
Class AbstractPreferences

Known Direct Subclasses:
FileBasedPreferences, GConfBasedPreferences, MemoryBasedPreferences

public abstract class AbstractPreferences
extends Preferences

Partial implementation of a Preference node.

Field Summary

protected Object
Object used to lock this preference node.
protected boolean
Set to true in the contructor if the node did not exist in the backing store when this preference node object was created.

Fields inherited from class java.util.prefs.Preferences


Constructor Summary

AbstractPreferences(AbstractPreferences parent, String name)
Creates a new AbstractPreferences node with the given parent and name.

Method Summary

Returns the absolute path name of this preference node.
addNodeChangeListener(NodeChangeListener listener)
Add a listener which is notified when a sub-node of this node is added or removed.
addPreferenceChangeListener(PreferenceChangeListener listener)
Add a listener which is notified when a value in this node is added, changed, or removed.
protected AbstractPreferences[]
Returns all known unremoved children of this node.
protected abstract AbstractPreferences
childSpi(String name)
Returns a child note with the given name.
Returns all the direct sub nodes of this preferences node.
protected abstract String[]
Returns the names of the sub nodes of this preference node.
Removes all entries from this preferences node.
exportNode(OutputStream os)
Export this node, but not its descendants, as XML to the indicated output stream.
exportSubtree(OutputStream os)
Export this node and all its descendants as XML to the indicated output stream.
Writes all preference changes on this and any subnode that have not yet been written to the backing store.
protected abstract void
Writes all entries of this preferences node that have not yet been written to the backing store and possibly creates this node in the backing store, if it does not yet exist.
get(String key, String defaultVal)
Returns the value associated with the key in this preferences node.
getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultVal)
Convenience method for getting the given entry as a boolean.
getByteArray(String key, byte[] defaultVal)
Convenience method for getting the given entry as a byte array.
protected AbstractPreferences
getChild(String name)
Returns the child sub node if it exists in the backing store or null if it does not exist.
getDouble(String key, double defaultVal)
Convenience method for getting the given entry as a double.
getFloat(String key, float defaultVal)
Convenience method for getting the given entry as a float.
getInt(String key, int defaultVal)
Convenience method for getting the given entry as an integer.
getLong(String key, long defaultVal)
Convenience method for getting the given entry as a long.
protected abstract String
getSpi(String key)
Returns the value associated with the key in this preferences node or null when the key does not exist in this preferences node.
protected boolean
Returns true if this node has been removed with the removeNode() method, false otherwise.
Returns true if this node comes from the user preferences tree, false if it comes from the system preferences tree.
Returns an (possibly empty) array with all the keys of the preference entries of this node.
protected abstract String[]
Returns an (possibly empty) array with all the keys of the preference entries of this node.
Returns the name of this preferences node.
node(String path)
Returns a sub node of this preferences node if the given path is relative (does not start with a '/') or a sub node of the root if the path is absolute (does start with a '/').
nodeExists(String path)
Returns true if the node that the path points to exists in memory or in the backing store.
Returns the parent preferences node of this node or null if this is the root of the preferences tree.
put(String key, String value)
Sets the value of the given preferences entry for this node.
putBoolean(String key, boolean value)
Convenience method for setting the given entry as a boolean.
putByteArray(String key, byte[] value)
Convenience method for setting the given entry as an array of bytes.
putDouble(String key, double value)
Convenience method for setting the given entry as a double.
putFloat(String key, float value)
Convenience method for setting the given entry as a float.
putInt(String key, int value)
Convenience method for setting the given entry as an integer.
putLong(String key, long value)
Convenience method for setting the given entry as a long.
protected abstract void
putSpi(String key, String value)
Sets the value of the given preferences entry for this node.
remove(String key)
Removes the preferences entry from this preferences node.
Removes this and all subnodes from the backing store and clears all entries.
removeNodeChangeListener(NodeChangeListener listener)
Remove the indicated node change listener from the list of listeners to notify.
protected abstract void
Clears this node from this VM and removes it from the backing store.
removePreferenceChangeListener(PreferenceChangeListener listener)
Remove the indicated preference change listener from the list of listeners to notify.
protected abstract void
removeSpi(String key)
Removes the given key entry from this preferences node.
Writes and reads all preference changes to and from this and any subnodes.
protected abstract void
Writes all entries of this preferences node that have not yet been written to the backing store and reads any entries that have changed in the backing store but that are not yet visible in this VM.
Returns the String given by (isUserNode() ?

Methods inherited from class java.util.prefs.Preferences

absolutePath, addNodeChangeListener, addPreferenceChangeListener, childrenNames, clear, exportNode, exportSubtree, flush, get, getBoolean, getByteArray, getDouble, getFloat, getInt, getLong, importPreferences, isUserNode, keys, name, node, nodeExists, parent, put, putBoolean, putByteArray, putDouble, putFloat, putInt, putLong, remove, removeNode, removeNodeChangeListener, removePreferenceChangeListener, sync, systemNodeForPackage, systemRoot, toString, userNodeForPackage, userRoot

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, extends Object> getClass, finalize, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Details


protected final Object lock
Object used to lock this preference node. Any thread only locks nodes downwards when it has the lock on the current node. No method should synchronize on the lock of any of its parent nodes while holding the lock on the current node.


protected boolean newNode
Set to true in the contructor if the node did not exist in the backing store when this preference node object was created. Should be set in the constructor of a subclass. Defaults to false. Used to fire node changed events.

Constructor Details


protected AbstractPreferences(AbstractPreferences parent,
                              String name)
Creates a new AbstractPreferences node with the given parent and name.
parent - the parent of this node or null when this is the root node
name - the name of this node, can not be null, only 80 characters maximum, must be empty when parent is null and cannot contain any '/' characters
IllegalArgumentException - when name is null, greater then 80 characters, not the empty string but parent is null or contains a '/' character

Method Details


public String absolutePath()
Returns the absolute path name of this preference node. The absolute path name of a node is the path name of its parent node plus a '/' plus its own name. If the node is the root node and has no parent then its path name is "" and its absolute path name is "/".
absolutePath in interface Preferences


public void addNodeChangeListener(NodeChangeListener listener)
Add a listener which is notified when a sub-node of this node is added or removed.
addNodeChangeListener in interface Preferences
listener - the listener to add


public void addPreferenceChangeListener(PreferenceChangeListener listener)
Add a listener which is notified when a value in this node is added, changed, or removed.
addPreferenceChangeListener in interface Preferences
listener - the listener to add


protected final AbstractPreferences[] cachedChildren()
Returns all known unremoved children of this node.
All known unremoved children of this node


protected abstract AbstractPreferences childSpi(String name)
Returns a child note with the given name. This method is called by the node() method (indirectly through the getNode() helper method) with this node locked if a sub node with this name does not already exist in the child cache. If the child node did not aleady exist in the backing store the boolean field newNode of the returned node should be set.

Note that this method should even return a non-null child node if the backing store is not available since it may not throw a BackingStoreException.


public String[] childrenNames()
            throws BackingStoreException
Returns all the direct sub nodes of this preferences node. Needs access to the backing store to give a meaningfull answer.

This implementation locks this node, checks if the node has not yet been removed and throws an IllegalStateException when it has been. Then it creates a new TreeSet and adds any already cached child nodes names. To get any uncached names it calls childrenNamesSpi() and adds the result to the set. Finally it calls toArray() on the created set. When the call to childrenNamesSpi thows an BackingStoreException this method will not catch that exception but propagate the exception to the caller.

childrenNames in interface Preferences
BackingStoreException - when the backing store cannot be reached
IllegalStateException - when this node has been removed


protected abstract String[] childrenNamesSpi()
            throws BackingStoreException
Returns the names of the sub nodes of this preference node. This method only has to return any not yet cached child names, but may return all names if that is easier. It must not return null when there are no children, it has to return an empty array in that case. Since this method must consult the backing store to get all the sub node names it may throw a BackingStoreException.

Called by childrenNames() with this node locked.


public void clear()
            throws BackingStoreException
Removes all entries from this preferences node. May need access to the backing store to get and clear all entries.

The result will be immediately visible in this VM, but may not be immediatly written to the backing store.

This implementation locks this node, checks that the node has not been removed and calls keys() to get a complete array of keys for this node. For every key found removeSpi() is called.

clear in interface Preferences
BackingStoreException - when the backing store cannot be reached
IllegalStateException - if this node has been removed


public void exportNode(OutputStream os)
            throws BackingStoreException,
Export this node, but not its descendants, as XML to the indicated output stream. The XML will be encoded using UTF-8 and will use a specified document type:
<!DOCTYPE preferences SYSTEM "">
exportNode in interface Preferences
os - the output stream to which the XML is sent
BackingStoreException - if preference data cannot be read
IOException - if an error occurs while writing the XML
IllegalStateException - if this node or an ancestor has been removed


public void exportSubtree(OutputStream os)
            throws BackingStoreException,
Export this node and all its descendants as XML to the indicated output stream. The XML will be encoded using UTF-8 and will use a specified document type:
<!DOCTYPE preferences SYSTEM "">
exportSubtree in interface Preferences
os - the output stream to which the XML is sent
BackingStoreException - if preference data cannot be read
IOException - if an error occurs while writing the XML
IllegalStateException - if this node or an ancestor has been removed


public void flush()
            throws BackingStoreException
Writes all preference changes on this and any subnode that have not yet been written to the backing store. This has no effect on the preference entries in this VM, but it makes sure that all changes are visible to other programs (other VMs might need to call the sync() method to actually see the changes to the backing store.

Locks this node, calls the flushSpi() method, gets all the (cached - already existing in this VM) subnodes and then calls flushSpi() on every subnode with this node unlocked and only that particular subnode locked.

flush in interface Preferences
BackingStoreException - when the backing store cannot be reached


protected abstract void flushSpi()
            throws BackingStoreException
Writes all entries of this preferences node that have not yet been written to the backing store and possibly creates this node in the backing store, if it does not yet exist. Should only write changes to this node and not write changes to any subnodes. Note that the node can be already removed in this VM. To check if that is the case the implementation can call isRemoved().

Called (indirectly) by flush() with this node locked.


public String get(String key,
                  String defaultVal)
Returns the value associated with the key in this preferences node. If the default value of the key cannot be found in the preferences node entries or something goes wrong with the backing store the supplied default value is returned.

Checks that key is not null and not larger then 80 characters, locks this node, and checks that the node has not been removed. Then it calls keySpi() and returns the result of that method or the given default value if it returned null or throwed an exception.

get in interface Preferences
IllegalArgumentException - if key is larger then 80 characters
IllegalStateException - if this node has been removed
NullPointerException - if key is null


public boolean getBoolean(String key,
                          boolean defaultVal)
Convenience method for getting the given entry as a boolean. When the string representation of the requested entry is either "true" or "false" (ignoring case) then that value is returned, otherwise the given default boolean value is returned.
getBoolean in interface Preferences
IllegalArgumentException - if key is larger then 80 characters
IllegalStateException - if this node has been removed
NullPointerException - if key is null


public byte[] getByteArray(String key,
                           byte[] defaultVal)
Convenience method for getting the given entry as a byte array. When the string representation of the requested entry is a valid Base64 encoded string (without any other characters, such as newlines) then the decoded Base64 string is returned as byte array, otherwise the given default byte array value is returned.
getByteArray in interface Preferences
IllegalArgumentException - if key is larger then 80 characters
IllegalStateException - if this node has been removed
NullPointerException - if key is null


protected AbstractPreferences getChild(String name)
            throws BackingStoreException
Returns the child sub node if it exists in the backing store or null if it does not exist. Called (indirectly) by nodeExists() when a child node name can not be found in the cache.

Gets the lock on this node, calls childrenNamesSpi() to get an array of all (possibly uncached) children and compares the given name with the names in the array. If the name is found in the array childSpi() is called to get an instance, otherwise null is returned.

BackingStoreException - when the backing store cannot be reached


public double getDouble(String key,
                        double defaultVal)
Convenience method for getting the given entry as a double. When the string representation of the requested entry can be decoded with Double.parseDouble() then that double is returned, otherwise the given default double value is returned.
getDouble in interface Preferences
IllegalArgumentException - if key is larger then 80 characters
IllegalStateException - if this node has been removed
NullPointerException - if key is null


public float getFloat(String key,
                      float defaultVal)
Convenience method for getting the given entry as a float. When the string representation of the requested entry can be decoded with Float.parseFloat() then that float is returned, otherwise the given default float value is returned.
getFloat in interface Preferences
IllegalArgumentException - if key is larger then 80 characters
IllegalStateException - if this node has been removed
NullPointerException - if key is null


public int getInt(String key,
                  int defaultVal)
Convenience method for getting the given entry as an integer. When the string representation of the requested entry can be decoded with Integer.parseInt() then that integer is returned, otherwise the given default integer value is returned.
getInt in interface Preferences
IllegalArgumentException - if key is larger then 80 characters
IllegalStateException - if this node has been removed
NullPointerException - if key is null


public long getLong(String key,
                    long defaultVal)
Convenience method for getting the given entry as a long. When the string representation of the requested entry can be decoded with Long.parseLong() then that long is returned, otherwise the given default long value is returned.
getLong in interface Preferences
IllegalArgumentException - if key is larger then 80 characters
IllegalStateException - if this node has been removed
NullPointerException - if key is null


protected abstract String getSpi(String key)
Returns the value associated with the key in this preferences node or null when the key does not exist in this preferences node.

Called by key() with this node locked after checking that key is valid, not null and that the node has not been removed. key() will catch any exceptions that this method throws.


protected boolean isRemoved()
Returns true if this node has been removed with the removeNode() method, false otherwise.

Gets the lock on this node and then returns a boolean field set by removeNode methods.


public boolean isUserNode()
Returns true if this node comes from the user preferences tree, false if it comes from the system preferences tree.
isUserNode in interface Preferences


public String[] keys()
            throws BackingStoreException
Returns an (possibly empty) array with all the keys of the preference entries of this node.

This method locks this node and checks if the node has not been removed, if it has been removed it throws an exception, then it returns the result of calling keysSpi().

keys in interface Preferences
BackingStoreException - when the backing store cannot be reached
IllegalStateException - if this node has been removed


protected abstract String[] keysSpi()
            throws BackingStoreException
Returns an (possibly empty) array with all the keys of the preference entries of this node.

Called by keys() with this node locked if this node has not been removed. May throw an exception when the backing store cannot be accessed.

BackingStoreException - when the backing store cannot be reached


public String name()
Returns the name of this preferences node. The name of the node cannot be null, can be mostly 80 characters and cannot contain any '/' characters. The root node has as name "".
name in interface Preferences


public Preferences node(String path)
Returns a sub node of this preferences node if the given path is relative (does not start with a '/') or a sub node of the root if the path is absolute (does start with a '/').

This method first locks this node and checks if the node has not been removed, if it has been removed it throws an exception. Then if the path is relative (does not start with a '/') it checks if the path is legal (does not end with a '/' and has no consecutive '/' characters). Then it recursively gets a name from the path, gets the child node from the child-cache of this node or calls the childSpi() method to create a new child sub node. This is done recursively on the newly created sub node with the rest of the path till the path is empty. If the path is absolute (starts with a '/') the lock on this node is droped and this method is called on the root of the preferences tree with as argument the complete path minus the first '/'.

node in interface Preferences
IllegalStateException - if this node has been removed
IllegalArgumentException - if the path contains two or more consecutive '/' characters, ends with a '/' charactor and is not the string "/" (indicating the root node) or any name on the path is more than 80 characters long


public boolean nodeExists(String path)
            throws BackingStoreException
Returns true if the node that the path points to exists in memory or in the backing store. Otherwise it returns false or an exception is thrown. When this node is removed the only valid parameter is the empty string (indicating this node), the return value in that case will be false.
nodeExists in interface Preferences
BackingStoreException - when the backing store cannot be reached
IllegalStateException - if this node has been removed and the path is not the empty string (indicating this node)
IllegalArgumentException - if the path contains two or more consecutive '/' characters, ends with a '/' charactor and is not the string "/" (indicating the root node) or any name on the path is more then 80 characters long


public Preferences parent()
Returns the parent preferences node of this node or null if this is the root of the preferences tree.

Gets the lock on this node, checks that the node has not been removed and returns the parent given to the constructor.

parent in interface Preferences
IllegalStateException - if this node has been removed


public void put(String key,
                String value)
Sets the value of the given preferences entry for this node. Key and value cannot be null, the key cannot exceed 80 characters and the value cannot exceed 8192 characters.

The result will be immediately visible in this VM, but may not be immediately written to the backing store.

Checks that key and value are valid, locks this node, and checks that the node has not been removed. Then it calls putSpi().

put in interface Preferences
NullPointerException - if either key or value are null
IllegalArgumentException - if either key or value are to large
IllegalStateException - when this node has been removed


public void putBoolean(String key,
                       boolean value)
Convenience method for setting the given entry as a boolean. The boolean is converted with Boolean.toString(value) and then stored in the preference entry as that string.
putBoolean in interface Preferences
NullPointerException - if key is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the key length is to large
IllegalStateException - when this node has been removed


public void putByteArray(String key,
                         byte[] value)
Convenience method for setting the given entry as an array of bytes. The byte array is converted to a Base64 encoded string and then stored in the preference entry as that string.

Note that a byte array encoded as a Base64 string will be about 1.3 times larger then the original length of the byte array, which means that the byte array may not be larger about 6 KB.

putByteArray in interface Preferences
NullPointerException - if either key or value are null
IllegalArgumentException - if either key or value are to large
IllegalStateException - when this node has been removed


public void putDouble(String key,
                      double value)
Convenience method for setting the given entry as a double. The double is converted with Double.toString(double) and then stored in the preference entry as that string.
putDouble in interface Preferences
NullPointerException - if the key is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the key length is to large
IllegalStateException - when this node has been removed


public void putFloat(String key,
                     float value)
Convenience method for setting the given entry as a float. The float is converted with Float.toString(float) and then stored in the preference entry as that string.
putFloat in interface Preferences
NullPointerException - if the key is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the key length is to large
IllegalStateException - when this node has been removed


public void putInt(String key,
                   int value)
Convenience method for setting the given entry as an integer. The integer is converted with Integer.toString(int) and then stored in the preference entry as that string.
putInt in interface Preferences
NullPointerException - if the key is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the key length is to large
IllegalStateException - when this node has been removed


public void putLong(String key,
                    long value)
Convenience method for setting the given entry as a long. The long is converted with Long.toString(long) and then stored in the preference entry as that string.
putLong in interface Preferences
NullPointerException - if the key is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the key length is to large
IllegalStateException - when this node has been removed


protected abstract void putSpi(String key,
                               String value)
Sets the value of the given preferences entry for this node. The implementation is not required to propagate the change to the backing store immediately. It may not throw an exception when it tries to write to the backing store and that operation fails, the failure should be registered so a later invocation of flush() or sync() can signal the failure.

Called by put() with this node locked after checking that key and value are valid and non-null.


public void remove(String key)
Removes the preferences entry from this preferences node.

The result will be immediately visible in this VM, but may not be immediately written to the backing store.

This implementation checks that the key is not larger then 80 characters, gets the lock of this node, checks that the node has not been removed and calls removeSpi with the given key.

remove in interface Preferences
NullPointerException - if the key is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the key length is to large
IllegalStateException - when this node has been removed


public void removeNode()
            throws BackingStoreException
Removes this and all subnodes from the backing store and clears all entries. After removal this instance will not be useable (except for a few methods that don't throw a InvalidStateException), even when a new node with the same path name is created this instance will not be usable again.

Checks that this is not a root node. If not it locks the parent node, then locks this node and checks that the node has not yet been removed. Then it makes sure that all subnodes of this node are in the child cache, by calling childSpi() on any children not yet in the cache. Then for all children it locks the subnode and removes it. After all subnodes have been purged the child cache is cleared, this nodes removed flag is set and any listeners are called. Finally this node is removed from the child cache of the parent node.

removeNode in interface Preferences
BackingStoreException - when the backing store cannot be reached
IllegalStateException - if this node has already been removed
UnsupportedOperationException - if this is a root node


public void removeNodeChangeListener(NodeChangeListener listener)
Remove the indicated node change listener from the list of listeners to notify.
removeNodeChangeListener in interface Preferences
listener - the listener to remove


protected abstract void removeNodeSpi()
            throws BackingStoreException
Clears this node from this VM and removes it from the backing store. After this method has been called the node is marked as removed.

Called (indirectly) by removeNode() with this node locked after all the sub nodes of this node have already been removed.


public void removePreferenceChangeListener(PreferenceChangeListener listener)
Remove the indicated preference change listener from the list of listeners to notify.
removePreferenceChangeListener in interface Preferences
listener - the listener to remove


protected abstract void removeSpi(String key)
Removes the given key entry from this preferences node. The implementation is not required to propagate the change to the backing store immediately. It may not throw an exception when it tries to write to the backing store and that operation fails, the failure should be registered so a later invocation of flush() or sync() can signal the failure.

Called by remove() with this node locked after checking that the key is valid and non-null.


public void sync()
            throws BackingStoreException
Writes and reads all preference changes to and from this and any subnodes. This makes sure that all local changes are written to the backing store and that all changes to the backing store are visible in this preference node (and all subnodes).

Checks that this node is not removed, locks this node, calls the syncSpi() method, gets all the subnodes and then calls syncSpi() on every subnode with this node unlocked and only that particular subnode locked.

sync in interface Preferences
BackingStoreException - when the backing store cannot be reached
IllegalStateException - if this node has been removed


protected abstract void syncSpi()
            throws BackingStoreException
Writes all entries of this preferences node that have not yet been written to the backing store and reads any entries that have changed in the backing store but that are not yet visible in this VM. Should only sync this node and not change any of the subnodes. Note that the node can be already removed in this VM. To check if that is the case the implementation can call isRemoved().

Called (indirectly) by sync() with this node locked.


public String toString()
Returns the String given by (isUserNode() ? "User":"System") + " Preference Node: " + absolutePath()
toString in interface Preferences

AbstractPreferences -- Partial implementation of a Preference node Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Classpath. GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.