
Class ImageReader

Known Direct Subclasses:
BMPImageReader, GIFImageReader, JPEGImageReader, PNGImageReader

public abstract class ImageReader
extends Object

A class for decoding images within the ImageIO framework. An ImageReader for a given format is instantiated by an ImageReaderSpi for that format. ImageReaderSpis are registered with the IIORegistry. The ImageReader API supports reading animated images that may have multiple frames; to support such images many methods take an index parameter. Images may also be read in multiple passes, where each successive pass increases the level of detail in the destination image.

Field Summary

protected Locale[]
All locales available for localization of warning messages, or null if localization is not supported.
protected boolean
true if the input source does not require metadata to be read, false otherwise.
protected Object
An ImageInputStream from which image data is read.
protected Locale
The current locale used to localize warning messages, or null if no locale has been set.
protected int
The minimum index at which data can be read.
protected ImageReaderSpi
The image reader SPI that instantiated this reader.
protected List
A list of installed progress listeners.
protected boolean
true if this reader should only read data further ahead in the stream than its current location. false if it can read backwards in the stream.
protected List
A list of installed update listeners.
protected List
A list of installed warning listeners.
protected List
A list of warning locales corresponding with the list of installed warning listeners.

Constructor Summary

ImageReader(ImageReaderSpi originatingProvider)
Construct an image reader.

Method Summary

Request that reading be aborted.
protected boolean
Check if the abort flag is set.
addIIOReadProgressListener(IIOReadProgressListener listener)
Install a read progress listener.
addIIOReadUpdateListener(IIOReadUpdateListener listener)
Install a read update listener.
addIIOReadWarningListener(IIOReadWarningListener listener)
Install a read warning listener.
Check if this reader can handle raster data.
protected static void
checkReadParamBandSettings(ImageReadParam param, int numSrcBands, int numDstBands)
Check that the given read parameters have valid source and destination band settings.
protected void
Clear the abort flag.
protected static void
computeRegions(ImageReadParam param, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, BufferedImage image, Rectangle srcRegion, Rectangle destRegion)
Calcluate the source and destination regions that will be read from and written to, given image parameters and/or a destination buffered image.
Releases any resources allocated to this object.
getAspectRatio(int imageIndex)
Returns the aspect ratio of this image, the ration of its width to its height.
Retrieve the available locales.
Retrieve the default read parameters for this reader's image format.
protected static BufferedImage
getDestination(ImageReadParam param, Iterator imageTypes, int width, int height)
Return a suitable destination buffered image.
Retrieve the format of the input source.
abstract int
getHeight(int imageIndex)
Get the height of the input image in pixels.
abstract IIOMetadata
getImageMetadata(int imageIndex)
Get the metadata associated with this image.
getImageMetadata(int imageIndex, String formatName, Set nodeNames)
Get the metadata associated with this image.
abstract Iterator
getImageTypes(int imageIndex)
Get an iterator over the collection of image types into which this reader can decode image data.
Get this reader's image input source. null is returned if the image source has not been set.
Get this reader's locale. null is returned if the locale has not been set.
Get the index at which the next image will be read.
abstract int
getNumImages(boolean allowSearch)
Return the number of images available from the image input source, not including thumbnails.
getNumThumbnails(int imageIndex)
Get the number of thumbnails associated with an image.
Get the ImageReaderSpi that created this reader or null.
getRawImageType(int imageIndex)
Get the image type specifier that most closely represents the internal data representation used by this reader.
protected static Rectangle
getSourceRegion(ImageReadParam param, int srcWidth, int srcHeight)
Calculate a source region based on the given source image dimensions and parameters.
abstract IIOMetadata
Get the metadata associated with the image being read.
getStreamMetadata(String formatName, Set nodeNames)
Get the metadata associated with the image being read.
getThumbnailHeight(int imageIndex, int thumbnailIndex)
Get the height of a thumbnail image.
getThumbnailWidth(int imageIndex, int thumbnailIndex)
Get the width of a thumbnail image.
getTileGridXOffset(int imageIndex)
Get the X coordinate in pixels of the top-left corner of the first tile in this image.
getTileGridYOffset(int imageIndex)
Get the Y coordinate in pixels of the top-left corner of the first tile in this image.
getTileHeight(int imageIndex)
Get the height of an image tile.
getTileWidth(int imageIndex)
Get the width of an image tile.
abstract int
getWidth(int imageIndex)
Get the width of the input image in pixels.
hasThumbnails(int imageIndex)
Check whether or not the given image has thumbnails associated with it.
Check if this image reader ignores metadata.
isImageTiled(int imageIndex)
Check if the given image is sub-divided into equal-sized non-overlapping pixel rectangles.
isRandomAccessEasy(int imageIndex)
Check if all pixels in this image are readily accessible.
Check if this image reader may only seek forward within the input stream.
protected void
Notifies all installed read progress listeners that image loading has completed by calling their imageComplete methods.
protected void
processImageProgress(float percentageDone)
Notifies all installed read progress listeners that a certain percentage of the image has been loaded, by calling their imageProgress methods.
protected void
processImageStarted(int imageIndex)
Notifies all installed read progress listeners, by calling their imageStarted methods, that image loading has started on the given image.
protected void
processImageUpdate(BufferedImage image, int minX, int minY, int width, int height, int periodX, int periodY, int[] bands)
Notifies all installed read update listeners, by calling their imageUpdate methods, that the set of samples has changed.
protected void
processPassComplete(BufferedImage image)
Notifies all installed update progress listeners, by calling their passComplete methods, that a progressive pass has completed.
protected void
processPassStarted(BufferedImage image, int pass, int minPass, int maxPass, int minX, int minY, int periodX, int periodY, int[] bands)
Notifies all installed read update listeners, by calling their passStarted methods, that a new pass has begun.
protected void
Notifies all installed read progress listeners that image loading has been aborted by calling their readAborted methods.
protected void
Notifies all installed read progress listeners, by calling their sequenceComplete methods, that a sequence of images has completed loading.
protected void
processSequenceStarted(int minIndex)
Notifies all installed read progress listeners, by calling their sequenceStarted methods, a sequence of images has started loading.
protected void
Notifies all installed read progress listeners, by calling their thumbnailComplete methods, that a thumbnail has completed loading.
protected void
processThumbnailPassComplete(BufferedImage thumbnail)
Notifies all installed update progress listeners, by calling their thumbnailPassComplete methods, that a progressive pass has completed on a thumbnail.
protected void
processThumbnailPassStarted(BufferedImage thumbnail, int pass, int minPass, int maxPass, int minX, int minY, int periodX, int periodY, int[] bands)
Notifies all installed read update listeners, by calling their thumbnailPassStarted methods, that a new pass has begun.
protected void
processThumbnailProgress(float percentageDone)
Notifies all installed read progress listeners that a certain percentage of a thumbnail has been loaded, by calling their thumbnailProgress methods.
protected void
processThumbnailStarted(int imageIndex, int thumbnailIndex)
Notifies all installed read progress listeners, by calling their imageStarted methods, that thumbnail loading has started on the given thumbnail of the given image.
protected void
processThumbnailUpdate(BufferedImage image, int minX, int minY, int width, int height, int periodX, int periodY, int[] bands)
Notifies all installed read update listeners, by calling their thumbnailUpdate methods, that the set of samples has changed.
protected void
processWarningOccurred(String warning)
Notifies all installed warning listeners, by calling their warningOccurred methods, that a warning message has been raised.
protected void
processWarningOccurred(String baseName, String keyword)
Notify all installed warning listeners, by calling their warningOccurred methods, that a warning message has been raised.
read(int imageIndex)
Read the given frame all at once, using default image read parameters, and return a buffered image.
abstract BufferedImage
read(int imageIndex, ImageReadParam param)
Read the given frame into a buffered image using the given read parameters.
readAll(ImageReadParam> params)
Read all image frames all at once, using the given image read parameters iterator, and return an iterator over a collection of IIOImages.
readAll(int imageIndex, ImageReadParam param)
Read the given frame all at once, using the given image read parameters, and return an IIOImage.
readAsRenderedImage(int imageIndex, ImageReadParam param)
Read a rendered image.
readRaster(int imageIndex, ImageReadParam param)
Read raw raster data.
readThumbnail(int imageIndex, int thumbnailIndex)
Read a thumbnail.
readTile(int imageIndex, int tileX, int tileY)
Read the given tile into a buffered image.
readTileRaster(int imageIndex, int tileX, int tileY)
Read the given tile into a raster containing the raw image data.
Check if this reader supports reading thumbnails.
Uninstall all read progress listeners.
Uninstall all read update listeners.
Uninstall all read warning listeners.
removeIIOReadProgressListener(IIOReadProgressListener listener)
Uninstall the given read progress listener.
removeIIOReadUpdateListener(IIOReadUpdateListener listener)
Uninstall the given read update listener.
removeIIOReadWarningListener(IIOReadWarningListener listener)
Uninstall the given read warning listener.
Reset this reader's internal state.
setInput(Object input)
Set the input source to the given object.
setInput(Object in, boolean seekForwardOnly)
Set the input source to the given object and specify whether this reader should be allowed to read input from the data stream more than once.
setInput(Object input, boolean seekForwardOnly, boolean ignoreMetadata)
Set the input source to the given object, specify whether this reader should be allowed to read input from the data stream more than once, and specify whether this reader should ignore metadata in the input stream.
setLocale(Locale locale)
Set the current locale or use the default locale.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, extends Object> getClass, finalize, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Details


protected Locale[] availableLocales
All locales available for localization of warning messages, or null if localization is not supported.


protected boolean ignoreMetadata
true if the input source does not require metadata to be read, false otherwise.


protected Object input
An ImageInputStream from which image data is read.


protected Locale locale
The current locale used to localize warning messages, or null if no locale has been set.


protected int minIndex
The minimum index at which data can be read. Constantly 0 if seekForwardOnly is false, always increasing if seekForwardOnly is true.


protected ImageReaderSpi originatingProvider
The image reader SPI that instantiated this reader.


protected List progressListeners
A list of installed progress listeners. Initially null, meaning no installed listeners.


protected boolean seekForwardOnly
true if this reader should only read data further ahead in the stream than its current location. false if it can read backwards in the stream. If this is true then caching can be avoided.


protected List updateListeners
A list of installed update listeners. Initially null, meaning no installed listeners.


protected List warningListeners
A list of installed warning listeners. Initially null, meaning no installed listeners.


protected List warningLocales
A list of warning locales corresponding with the list of installed warning listeners. Initially null, meaning no locales.

Constructor Details


protected ImageReader(ImageReaderSpi originatingProvider)
Construct an image reader.
originatingProvider - the provider that is constructing this image reader, or null

Method Details


public void abort()
Request that reading be aborted. The unread contents of the image will be undefined. Readers should clear the abort flag before starting a read operation, then poll it periodically during the read operation.


protected boolean abortRequested()
Check if the abort flag is set.
true if the current read operation should be aborted, false otherwise


public void addIIOReadProgressListener(IIOReadProgressListener listener)
Install a read progress listener. This method will return immediately if listener is null.
listener - a read progress listener or null


public void addIIOReadUpdateListener(IIOReadUpdateListener listener)
Install a read update listener. This method will return immediately if listener is null.
listener - a read update listener


public void addIIOReadWarningListener(IIOReadWarningListener listener)
Install a read warning listener. This method will return immediately if listener is null. Warning messages sent to this listener will be localized using the current locale. If the current locale is null then this reader will select a sensible default.
listener - a read warning listener


public boolean canReadRaster()
Check if this reader can handle raster data. Determines whether or not readRaster and readTileRaster throw UnsupportedOperationException.
true if this reader supports raster data, false if not


protected static void checkReadParamBandSettings(ImageReadParam param,
                                                 int numSrcBands,
                                                 int numDstBands)
Check that the given read parameters have valid source and destination band settings. If the param.getSourceBands() returns null, the array is assumed to include all band indices, 0 to numSrcBands - 1; likewise if param.getDestinationBands() returns null, it is assumed to be an array containing indices 0 to numDstBands - 1. A failure will cause this method to throw IllegalArgumentException.
param - the image parameters to check
numSrcBands - the number of input source bands
numDstBands - the number of ouput destination bands
IllegalArgumentException - if either the given source or destination band indices are invalid


protected void clearAbortRequest()
Clear the abort flag.


protected static void computeRegions(ImageReadParam param,
                                     int srcWidth,
                                     int srcHeight,
                                     BufferedImage image,
                                     Rectangle srcRegion,
                                     Rectangle destRegion)
Calcluate the source and destination regions that will be read from and written to, given image parameters and/or a destination buffered image. The source region will be clipped if any of its bounds are outside the destination region. Clipping will account for subsampling and destination offsets. Likewise, the destination region is clipped to the given destination image, if it is not null, using the given image parameters, if they are not null. IllegalArgumentException is thrown if either region will contain 0 pixels after clipping.
param - read parameters, or null
srcWidth - the width of the source image
srcHeight - the height of the source image
image - the destination image, or null
srcRegion - a rectangle whose values will be set to the clipped source region
destRegion - a rectangle whose values will be set to the clipped destination region
IllegalArgumentException - if either srcRegion or destRegion is null
IllegalArgumentException - if either of the calculated regions is empty


public void dispose()
Releases any resources allocated to this object. Subsequent calls to methods on this object will produce undefined results. The default implementation does nothing; subclasses should use this method ensure that native resources are released.


public float getAspectRatio(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Returns the aspect ratio of this image, the ration of its width to its height. The aspect ratio is useful when resizing an image while keeping its proportions constant.
imageIndex - the frame index
the image's aspect ratio
IllegalStateException - if input is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public Locale[] getAvailableLocales()
Retrieve the available locales. Return null if no locales are available or a clone of availableLocales.
an array of locales or null


public ImageReadParam getDefaultReadParam()
Retrieve the default read parameters for this reader's image format. The default implementation returns new ImageReadParam().
image reading parameters


protected static BufferedImage getDestination(ImageReadParam param,
                                              Iterator imageTypes,
                                              int width,
                                              int height)
            throws IIOException
Return a suitable destination buffered image. If param.getDestination() is non-null, then it is returned, otherwise a buffered image is created using param.getDestinationType() if it is non-null and also in the given imageTypes collection, or the first element of imageTypes otherwise.
param - image read parameters from which a destination image or image type is retrieved, or null
imageTypes - a collection of legal image types
width - the width of the source image
height - the height of the source image
a suitable destination buffered image
IIOException - if param.getDestinationType() does not return an image type in imageTypes
IllegalArgumentException - if imageTypes is null or empty, or if a non-ImageTypeSpecifier object is retrieved from imageTypes
IllegalArgumentException - if the resulting destination region is empty
IllegalArgumentException - if the product of width and height is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE


public String getFormatName()
            throws IOException
Retrieve the format of the input source.
the input source format name
IOException - if a read error occurs


public abstract int getHeight(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Get the height of the input image in pixels. If the input image is resizable then a default height is returned.
imageIndex - the frame index
the height of the input image
IllegalStateException - if input has not been set
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public abstract IIOMetadata getImageMetadata(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Get the metadata associated with this image. If the reader is set to ignore metadata or does not support reading metadata, or if no metadata is available then null is returned.
imageIndex - the frame index
a metadata object, or null
IllegalStateException - if input has not been set
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public IIOMetadata getImageMetadata(int imageIndex,
                                    String formatName,
                                    Set nodeNames)
            throws IOException
Get the metadata associated with this image. If the reader is set to ignore metadata or does not support reading metadata, or if no metadata is available then null is returned. This more specific version of getImageMetadata(int) can be used to restrict metadata retrieval to specific formats and node names, which can limit the amount of data that needs to be processed.
imageIndex - the frame index
formatName - the format of metadata requested
nodeNames - a set of Strings specifiying node names to be retrieved
a metadata object, or null
IllegalStateException - if input has not been set
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IllegalArgumentException - if formatName is null
IllegalArgumentException - if nodeNames is null
IOException - if a read error occurs


public abstract Iterator getImageTypes(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Get an iterator over the collection of image types into which this reader can decode image data. This method is guaranteed to return at least one valid image type specifier. The elements of the iterator should be ordered; the first element should be the most appropriate image type for this decoder, followed by the second-most appropriate, and so on.
imageIndex - the frame index
an iterator over a collection of image type specifiers
IllegalStateException - if input has not been set
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public Object getInput()
Get this reader's image input source. null is returned if the image source has not been set.
an image input source object, or null


public Locale getLocale()
Get this reader's locale. null is returned if the locale has not been set.
this reader's locale, or null


public int getMinIndex()
Get the index at which the next image will be read. If seekForwardOnly is true then the returned value will increase monotonically each time an image frame is read. If seekForwardOnly is false then the returned value will always be 0.
the current frame index


public abstract int getNumImages(boolean allowSearch)
            throws IOException
Return the number of images available from the image input source, not including thumbnails. This method will return 1 unless this reader is reading an animated image. Certain multi-image formats do not encode the total number of images. When reading images in those formats it may be necessary to repeatedly call read, incrementing the image index at each call, until an IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown. The allowSearch parameter determines whether all images must be available at all times. When allowSearch is false, getNumImages will return -1 if the total number of images is unknown. Otherwise this method returns the number of images.
allowSearch - true if all images should be available at once, false otherwise
-1 if allowSearch is false and the total number of images is currently unknown, or the number of images
IllegalStateException - if input has not been set, or if seekForwardOnly is true
IOException - if a read error occurs


public int getNumThumbnails(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Get the number of thumbnails associated with an image.
imageIndex - the frame index
the number of thumbnails associated with this image


public ImageReaderSpi getOriginatingProvider()
Get the ImageReaderSpi that created this reader or null.
an ImageReaderSpi, or null


public ImageTypeSpecifier getRawImageType(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Get the image type specifier that most closely represents the internal data representation used by this reader. This value should be included in the return value of getImageTypes.
imageIndex - the frame index
an image type specifier
IllegalStateException - if input has not been set
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


protected static Rectangle getSourceRegion(ImageReadParam param,
                                           int srcWidth,
                                           int srcHeight)
Calculate a source region based on the given source image dimensions and parameters. Subsampling offsets and a source region are taken from the given image read parameters and used to clip the given image dimensions, returning a new rectangular region as a result.
param - image parameters, or null
srcWidth - the width of the source image
srcHeight - the height of the source image
a clipped rectangle


public abstract IIOMetadata getStreamMetadata()
            throws IOException
Get the metadata associated with the image being read. If the reader is set to ignore metadata or does not support reading metadata, or if no metadata is available then null is returned. This method returns metadata associated with the entirety of the image data, whereas getImageMetadata(int) returns metadata associated with a frame within a multi-image data stream.
metadata associated with the image being read, or null
IOException - if a read error occurs


public IIOMetadata getStreamMetadata(String formatName,
                                     Set nodeNames)
            throws IOException
Get the metadata associated with the image being read. If the reader is set to ignore metadata or does not support reading metadata, or if no metadata is available then null is returned. This method returns metadata associated with the entirety of the image data, whereas getStreamMetadata() returns metadata associated with a frame within a multi-image data stream. This more specific version of getStreamMetadata() can be used to restrict metadata retrieval to specific formats and node names, which can limit the amount of data that needs to be processed.
formatName - the format of metadata requested
nodeNames - a set of Strings specifiying node names to be retrieved
metadata associated with the image being read, or null
IllegalArgumentException - if formatName is null
IllegalArgumentException - if nodeNames is null
IOException - if a read error occurs


public int getThumbnailHeight(int imageIndex,
                              int thumbnailIndex)
            throws IOException
Get the height of a thumbnail image.
imageIndex - the frame index
thumbnailIndex - the thumbnail index
the height of the thumbnail image
UnsupportedOperationException - if this reader does not support thumbnails
IllegalStateException - if input is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if either index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public int getThumbnailWidth(int imageIndex,
                             int thumbnailIndex)
            throws IOException
Get the width of a thumbnail image.
imageIndex - the frame index
thumbnailIndex - the thumbnail index
the width of the thumbnail image
UnsupportedOperationException - if this reader does not support thumbnails
IllegalStateException - if input is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if either index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public int getTileGridXOffset(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Get the X coordinate in pixels of the top-left corner of the first tile in this image.
imageIndex - the frame index
the X coordinate of this image's first tile
IllegalStateException - if input is needed but the input source is not set
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public int getTileGridYOffset(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Get the Y coordinate in pixels of the top-left corner of the first tile in this image.
imageIndex - the frame index
the Y coordinate of this image's first tile
IllegalStateException - if input is needed but the input source is not set
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public int getTileHeight(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Get the height of an image tile.
imageIndex - the frame index
the tile height for the given image
IllegalStateException - if input is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public int getTileWidth(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Get the width of an image tile.
imageIndex - the frame index
the tile width for the given image
IllegalStateException - if input is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public abstract int getWidth(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Get the width of the input image in pixels. If the input image is resizable then a default width is returned.
imageIndex - the image's index
the width of the input image
IllegalStateException - if input has not been set
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public boolean hasThumbnails(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Check whether or not the given image has thumbnails associated with it.
true if the given image has thumbnails, false otherwise
IllegalStateException - if input is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public boolean isIgnoringMetadata()
Check if this image reader ignores metadata. This method simply returns the value of ignoreMetadata.
true if metadata is being ignored, false otherwise


public boolean isImageTiled(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Check if the given image is sub-divided into equal-sized non-overlapping pixel rectangles. A reader may expose tiling in the underlying format, hide it, or simulate tiling even if the underlying format is not tiled.
true if the given image is tiled, false otherwise
IllegalStateException - if input is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public boolean isRandomAccessEasy(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Check if all pixels in this image are readily accessible. This method should return false for compressed formats. The return value is a hint as to the efficiency of certain image reader operations.
imageIndex - the frame index
true if random pixel access is fast, false otherwise
IllegalStateException - if input is null and it is needed to determine the return value
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds but the frame data must be accessed to determine the return value
IOException - if a read error occurs


public boolean isSeekForwardOnly()
Check if this image reader may only seek forward within the input stream.
true if this reader may only seek forward, false otherwise


protected void processImageComplete()
Notifies all installed read progress listeners that image loading has completed by calling their imageComplete methods.


protected void processImageProgress(float percentageDone)
Notifies all installed read progress listeners that a certain percentage of the image has been loaded, by calling their imageProgress methods.
percentageDone - the percentage of image data that has been loaded


protected void processImageStarted(int imageIndex)
Notifies all installed read progress listeners, by calling their imageStarted methods, that image loading has started on the given image.
imageIndex - the frame index of the image that has started loading


protected void processImageUpdate(BufferedImage image,
                                  int minX,
                                  int minY,
                                  int width,
                                  int height,
                                  int periodX,
                                  int periodY,
                                  int[] bands)
Notifies all installed read update listeners, by calling their imageUpdate methods, that the set of samples has changed.
image - the buffered image that is being updated
minX - the X coordinate of the top-left pixel in this pass
minY - the Y coordinate of the top-left pixel in this pass
width - the total width of the rectangle covered by this pass, including skipped pixels
height - the total height of the rectangle covered by this pass, including skipped pixels
periodX - the horizontal sample interval
periodY - the vertical sample interval
bands - the affected bands in the destination


protected void processPassComplete(BufferedImage image)
Notifies all installed update progress listeners, by calling their passComplete methods, that a progressive pass has completed.
image - the image that has being updated


protected void processPassStarted(BufferedImage image,
                                  int pass,
                                  int minPass,
                                  int maxPass,
                                  int minX,
                                  int minY,
                                  int periodX,
                                  int periodY,
                                  int[] bands)
Notifies all installed read update listeners, by calling their passStarted methods, that a new pass has begun.
image - the buffered image that is being updated
pass - the current pass number
minPass - the pass at which decoding will begin
maxPass - the pass at which decoding will end
minX - the X coordinate of the top-left pixel in this pass
minY - the Y coordinate of the top-left pixel in this pass
periodX - the horizontal sample interval
periodY - the vertical sample interval
bands - the affected bands in the destination


protected void processReadAborted()
Notifies all installed read progress listeners that image loading has been aborted by calling their readAborted methods.


protected void processSequenceComplete()
Notifies all installed read progress listeners, by calling their sequenceComplete methods, that a sequence of images has completed loading.


protected void processSequenceStarted(int minIndex)
Notifies all installed read progress listeners, by calling their sequenceStarted methods, a sequence of images has started loading.
minIndex - the index of the first image in the sequence


protected void processThumbnailComplete()
Notifies all installed read progress listeners, by calling their thumbnailComplete methods, that a thumbnail has completed loading.


protected void processThumbnailPassComplete(BufferedImage thumbnail)
Notifies all installed update progress listeners, by calling their thumbnailPassComplete methods, that a progressive pass has completed on a thumbnail.
thumbnail - the thumbnail that has being updated


protected void processThumbnailPassStarted(BufferedImage thumbnail,
                                           int pass,
                                           int minPass,
                                           int maxPass,
                                           int minX,
                                           int minY,
                                           int periodX,
                                           int periodY,
                                           int[] bands)
Notifies all installed read update listeners, by calling their thumbnailPassStarted methods, that a new pass has begun.
thumbnail - the thumbnail that is being updated
pass - the current pass number
minPass - the pass at which decoding will begin
maxPass - the pass at which decoding will end
minX - the X coordinate of the top-left pixel in this pass
minY - the Y coordinate of the top-left pixel in this pass
periodX - the horizontal sample interval
periodY - the vertical sample interval
bands - the affected bands in the destination


protected void processThumbnailProgress(float percentageDone)
Notifies all installed read progress listeners that a certain percentage of a thumbnail has been loaded, by calling their thumbnailProgress methods.
percentageDone - the percentage of thumbnail data that has been loaded


protected void processThumbnailStarted(int imageIndex,
                                       int thumbnailIndex)
Notifies all installed read progress listeners, by calling their imageStarted methods, that thumbnail loading has started on the given thumbnail of the given image.
imageIndex - the frame index of the image one of who's thumbnails has started loading
thumbnailIndex - the index of the thumbnail that has started loading


protected void processThumbnailUpdate(BufferedImage image,
                                      int minX,
                                      int minY,
                                      int width,
                                      int height,
                                      int periodX,
                                      int periodY,
                                      int[] bands)
Notifies all installed read update listeners, by calling their thumbnailUpdate methods, that the set of samples has changed.
image - the buffered image that is being updated
minX - the X coordinate of the top-left pixel in this pass
minY - the Y coordinate of the top-left pixel in this pass
width - the total width of the rectangle covered by this pass, including skipped pixels
height - the total height of the rectangle covered by this pass, including skipped pixels
periodX - the horizontal sample interval
periodY - the vertical sample interval
bands - the affected bands in the destination


protected void processWarningOccurred(String warning)
Notifies all installed warning listeners, by calling their warningOccurred methods, that a warning message has been raised.
warning - the warning message
IllegalArgumentException - if warning is null


protected void processWarningOccurred(String baseName,
                                      String keyword)
Notify all installed warning listeners, by calling their warningOccurred methods, that a warning message has been raised. The warning message is retrieved from a resource bundle, using the given basename and keyword.
baseName - the basename of the resource from which to retrieve the warning message
keyword - the keyword used to retrieve the warning from the resource bundle
IllegalArgumentException - if either baseName or keyword is null
IllegalArgumentException - if no resource bundle is found using baseName
IllegalArgumentException - if the given keyword produces no results from the resource bundle
IllegalArgumentException - if the retrieved object is not a String


public BufferedImage read(int imageIndex)
            throws IOException
Read the given frame all at once, using default image read parameters, and return a buffered image. The returned image will be formatted according to the currently-preferred image type specifier. Installed read progress listeners, update progress listeners and warning listeners will be notified of read progress, changes in sample sets and warnings respectively.
imageIndex - the index of the image frame to read
a buffered image
IllegalStateException - if input has not been set
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public abstract BufferedImage read(int imageIndex,
                                   ImageReadParam param)
            throws IOException
Read the given frame into a buffered image using the given read parameters. Listeners will be notified of image loading progress and warnings.
imageIndex - the index of the frame to read
param - the image read parameters to use when reading
a buffered image
IllegalStateException - if input is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public Iterator readAll(ImageReadParam> params)
            throws IOException
Read all image frames all at once, using the given image read parameters iterator, and return an iterator over a collection of IIOImages. Each IIOImage in the collection will contain a buffered image as returned by getDestination. Installed read progress listeners, update progress listeners and warning listeners will be notified of read progress, changes in sample sets and warnings respectively. Each set of source and destination band settings are checked with a call to checkReadParamBandSettings.
params - iterator over the image read parameters
an IIOImage
IllegalStateException - if input has not been set
IllegalArgumentException - if a non-ImageReadParam is found in params
IllegalArgumentException - if param.getSourceBands() and param.getDestinationBands() are incompatible
IllegalArgumentException - if either the source or destination image regions are empty
IOException - if a read error occurs


public IIOImage readAll(int imageIndex,
                        ImageReadParam param)
            throws IOException
Read the given frame all at once, using the given image read parameters, and return an IIOImage. The IIOImage will contain a buffered image as returned by getDestination. Installed read progress listeners, update progress listeners and warning listeners will be notified of read progress, changes in sample sets and warnings respectively. The source and destination band settings are checked with a call to checkReadParamBandSettings.
imageIndex - the index of the image frame to read
param - the image read parameters
an IIOImage
IllegalStateException - if input has not been set
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IllegalArgumentException - if param.getSourceBands() and param.getDestinationBands() are incompatible
IllegalArgumentException - if either the source or destination image regions are empty
IOException - if a read error occurs


public RenderedImage readAsRenderedImage(int imageIndex,
                                         ImageReadParam param)
            throws IOException
Read a rendered image. This is a more general counterpart to read (int, ImageReadParam). All image data may not be read before this method returns and so listeners will not necessarily be notified.
imageIndex - the index of the image frame to read
param - the image read parameters
a rendered image
IllegalStateException - if input is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IllegalArgumentException - if param.getSourceBands() and param.getDestinationBands() are incompatible
IllegalArgumentException - if either the source or destination image regions are empty
IOException - if a read error occurs


public Raster readRaster(int imageIndex,
                         ImageReadParam param)
            throws IOException
Read raw raster data. The image type specifier in param is ignored but all other parameters are used. Offset parameters are translated into the raster's coordinate space. This method may be implemented by image readers that want to provide direct access to raw image data.
imageIndex - the frame index
param - the image read parameters
a raster containing the read image data
UnsupportedOperationException - if this reader doesn't support rasters
IllegalStateException - if input is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public BufferedImage readThumbnail(int imageIndex,
                                   int thumbnailIndex)
            throws IOException
Read a thumbnail.
imageIndex - the frame index
thumbnailIndex - the thumbnail index
a buffered image of the thumbnail
UnsupportedOperationException - if this reader doesn't support thumbnails
IllegalStateException - if input is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if either the frame index or the thumbnail index is out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public BufferedImage readTile(int imageIndex,
                              int tileX,
                              int tileY)
            throws IOException
Read the given tile into a buffered image. If the tile coordinates are out-of-bounds an exception is thrown. If the image is not tiled then the coordinates 0, 0 are expected and the entire image will be read.
imageIndex - the frame index
tileX - the horizontal tile coordinate
tileY - the vertical tile coordinate
the contents of the tile as a buffered image
IllegalStateException - if input is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IllegalArgumentException - if the tile coordinates are out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public Raster readTileRaster(int imageIndex,
                             int tileX,
                             int tileY)
            throws IOException
Read the given tile into a raster containing the raw image data. If the tile coordinates are out-of-bounds an exception is thrown. If the image is not tiled then the coordinates 0, 0 are expected and the entire image will be read.
imageIndex - the frame index
tileX - the horizontal tile coordinate
tileY - the vertical tile coordinate
the contents of the tile as a raster
UnsupportedOperationException - if rasters are not supported
IllegalStateException - if input is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the frame index is out-of-bounds
IllegalArgumentException - if the tile coordinates are out-of-bounds
IOException - if a read error occurs


public boolean readerSupportsThumbnails()
Check if this reader supports reading thumbnails.
true if this reader supports reading thumbnails, false otherwise


public void removeAllIIOReadProgressListeners()
Uninstall all read progress listeners.


public void removeAllIIOReadUpdateListeners()
Uninstall all read update listeners.


public void removeAllIIOReadWarningListeners()
Uninstall all read warning listeners.


public void removeIIOReadProgressListener(IIOReadProgressListener listener)
Uninstall the given read progress listener.
listener - the listener to remove


public void removeIIOReadUpdateListener(IIOReadUpdateListener listener)
Uninstall the given read update listener.
listener - the listener to remove


public void removeIIOReadWarningListener(IIOReadWarningListener listener)
Uninstall the given read warning listener.
listener - the listener to remove


public void reset()
Reset this reader's internal state.


public void setInput(Object input)
Set the input source to the given object. The input source must be set before many methods can be called on this reader. (see all ImageReader methods that throw IllegalStateException). If input is null then the current input source will be removed.
input - the input source object
IllegalArgumentException - if input is not a valid input source for this reader and is not an ImageInputStream


public void setInput(Object in,
                     boolean seekForwardOnly)
Set the input source to the given object and specify whether this reader should be allowed to read input from the data stream more than once. The input source must be set before many methods can be called on this reader. (see all ImageReader methods that throw IllegalStateException). If input is null then the current input source will be removed.
in - the input source object
seekForwardOnly - true if this reader should be allowed to read input from the data stream more than once, false otherwise
IllegalArgumentException - if input is not a valid input source for this reader and is not an ImageInputStream


public void setInput(Object input,
                     boolean seekForwardOnly,
                     boolean ignoreMetadata)
Set the input source to the given object, specify whether this reader should be allowed to read input from the data stream more than once, and specify whether this reader should ignore metadata in the input stream. The input source must be set before many methods can be called on this reader. (see all ImageReader methods that throw IllegalStateException). If input is null then the current input source will be removed. Unless this reader has direct access with imaging hardware, input should be an ImageInputStream.
input - the input source object
seekForwardOnly - true if this reader should be allowed to read input from the data stream more than once, false otherwise
ignoreMetadata - true if this reader should ignore metadata associated with the input source, false otherwise
IllegalArgumentException - if input is not a valid input source for this reader and is not an ImageInputStream


public void setLocale(Locale locale)
Set the current locale or use the default locale.
locale - the locale to set, or null -- Decodes raster images. Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Classpath. GNU Classpath is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Classpath is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Classpath; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.