Package javax.accessibility

Interface Summary

Accessible Implementing the Accessibility API must start with implementation of this interface at a bare minimum.
AccessibleAction If an object implements this interface then it must be able to perform one or more actions.
AccessibleComponent Objects which are to be rendered to a screen as part of a graphical user interface should implement this interface.
AccessibleEditableText Objects which present editable textual information on the display should implement this interface.
AccessibleExtendedComponent Objects which present graphical components with extensions such as key bindings or tool-tips should implement this interface.
AccessibleExtendedTable Objects which present 2-D tables with the extension of a flat address space should implement this interface.
AccessibleExtendedText This interface provides extended text functionality, similar to AccessibleText.
AccessibleHypertext Objects which present hyperlinks in a document should implement this interface.
AccessibleIcon Objects which have an associated icon, such as buttons, should implement this interface.
AccessibleKeyBinding Objects which have keyboard bindings for mneumonics or shortcuts should implement this interface.
AccessibleSelection If an object implements this interface then it must be able to control the selection of its children.
AccessibleStreamable This interface represents a streamable accessible object.
AccessibleTable Objects which present information in a 2-dimensional table should implement this interface.
AccessibleTableModelChange Describes a change to an accessible table.
AccessibleText Objects which present textual information on the display should implement this interface.
AccessibleValue If an object implements this interface then it must be able to control a numerical value.

Class Summary

AccessibleAttributeSequence This is a convenience class that wraps together a sequence of text with the attributes applied to it.
AccessibleBundle This serves as a base class for accessibility "enumerations".
AccessibleContext The minimum information that all accessible objects return.
AccessibleHyperlink This object encapsulates actions associated with navigating hypertext.
AccessibleRelation The relation between one accessible object and one or more other objects.
AccessibleRelationSet Describes all relations of an accessible object.
AccessibleResourceBundle This class is deprecated.
AccessibleRole The role of an accessible object.
AccessibleState A state portion of an accessible object.
AccessibleStateSet Describes all elements of an accessible object's state.
AccessibleTextSequence This is a convenience class that encapsulates a string of text and a range specifying where, within a larger body of text, the string may be found.