in the window
with the specified name. |
Methods with return type | |
URL | Returns the URL of the code base for this applet.
URL | Returns the URL of the code base for this applet.
URL | Returns the basename URL of the document this applet is embedded in. |
URL | Returns the basename URL of the document this applet is embedded in. |
Constructors with parameter type | |
Methods with parameter type | |
URLConnection | Returns an HTTPURLConnection for the given URL.
Methods with parameter type | |
NamedInputStream | Returns an input stream for the specified URL.
Constructors with parameter type | |
Methods with parameter type | |
AudioFileFormat | Return the file format of a given URL.
AudioInputStream | Return an audio input stream for the given URL.