Uses of Class java.util.logging.Formatter

Uses in package gnu.classpath.debug

Classes derived from java.util.logging.Formatter

A simple 1-line formatter to use instead of the 2-line SimpleFormatter used by default in the JDK logging handlers.

Uses in package java.util.logging

Classes derived from java.util.logging.Formatter

A SimpleFormatter formats log records into short human-readable messages, typically one or two lines.
An XMLFormatter formats LogRecords into a standard XML format.

Constructors with parameter type java.util.logging.Formatter

Creates a StreamHandler that formats log messages with the specified Formatter and publishes them to the specified output stream.

Methods with parameter type java.util.logging.Formatter

Sets the Formatter which will be used to localize the text of log messages and to substitute message parameters.

Methods with return type java.util.logging.Formatter

Returns the Formatter which will be used to localize the text of log messages and to substitute message parameters.