Package java.sql

Interface Summary

Array This interface provides methods for accessing SQL array types.
Blob This interface specified methods for accessing a SQL BLOB (Binary Large OBject) type.
CallableStatement This interface provides a mechanism for calling stored procedures.
Clob This interface contains methods for accessing a SQL CLOB (Character Large OBject) type.
Connection This interface provides methods for managing a connection to a database.
Driver This interface specifies a mechanism for accessing a JDBC database driver.
PreparedStatement This interface provides a mechanism for executing pre-compiled statements.
Ref This interface provides a mechanism for obtaining information about a SQL structured type
ResultSet This interface provides access to the data set returned by a SQL statement.
ResultSetMetaData This interface provides a mechanism for obtaining information about the columns that are present in a ResultSet.
SQLData This interface is used for mapping SQL data to user defined datatypes.
SQLInput This interface provides methods for reading values from a stream that is connected to a SQL structured or distinct type.
SQLOutput This interface provides methods for writing Java types to a SQL stream.
Statement This interface provides a mechanism for executing SQL statements.
Struct This interface implements the standard type mapping for a SQL structured type.

Class Summary

Date This class is a wrapper around java.util.Date to allow the JDBC driver to identify the value as a SQL Date.
DriverManager This class manages the JDBC drivers in the system.
DriverPropertyInfo This class holds a driver property that can be used for querying or setting driver configuration parameters.
Time This class is a wrapper around java.util.Date to allow the JDBC driver to identify the value as a SQL Time.
Timestamp This class is a wrapper around java.util.Date to allow the JDBC driver to identify the value as a SQL Timestamp.
Types This class contains constants that are used to identify SQL data types.

Exception Summary

BatchUpdateException This class extends SQLException to count the successful updates in each statement in a batch that was successfully updated prior to the error.
DataTruncation This exception is thrown when a piece of data is unexpectedly truncated in JDBC.
SQLException This exception is thrown when a database error occurs.
SQLWarning This exception is thrown when a database warning occurs.